Submitted by Sisiwakanamaru t3_zmp0ts in television
warrenmax12 t1_j0c7s7i wrote
It’s nor real ffs. More incest in my TV, thank you
mg_ridgeview t1_j0c9clj wrote
They're doing it for shock value. The envelope has been pushed in so many other ways, people were running out of ideas so, incest.
nachobidnis t1_j0c9pc7 wrote
HBO has a problem? Have you been to a porn site in the past 2 years?
gonzagylot00 t1_j0capon wrote
Seriously, go to any porn site and they are pushing incest porn all over the front page. Not my thing!
clavitopaz t1_j0cas4s wrote
As we all know, HBO only approved Game of Thrones because of the sexy incest
Bowman_van_Oort t1_j0cbjxq wrote
porn in 2030 be like "what are you doing step-school-shooter?"
marsupialsales t1_j0cci9g wrote
People are fascinated/obsessed with taboos. It’s not new.
RealCoolDad t1_j0cd00n wrote
It’s only by marriage!
Neo2199 t1_j0cev55 wrote
> Case in point: this week’s episode of Gossip Girl, which joins a long list of HBO series fascinated with family-on-family fucking with its plotline about a sister and brother going at it at a New York hotel. It’s certainly juicy. It’s definitely gross. And, let’s face it, it is a bizarre obsession. How is this still so prevalent?...
> Even more unforgivable, this was a wasted opportunity to get Kristen Bell in the voiceover booth and have her say some outrageously snarky line about incest. I was shocked to not hear the disembodied voice of Gossip Girl say something about brother-banging to cap off the episode.
> If we have to sit through the millionth incest plotline of the year, at least make it meme-worthy.
There you've it, HBO made a big mistake by not making the incest plot "meme-worthy"
bhejda t1_j0cg6sh wrote
Are you sure you have tracking cookies deactivated? Maybe it offers according to previous interests...
Solonotix t1_j0chzi0 wrote
I don't think porn sites are pushing it. It's one of those emergent content problems. From my perspective, in the early days of the step-fantasy and incest genre, it was usually more about providing a believable backdrop for the scenario. Once that authentic-amateur aesthetic became popular, the rest of the industry caught on, and now every video can slap a "Step-<relation>" tag to increase clicks. What's more, it makes it easy to define relations of the two or more actors without having to spend time in dialog.
Step-Mom immediately tells you there is an age difference of older woman. If it's straight porn, you know younger guy. Gay porn, it's a younger woman. Same thing with the babysitter trope, older guy screws younger girl (because babysitter characters are almost always jailbait-looking actresses).
urborous t1_j0cjx8p wrote
Interesting, but I remember opening a Victorian porn novel and it was all incest, really vile stuff. I believe what you're saying (they just throw "step" on cuz nobody cares about the story,) but it's longterm.
scijior t1_j0ck2qt wrote
…last 40 years.
Neo2199 t1_j0ck93z wrote
Couple years ago, there was an article on Vice talking about increasing popularity of incest porn in recent years.
Vice: How Incest Porn Is Making a Comeback - March 7, 2016
> Jeff Dillon, the vice president of business development of (which handles popular porn hub GameLink), says that interest in fauxcest porn has increased by over 1,000 percent in the last five years. "This niche was really popular in the 70s and 80s," he says, noting the striking popularity of 1980 fauxcest feature Taboo—in which a sexually frustrated mother whose husband has recently left her ends up turning to her son, who, despite being asleep at the time, ultimately reciprocates—and other fauxcest films that were so unique, the public became fascinated.
> "But [fauxcest] faded out in the 90s," Dillon says, in part because incest stories are based on relationships between characters, and narrative in porn started to fade out of fashion. "I believe it went away in part because of the rise of B&B—big boobs and blonde hair. The 80s were the beginning of the glamorous porn superstars and contract studio stars. It led to many different genres of porn, many of which weren't story-driven."
> However, the past decade has seen a resurgence in narrative porn, setting the stage for a fauxcest comeback. "We've revisited a lot of older genres," Dillon says. "Parodies had their revival already, and now it's like producers and consumers are rediscovering the fauxcest genre, and it's back in style." Two years ago, adult studio Forbidden Fruit Films began exclusively featuring family role-play scenes. Millennial porn viewers—and especially women—have taken to the genre with a surprising appetite.
ReidsThings t1_j0ckfil wrote
It’s Thursday
12345CodeToMyLuggage t1_j0ckwsm wrote
Briggs Hatton is rumored to be a large part of HBO creative development.
Chataboutgames t1_j0cl5qs wrote
It's a self reinforcing cycle. Stupid step sibling themed stuff dominates the market, so that's where the top tier performers end up working, so more people end up watching step sibling stuff because while they aren't interested in the theme/kink it's the thing the porn sites are putting in front of them at the most marketable moment.
milkysatan t1_j0clf2a wrote
This might sound weird but I wonder if part of the interest has to do with people seeking content with actors acting like they care about each other. There aren't a lot of porn genres that focus on characters who are even friends, let alone that love each other.
MelissaMiranti t1_j0clr7a wrote
They adapted a series with incest in the story and backstory, and then another one. It was always going to be an element of society's darker side, and HBO does a lot of shows on that darker side. They do a lot of rape, murder, drugs, prostitution, torture, and organized crime in their shows too.
Would you write about Hallmark's obsession with kissing?
ThatPlayWasAwful t1_j0cmcea wrote
was incest porn a big thing on porn sites in the 80s?
Shapen361 t1_j0cn156 wrote
I think it's a massive case of correlation, not causation. My guess is someone saw a stepmom porn a while ago and clicked and watched because the porn star was hot. Then the person who made the video goes "hmmmm people love stepmom porn, we should make more" and now it's gotten totally out of hand.
scijior t1_j0cn20r wrote
I suppose I was thinking more like VHS, with this series starting in 1980 and spawning 23 different titles that continued until 2007… when porn websites took up the slack
[deleted] t1_j0cngrc wrote
Frost312 t1_j0cniqy wrote
Honestly, I like this take on it. Cause there was and still somewhat is, a huge "goreporn" and all its subsidiaries, on the other end of the spectrum.
dangeralpaca t1_j0co7ag wrote
Also, the original Gossip Girl series on the CW had at least one incest plot line that I can remember. It’s not breaking new ground for that show to begin with
ISayISayISay t1_j0co8jc wrote
If that's their grossest obsession, things could be a lot worse. I mean, I get it, of course: incest is taboo for good reason, but "gross"? IDK... how many programmes do they have where murder is a key plot point? Now that's what I call gross.
Neo2199 t1_j0cof5c wrote
Yeah, that's why 70s/80s porn movies are the best.
hannahbaba t1_j0corg2 wrote
This is so oddly wholesome in a conversation about porn.
hannahbaba t1_j0cp2xh wrote
There’s a lot of that in Game of Thrones too!
Solonotix t1_j0cp5m3 wrote
Sure, incest has quite the storied history. It's fairly well-documented, especially in places of nobility and cultures of "pure blood". That said, incest has been taboo since humans have had laws, really.
There's a well-known behavior among humans called the mere-exposure effect, whereby you become attracted to people you spend a lot of time with. Generally the first thing that triggers a new romantic relationship is time spent together, and conversely a common trigger for breakup/divorce is lack of quality time together. Now, extrapolate that to family, and you have a problem in which you have a high chance of becoming romantically involved with your progeny, caregiver, or sibling. Luckily, humans have a pheromone/mechanism (not sure exactly, read about it once and I dread the search to find it again) that short-circuits that behavior and generally causes you to view immediate family as non-mating partners. Obviously this isn't perfect either, because there are plenty of stories about familial rape, but it's part of why the practice isn't universal. On the contrary, the occurrence is low enough that we might consider the ones who partake to be aberrations.
As always with humans, it's complicated. There's a mix of primitive, biological urges, as well as societal pressures to keep healthy gene pools flourishing, but it doesn't stop people from being tempted or indulging in behaviors others might seem unsavory.
Changnesia61 t1_j0cpaeq wrote
That guy was streets behind.
kclongest t1_j0cpuls wrote
I remember a few years back my younger nephew got in trouble for looking at porn and older family members out of the loop on the porn situation were running around saying he was looking at incest porn. I was all like “Waaaait a minute, here.. you all don’t get it!”
[deleted] t1_j0cqlcb wrote
MicroFlamer t1_j0cqxez wrote
I know that people here are clowning on the article but I think it is worth talking about. Another more egrigous example of HBO shoehorning incest is in Rome(2005) where >!Octavian has sex with his sister!<
This almost certainly didn't happen since
Romans weren’t all that tolerant of incest
When >!Octavian became emperor!< he was pretty pious based on how he treated his daughter after she committed adultery.
It's just weird
GrumpyBearBank t1_j0cu2x6 wrote
Romans in that time period accused everyone of incest. It was a cultural thing to accuse others of. There’s almost never a real reason to think it really happened.
It’s important to note that morality with men in Rome worked very differently than with women. But yes Augustus didn’t fuck his sister.
MayaIngenue t1_j0cuanb wrote
Wake me when we get to characters getting stuck bent over in random places
randydarsh44 t1_j0cuya2 wrote
No need to kink shame HBO.
BMS_Fan_4life t1_j0cv3ha wrote
If an episode of gossip girl leads to an article about obsession wait until you hear about this family called the targarians
bubbafatok t1_j0cvvpo wrote
Since this is a television sub, I should get allowance since I was quoting Buffy. :)
And in a non-serious way...
What, someone being over pedantic on Reddit? Must be Tuesday.
EnderGraff t1_j0cvvwt wrote
I’ve also heard it’s a really cheap way to add plot and taboo to a porno.
Like two or three lines of dialog and you’ve set the whole situation up to be something more than just people banging.
lupuscapabilis t1_j0cwg50 wrote
I'm not sure how you'd define incest as anything other than the word gross.
The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_j0cx66j wrote
Did this moron really just say The White Lotus is an example of this? I think the whole point of that scene was to show that they were in fact not uncle and nephew.
Gordon_Explosion t1_j0cxuzl wrote
I've never partaken, but has anyone considered it may be more common than anyone believes, and between consenting adults? It isn't like you can ever talk about it. Not only publicly ostracized, but you get thrown in prison.
The USA was founded by Puritans, and it still shows.
TotalitarianismPrism t1_j0czgjg wrote
It's the answer to the post as well. It's taboo, alluring, and popular. Sure, it's gross to think about realistically, but TV is fantasy and demand rules. The fact of the matter is that, if it really grossed everyone out, the shows would flop and HBO would stop making them. The shows are popular and people are watching them, encouraging HBO to keep making them.
CommentToBeDeleted t1_j0d04y9 wrote
Stop suggesting those gross things step-brother. Ewwww... I would never.
Seriously though, can you blame porn? Incest is one of those things that, so easy to include in videos. You just say "step-[relationship]" at any point in the video and BOOM you've now attracted another entire audience.
It's kind of like family shows lately that insert a token gay scene or character. It takes all but 0.5 seconds for them to deliver the dialogue that says "ah-hah! they ARE gay", it doesn't affect the plot in any meaningful way and now disney, pixar exec's get to be like "yeah we've always been down with the rainbow, we are inclusive."
evil_burrito t1_j0d1cn9 wrote
I would guess that HBO can read the, "what kind of porn people search for most" posts as well as anybody else.
trippstick t1_j0d22pc wrote
We are all the product of it sadly
Stonesword75 t1_j0d2647 wrote
MediumToblerone t1_j0d263j wrote
The number one most read book in the world is rampant with incest, how is anyone still shocked by it?
attemptedmonknf t1_j0d47dh wrote
'Oh bother'
ReidsThings t1_j0d4gpx wrote
No, it’s Friday now
jyper t1_j0d6nsj wrote
Sure but
It's not Porn it's HBO.
barkbarkkrabkrab t1_j0d6xdj wrote
I only remember pseudo incest in the original. Like Dan and Serena had a shared half sibling.
gonzagylot00 t1_j0d946w wrote
Not my thing. I never click on those. I don't want to make lewd remarks about what kind of porno I watch, but the "step-brother/step-sister" genre isn't it.
dangeralpaca t1_j0d94kg wrote
There’s that, but i was actually thinking of the older woman that Nate is involved with during the Hampton’ arc at the beginning of season 2. They discover she’s been sleeping with her step-son
gonzagylot00 t1_j0d9hjq wrote
That's interesting.
I have to wonder also if the COVID years of people spending a lot of time at home resulted in more uh, interest, in incest porn.
mrbrambles t1_j0dcjhe wrote
Media has an obsession with taboo and outrage. To your point, incest could be rationalized if you break it down into atomic parts, or add obfuscation (“they didn’t know they were related!”Or “they are biologically unrelated”). That means it’s a particularly safe and easy to generate moral outrage and conversation about technicality. No one is out here making blockbuster limited series about eating babies or whatever is completely morally debased material yet.
But idk if you can say this is a uniquely American moral stance. For that you take the classic Hannibal example of “you can’t show a naked dead titty unless it is absolutely covered - I mean drenched - in gore and blood.”
Zero_ST t1_j0dcl1b wrote
I really hate the modern incest porn trend. As soon as the word "step" is uttered my boner is killed. Going back 5+ years ago there was much less but it was far hotter without any of that nonsense. If they aren't blood related, who cares?
JeanVicquemare t1_j0dftn7 wrote
Does anyone really believe that HBO content executives are in the board room saying, "We need more incest shows! Bring me incest!"
I don't think it's a strategy. They're just known for allowing writers to make stories that have challenging or taboo content.
bullettrain1 t1_j0dgxvo wrote
Incest has been taboo for thousands of years primarily because it went against most culture’s purpose of marriage, which was the exchange of wealth / property. With incest, no wealth transfer occurs, so it was shunned by the general population. However, wealthy families / royals encouraged incest in order to keep the wealth in the family / not pass wealth to peasants.
AquariusE t1_j0djr2m wrote
I was under the impression that it actually was his uncle after all. When Portia confronts him in the car about it, he doesn’t deny it. She expected him to, and then he didn’t, which is why her face fell. At least that’s how I took it.
retroracer33 t1_j0dl4x3 wrote
so 2 examples? 3 if you count their awful white lotus example. if you watched that scene and still thought they were uncle and nephew you need some critical thinking exercises because they made it quite obvious something was up with them.
VicFantastic t1_j0dmemj wrote
You do realize that they arn't actually related right?
Just turn the sound down
GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j0dnchu wrote
No. People get off on taboo shit.
[deleted] t1_j0dp6pf wrote
Zero_ST t1_j0dpy6x wrote
If I turn the sound down then I can't hear the "cum inside me daddy" and such, so it's just a normal porn scene. Boooring.
And in the porn I watch, plenty of them are actually related.
brandnewreddituswr t1_j0dsk4o wrote
Ever since that one Morty asked that incest would be more acceptable
brandnewreddituswr t1_j0dsnz2 wrote
Same Mom for all these kids
fiction_for_tits t1_j0dtdrz wrote
It's weird that this thread is acting like this hasn't been a common feature of HBO For twenty years.
Six Feet Under, Deadwood, and Rome, those "early days, pioneers" of serialized TV all heavily featured incest based subplots.
Rome was the most incredibly baffling one because it was the least narratively condemning of it and it was never even marginally alluded to at any point in history between those two characters. They built up the character of Octavia and then had her fuck her brother, while also floating familial sexual tension throughout both seasons and even explicitly calling on a young Octavian to have sex with his uncle.
Incest is everywhere in the Rome show.
One of Six Feet Under's biggest plots is Billy's unrequited sexual attraction to his sister, which she rejects outright, but quietly entertains and is frequently curious about in private.
Deadwood's Joanie Stubbs was a character all about incest and how that affected her life and her future relationships.
Boardwalk Empire featured paternal incest.
Bored to Death had incest. Arguably manipulative incest.
It's hard to find a time when HBO isn't running incest and at times aren't jamming incest in for some reason where it doesn't belong. Then, of course, its two flagship shows are about Incest: The Movie - The Musical (The Series) in ASOIAF.
You can argue this or that about its motive, but you can't argue its frequency nor the fact that HBO seems to ask if there's a way to shovel some incest into your script.
truethatson t1_j0du5jr wrote
I’m just thankful I don’t have siblings so I don’t even have a basis to comprehend why all of you want to be sister-lovers. This argument that HBO or porn sites are pushing it seems pretty weak. They’re businesses following the statistics and algorithms like any other business, and the math says that the majority of you totally want to bang your sisters lol
zootsuited t1_j0du5u3 wrote
ok i heard a comedian mano agapion posit this theory: since most ppl’s sexual awakening was themed with shame as a young person, they are now trying to still find “shameful” things to get themselves off (i’m paraphrasing poorly) thus all the stepmom and incest porn (and that is now just trickling into mainstream since it’s so ubiquitous in porn)
Dry-Mortgage5063 t1_j0e2y52 wrote
Nah. I work tangential to the industry and interface directly with customers. They're into the incest.
Impossible-Will-8414 t1_j0e3qib wrote
It's fauxcest. A step relative is not in any way blood related, and it is not incest. Do any of these films show REAL incest? Such as, an actual mom and son? An actual brother and sister? No. They play it safe and show steps, and that does NOT COUNT as incest in any way.
Impossible-Will-8414 t1_j0e3vkp wrote
It's always stepsisters. Not real sisters. Stepsisters are not related by blood. It is not incest.
Gowantae t1_j0e414u wrote
There is something called the Westermark effect. Adults are not sexually attracted to people with whom they grew up. They don't have to be relatives, so we know it's not purely based on pheromones. Some evidence of this is Taiwanese minor marriages, where pairs that were married as children had higher rates of divorce and infidelity and were less likely to have kids. Also Kibbutz age-mates, where Jewish immigrants lived in communal nurseries, and rarely would children that grew up in close proximity marry each other.
coletrain644 t1_j0ecwho wrote
It's also cheap as hell to make scene "taboo" in the definitive sense. Lots of people like to like things society says they shouldn't and it doesn't cost anything to make a scene taboo by adding a few extra words to a script.
Lyphyr t1_j0edbfw wrote
????? (:(:(:(:
Gabzop t1_j0ef3ol wrote
My man said "if they aren't blood related, who cares?" Like that's a normal thing.
Lima1998 t1_j0efud9 wrote
It's not like they're ACTUALLY related!
SiidChawsby t1_j0ek73f wrote
For a friend
Sparrow1989 t1_j0et098 wrote
It’s a bold strategy cotton.
SkiptomyLoomis t1_j0et2sv wrote
Lmao started reading this comment assuming you were just another guy mad at the amount of “step” porn out there, did not expect incest porn purism.
Zero_ST t1_j0etdt3 wrote
ermenart t1_j0eyw0h wrote
Let’s see if it pays off.
Jpat863 t1_j0ezl4f wrote
I miss the good ole days of seeing women banged in buses, vans, and by a pizza delivery guy.
GlitterChemist t1_j0f0449 wrote
I just got a step ladder. But, I still miss my real ladder.
Zone1Act1 t1_j0f6etb wrote
Nah. He just knows the jig is up. She's got it figured out and he's ashamed.
Jack has the wrong accent. He is just some kid.
[deleted] t1_j0f6jo9 wrote
Agreed lol it's as if there's a ban on these fantasy scenarios unless "step" is in the title.
Vorenos t1_j0f6pdv wrote
Nor is Gossip Girl an HBO show….
IolausTelcontar t1_j0f8ohz wrote
Dawn’s in trouble…
operationtasty t1_j0faetn wrote
Bout 7 years, my guy
AquariusE t1_j0fc767 wrote
Could be. That was just the way I interpreted his look and how he said he was in a really dark place. Looks like it’s meant to be left ambiguous according to the actors? Who knows.
Either way, I wouldn’t put much stock in the accents being different. I have a different accent from some of my aunts and uncles. If you grow up in different areas, it can happen. They’re both British dialects at any rate!
powerfulKRH t1_j0fdyli wrote
I’m only on episode 3 and you just got my mind spinning lol. No idea what’s coming. I love this show. Megan Fahy is the best
lt_dan_zsu t1_j0fe7ez wrote
It's a taboo, which creates tension in a story... it's not that hard to figure out. Also, it's not like it's every, or even a lot of shows.
davtruss t1_j0fhg02 wrote
I think this was covered on a "Brady Bunch" thread the other day. Just because I never thought about my own sisters or mom this way doesn't mean that one upstairs bathroom at the Brady home never led to questions. Talk about Jack and Jill....
GetYourSundayShoes t1_j0fjntr wrote
The reboot is on HBO Max
JTGreenan73 t1_j0fl795 wrote
And it’s not like it’s something they can cut bc it’s very much important to the plot
JustABiViking420 t1_j0fvpjj wrote
Im ngl I was sent a gay furry comic from the 90's that was the best porn I've ever read through mostly because the sex was limited to a handful of scenes and the rest was a really gripping story about coming out in college and accepting your sexuality. Idk how many people can say a porn comic legit made them cry because of how emotionally invested you get from the characters
Vorenos t1_j0g7wfm wrote
Which is not the same thing as HBO itself… the branding is too convoluted
Lostscribe007 t1_j0gcgvh wrote
Bravo, that joke landed on two levels.
Murasakitsuyukusa t1_j0gci6g wrote
They think that shock is the best foundation for drama, for whatever reason.
SinfullySweetLS t1_j0gfdt4 wrote
....and expecting us not to notice still to pay for their shrinking library of content...
Columbus43219 t1_j0gjbc1 wrote
I'm p-p-p-p-pushig as hard as I can!
[deleted] t1_j0gns2u wrote
Yea it was literally an explicit plot point…. Journalism is fucking dead and buried
[deleted] t1_j0gnx7c wrote
Are you ACTUALLY confused?
zerosympathy28 t1_j0go22a wrote
That’s the best part!
Thetrav1sty t1_j0goj4p wrote
RIP Final Space
bibliographyfreak t1_j0grzn3 wrote
That book is also filled with murder, and yet…
Darnell5000 t1_j0gt2p5 wrote
For real. I miss the years of “I’m your nurse! Let me do a quick check up” or “I’m your teacher and you’re failing this class”. Like… go back to those scenarios. What also sucks is the porn studios claim “The incest stuff does well. Why change it?” People aren’t watching for the plot. They’re skipping over it. Switch back to Nurse/Patient and the numbers won’t drop off.
femminem t1_j0guvxb wrote
In Six Feet Under, that understanding is used to drive home just how psychotic Billy is. It’s certainly not glamorizing it.
Worried_squirrel25 t1_j0gx3pv wrote
It’s society, and incest in an ultimate societal taboo. HBO capitalized on it by using it as adult edge content.
Plus HBO doesn’t direct these shows. Producers create it and it’s on HBO. Maybe people shouldn’t be so sensitive, you’re watching HBO aren’t you?
JMKAB t1_j0gxrhe wrote
GoT was understandable cause it was pretty shocking, but something that happened in medieval kingdoms. It made great plot points too
House of Dragon...they got weird. We already know the Targs were cool with incest, but they spent WAY too much time on it. I had to skip the beach scene cause it was just cringey to watch and added NOTHING to the story
Ang3lo92 t1_j0gy9m4 wrote
My little brother changed his Xbox gamertag to “WtrUDoinStepBro” back in 2015 so I’d say it’s been going for quite awhile.
BrianMagnumFilms t1_j0h0mc2 wrote
this writer believing they were “strung along” by white lotus into thinking jack was actually having sex with his uncle, when it was like absurdly obvious the second we saw that scene that he was not in fact his uncle. also i hate the lazy quips this is written with pop culture hot take industrial complex needs to be nuked from orbit
valuethempaths t1_j0h0sfo wrote
That’s terrible. Having to check in as the family porn expert to protect him from judgement.
kclongest t1_j0h17dh wrote
Well, I was happy to be the expert witness.
AquariusE t1_j0h5hd0 wrote
I’m confused by your comment. Anything to actually add to the discussion?
bubbafatok t1_j0c7n5z wrote
FFS, Daily Beast pearl clutching. Must be Tuesday.