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Tce_ t1_j20z4v1 wrote

Same (about what I want from short form comedy shows)! Community also has a lot of heart stuffed in between the cynicism and terrible people XD It works for me. Especially if I ignore Pierce.

I really recommend B99, if you don't mind that it's about NYPD officers (it requires some suspension of disbelief). At least as funny as the other ones, and it gets more and more wholesome as well when the characters' relationships evolve.


Huntalot713 t1_j20zhxu wrote

You’re absolutely right about that, most of the characters genuinely care about each other and it’s why the show works.

I do want to check out B99 eventually. Cop shows in general aren’t my favorite, but I like both Schur and Samberg enough to give it a shot.


Tce_ t1_j215pxu wrote

Yeah, totally get that. I think it's easier for me to enjoy because I'm not American and have a lot of distance to American cops. I just treat it as an entirely fictional universe, far from reality. And the cast is so goddamn charming (Samberg especially).


Huntalot713 t1_j2163z9 wrote

You’ve convinced me. I lean too far into the “appreciate the art, damn the artist” side of thinking to not be able to give fictional police officers a chance when everyone involved is a gem.


Tce_ t1_j216cvp wrote

:) I hope you enjoy it!