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Stonebeast1 t1_j21pm34 wrote

Looks like the downvotes don’t want to face that we are all getting old lol


nysraved t1_j22228s wrote

I wasn’t going to say anything but complaining about downvotes is annoying. No offense but the reason why you may have gotten downvotes is because this is a low effort post.

The trailer for this show was at the top of various subreddits, including this one, when it was released a few weeks ago. It looked pretty terrible IMO. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people assumed your post itself was an ad.

I also don’t see how the imminent release of this show, which has already gotten marketed a decent amount, fits the “want to feel old” joke


Stonebeast1 t1_j222st8 wrote

Ok, sorry if I am not always caught up with the times. I hadn’t heard it was coming out until I got an email from Netflix about a random show coming soon and I saw it listed below that as also coming soon.

I was complaining about the downvotes because this was just a PSA and confused why someone would downvote it. (Nothing negative Or particularly scandalous about the post the way others might be)

Low effort post because I would much rather post an image (like the front page of it rather than text but this group doesn’t allow that). Also had to repost it since the first was 2 short so I was really just filling up the text with 100 characters.


nysraved t1_j223oxn wrote

Yeah again no offense, but especially with Reddit algorithms for some reason pushing new r/television posts to everyone’s home page recently… I don’t think we really need “PSA” type posts simply announcing the upcoming release of a new TV show.

That’s what those Netflix emails are for lol, not the type of content I come to this sub for (unless it also comes with some more valuable information like casting news or a trailer)