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nayrlladnar t1_j1xcsk5 wrote

Made me remember God Friended Me...


comped t1_j1xomtt wrote

Did the account ever turn out to actually be god?


stringrandom t1_j1xsysd wrote

I stand by the idea that god was The Machine from Person of Interest, and that the whole show is an extension of PoI.

(But officially, it ends without explicitly showing the answer.)


IOnlyLiftSammiches t1_j1ycpc7 wrote

This is the best explanation I've seen and I'll be adopting it myself. Thank you!


bros402 t1_j1zk0oz wrote

that was my fanwank for the show


inkista t1_j21fry9 wrote

Yup. That was my mental framework for watching God Friended Me: that the Machine from POI was fanfic/LARPING Early Edition. :)


uselessartist t1_j2046q5 wrote

Huh I never heard of this show. I actually had a pretty popular God account on Facebook back in the day.
