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MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j1e5s8i wrote


>Brown was arrested and booked on misdemeanor domestic violence charges Thursday, an officer with the Lima police department told The Hollywood Reporter. Local authorities were called to a residence on the 400 block of Baxter Street following a report of a fight around 9:30 a.m., according to a police report.

>Brown was already at the residence, according to the report, when another man who identified himself as Brown’s brother and the home’s owner arrived to the former actor yelling. Brown allegedly threatened the victim with a hammer and “broken off knife blade.” Police recovered both items involved in the incident from within the house.


Billbrandicus t1_j1e5shm wrote

His "personal life" section on wikipedia is a trip. Hope he gets through whatever he's going through.


BjornBeetleBorg t1_j1efddi wrote

By the time he got to family matters that show was a shell of its former self. almost unwatchable


formenonly t1_j1eihwy wrote

“That’s SO Raven. Too Raven. This will end…poorly.”


blizzard-op t1_j1ekr79 wrote

Sucks to see him backsliding again over the past year or so. Dude seemed like he was getting his life straightened out. Hopefully he can get back on the right track


FMThemeSongEveryPost t1_j1elx3c wrote

Bummer, hope he gets help.

It's a rare condition, this day and age, to read any good news on the newspaper page.


Hellofriendinternet t1_j1eueji wrote

Man. He was the little kid in Major Payne. It seems like an axiom in Hollywood is that if you want to fuck up your child’s life, make them a child star.


MyStationIsAbandoned t1_j1ezy1j wrote

Dr. Phil is such a piece of shit. Watch that interview on Youtube. Orlando is clearly having an extreme episode and is incoherent. He says weird stuff like "well one baby is 2 years old, but we don't know the name yet because it's still in the womb" or something like that. He's clearly out of his mind.

He got better once he went to a different place, but now with this news, i guess he's back down again, but I haven't read any of the details.

I've been following him a few years. He used to go live when he was on a lot of hard drugs. And he'd go on rants that lasted for hours saying that he's Will Smith's son, Michael Jackson's son, and other stuff like that. He made other wild and horrible claims about other celebrities but I wont spread any rumors here, wont mention their names. but he accused some of the worst crimes imaginable, I'll say.

Even when he's "clean" and doing interviews, he seems off. Not sure if that's who is, the drugs did it to his mind, or he's just not actually clean. It's hard to say.

I just know he was going to be on the Raven's House show and even had talks for a Coach Eddie show, but his drug use got in the way I guess. As well as his rambles about the industry...

So now it seems like there's no hope of him getting back on the shows he used to be on, and are now being rebooted (like Proud Family and That's so Raven). While most of the blame is very much on him, it also seems to be his agent's fault too for some of his downward spiraling.


Green_Tea_Totaler t1_j1f8qtv wrote

Eddie was the coolest character on Disney Channel. I remember Danimals(?) did some promotion where you could spend the day hanging out with either Orlando, Raven, or Phil of the Future. It was the only sweepstakes I ever bothered trying to enter. I didn't win, of course.

I caught that Dr. Phil interview on TV. I was flipping through channels and was like, "IS THAT EDDIE!?" Man, was that disturbing to watch. I hope he does seek treatment.


ECW-WCW-WWF t1_j1fg309 wrote

I’m Glad My Mom Died.

Honey Boy

Sarah Lynn in Bojack Horseman.

Good examples of what you’re talking about. Honey Boy is the one to watch out of the 3. It’s about Shi’a’s life growing up and being on Even Stevens


KingGeorgeIVE t1_j1fhnb4 wrote

Remember when he said Nick Cannon sucked him off, and Nick didn't deny it?


boygriv t1_j1fqy5o wrote

That's not very Raven.


SolarHexis t1_j1frc84 wrote

I had an extended meet and greet with him when I was in eighth grade at the private school I went to. One of my classmate’s parents was his agent and had a meet and greet lunch at our school as an auction item. My parents and two other family friends at the school pitched in to win the bid. I was super pumped, being a huge fan of that so raven. Dude shows up with three other guys (which was fucking wild, not like he needed security that extensive, and he certainly wasn’t popular enough to require an entourage when going to a small Christian middle school). The lunch we had was catered by an awesome local place; he took literally two bites of it and didn’t eat anymore. He went to the bathroom like five times within the first half hour. I don’t think he was ripping Coke, seemed like he was on downers though. Eyelids sagging and what not. Oh, and homeboy was literally double cupping his drink in two styrofoam cups.. lol. (We’re in Houston, and we were all aware of the implication there even as kids.. lol)After lunch we got to play three on three basketball with him and he seemed like he enjoyed that more than lunch, and then he left as soon as the 1.5 hours was up. Right before he left, he did the typical “stay in school” line. That might have been the highlight haha


Afleet216 t1_j1fsh9m wrote

I really am interested in why he was in Lima of all places


chaoticmessiah t1_j1g3abk wrote

So we got another Johnny Depp on our hands, great.

Fuck these abusers.


contacts_eyes t1_j1g4jf0 wrote

I was just watching his batshit insane interview on Vlad TV, he was talking about having sex with Raven Symone. He’s a strange dude.


AlfaBetaZulu t1_j1g7l77 wrote

Personally I hope he can get his life together. For the most part he seems like a good dude. It just seems he's gotten caught up in the same mess so many child stars so. I'll keep rooting for him though.


AlfaBetaZulu t1_j1g852m wrote

If you read the article there was no beating. Tbh I'm not sure where the domestic abuse charges come from. Every article I've seen says there was no physical altercation. I'm assuming there is more they are leaving out or the charges are just overzealous and will be lowered or dropped entirely.

But yes of course everyone hopes he can continue to avoid any beatings like he has done.


kaneabel t1_j1gck9d wrote

That doesn’t sound so Raven


rcw16 t1_j1gegt7 wrote

I don’t usually watch Dr. Phil but I was in a hotel and nothing was on a few years ago so my husband I watched this episode. It was disgusting. He was clearly having some sort of mental episode and Dr. Phil and his show completely exploited it for ratings. It was disturbing.


platitood t1_j1gv54q wrote

Counterpoint: millions of kids are tucked up, but we notice the celebrity ones. I hate to say it but, I don’t know if we have data that it’s worse to be a celebrity kid than not. Which is not me endorsing celebrity status for kids; rather it is me being gloomy about how awful childhood can be for so many kids.


Cool_Till_3114 t1_j1gxoec wrote

Got I'm Glad My Mom Died on audible with one of my credits. Enjoyed listening to that on a flight. I'd give her next book a chance if she's going to write more, interested to see if it's still good when it's not an autobiography.


FareweII t1_j1h45fh wrote

Shia's father was in prison for rape. He was also kicked from multiple sets when Shia was a kid for inapporpiate and threatening behaviour. Even the way he denied the abuse it was him saying "I never hit Shia in the face." He's a ceritifed piece of shit and i have no doubt he was abusive.

It just seems they've recently reconnected, so Shia started to deny it because the movie wasn't an autobiographical portrayal of his life.


PartyPorpoise t1_j1h5z3k wrote

Being a celebrity kid brings about a lot of unique issues, and being in the public eye makes it harder to move past them. But yeah, some of these people might have become screw-ups even without child stardom. We’d have no way of knowing.


bakerboiz22 t1_j1hc9ns wrote

According to his wiki in that subsection, “He was witnessed in 2021 with his wife and son.” I’m sorry but what the fuck? Is this normal for a Wikipedia page? Or is something this normal considered news due to how erratic his typical behavior has been lately lol


bussybarometer t1_j1hmfv7 wrote

This just proves that Corey is the best character on the entire show.


pimp_juice2272 t1_j1hs2ir wrote

I think he was putting on a show for that episode. If you watch almost any of his interviews he says crazy things to get attention. It would seem like a mental episode except in one interview (forget which one), the interviewer starts saying crazier stuff and he kinda breaks "character" and you see the true Orlando Brown. I'm not saying there aren't any issues but it's definitely a game for attention and to stay in some headlines


schmittyfangirl t1_j1hwy9h wrote

I read I’m glad my mom died over two weeks. And after reading it, I think I’m done with rewatching Dan’s shows. >!When the mom put her daughter on blast on a Jennette McCurdy fan site for her secret relationship with “Joe” when she was in Hawaii I went from hating her to seeing red!< Really good book.


cha614 t1_j1igk1e wrote

Didn’t see that one coming


lookmeat t1_j1ihjf1 wrote

The data is pretty damming, even casual observations imply the situation is much worse. Given how consistent it is with cold actors, you'd expect to also have some friends who are in a similar place, with intimacy replacing popularity as the reason you get to follow the fall from grace.

Certainly a lot of kids go through it, but Hollywood has a way of making it worse. When you think about what the parents are ok with, and must constantly allow on their kids, you can see why they are natural targets to abusers. Also the popularity is equally traumatizing: it's like when you screw up so badly you need to move to another town to get a chance, except every town knows and is laughing at you together.


blaberno t1_j1ioimd wrote

Oof, makes sense I suppose that Shias personal account has changed over time since trauma and abuse are so complicated/multi faceted. Agreed, his dad sounds like a POS