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LiveFromNewYork95 t1_j0z7sh0 wrote

I think sitcoms need filler episodes, creating the dynamics is so important to comedy and you just don't do that in 8 episodes. Even a show like Reboot which I think is one of the better sitcoms to come out of streaming had a season one finale that (IMO) didn't fully land because it needed at least 4 or 5 more episodes to build the relationships that the finale relies on.


JenovaProphet t1_j0z7vtx wrote

100% agree. Reboot is the perfect example of this. GREAT SHOW! Laughed the whole way. But I was genuinely confused at the season finale. I was like "this is it?"


tinacat933 t1_j0zac6s wrote

Yes it was like …ok guess we are done nowadays


bros402 t1_j11f57k wrote

Yeah, Reboot needed 12-16 episodes imo


Pool_Shark t1_j11iqdz wrote

The 20+ season format was built around sitcoms originally and they really need it for the most part. Sitcoms don’t need to have a strong narrative we just need a cast of characters that we want to be around and find funny.


Radix2309 t1_j12p0yn wrote

It absolutely needed at least 12 episodes.

I don't even get why it was so short. It's not like it's a special effect heavy show.


Lil_Mcgee t1_j142ve5 wrote

I'd argue there's no such thing as filler when it comes to sitcoms really, most have little in the way of a narrative throughline and are kind of built on the idea of placing the characters in new and amusing situations each episode. A situational comedy if you will.


LiveFromNewYork95 t1_j146nns wrote

I think you're right, it's filler by today's standard but really it's just what the medium is supposed to be