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alexong5011 t1_j00vat9 wrote

It’s a very good material to see what’s happening to our world right now.


GenericAustin t1_j00vo25 wrote

It ends on a huge reveal, so one can consider it a cliffhanger. It makes one want to watch the next season though

I watched 3 seasons, I was planning on watching the 4th one, but am not so sure now

The first was great, Harrison Ford Anthony Hopkins was exceptional in it, like truly effortless great acting.

The second was okay but it felt like they were trying too hard to be as good as the first

The 3rd is okay too if you switch your brain off, better than most things on TV. If you like mindless action movies you will like season 3

I feel like I too should be asking if season 4 ends on a cliffhanger so that I should decide whether to watch it


QuintoBlanco t1_j00wbcc wrote

Just watching the first season is fine.

The important information is revealed.


sergiocamposnt t1_j010w3j wrote

Yes, the first season ends on a big cliffhanger.


firedrakes t1_j010wf8 wrote

Seems there going to pull it from max!