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Wolfrattle t1_j0d5wab wrote

The best person Myrtle Beach ever produced.


ninjoid t1_j0d7tok wrote

Vanna White has an estimated net worth of 85 million dollars. What a gig!


herewego199209 t1_j0da9jm wrote

Sure, but when you work with someone for 40 years the thought has to come to mind. I'm not even talking about it as if she's a woman. I'm talking about it as two rich people around the same age intimately working close to each other for 40 years.


catdogfox t1_j0dheq0 wrote

She doesn't look a day over 39!


happyends t1_j0e6pox wrote

Can't be too any people that have been on the air for longer than that.


melodypowers t1_j0eafkq wrote

And she still goes to work.

Granted, her job isn't that hard and has some perks, but if I had 85m, you would have a hard time getting me off my private island.


throwawaygreenpaq t1_j0ef03v wrote

Such guys are just little boys who never got much in life, with absolutely no trophies nor victories that they have no choice but to turn to their appendages as a final means of feeling better about themselves.

Comfort yourself with that knowledge.

Edit : I bet some didn’t even understand that I was criticising the guy. Redditors are absolutely horrible at reading and comprehension. Makes me wonder how many of you actually had an education.


chu248 t1_j0emf2q wrote

If something was glowing... could ya tell?


SpiderMuse t1_j0erq8x wrote

Probably the easiest on-air job in television. I can't think of an easier TV job. Maybe Judge Judy's bailiff? But still, he reprimands people every once in awhile.

She definitely won the jackpot in life.


Ninjaromeo t1_j0errhs wrote

Not a good person, but vince mcmahon started commentating in 1971, and showing up periodically since then.

Google said William Roache was Ken Barlow In Coronation Street from 1960 – Present, so 22 years longer than vanna, but as an acted role.

She is kind of a presenter. Google said the longest career as a TV presenter is 67 years 151 days, achieved by Sir David Attenborough (UK) between 2 September 1953 and 31 January 2021. So he stopped last year, but still a ton of years.

But she is way up there. Even Trebek only hosted jeopardy for 37 years. Starting in 1984 when vanna was already on the air 2 years, since 1982. Crazy.


reachouttouchme t1_j0esbn8 wrote

The boredom of turning numbers for 40 years would have ended me long before this, congrats to her on not ending it.


AD480 t1_j0ewe2i wrote

Back in the mid 1980’s when I was around 5 or so I honestly thought she was Barbie.


[deleted] t1_j0ex0p6 wrote

They gave her a ceramic Dalmatian.


JamUpGuy1989 t1_j0f5thh wrote

Parents live there now and it's a perfect retirement community.

Top tip: Go to the Myrtle Beach Mall nearby to see the saddest, most empty mall you'll see in your life.


Behrusu t1_j0flmrz wrote

I looked it up, and her net worth is greater than Pat Sajak. She’s got the better job.


MinnieShoof t1_j0fqsut wrote

She looks great but ... she doesn't look like Vanna White. ... I can't put my finger on it. It's like someone Berenstain bears'd her face.


TheSuiteLifeOfChase t1_j0fuut4 wrote

Something that you may be surprised to know, she actually impacts the game. She has to touch the screen at the right spot or it throws everything off. You'd think they'd just like, make it look like she's important and then have a producer offstage pressing the buttons, but nah, she actually causes the letters to appear. I think that does make it at least a little less cushy


snowtol t1_j0g4lpe wrote

Some of us are able to get satisfaction and fullfillment from things other than a job. Everyone is different, and your stance isn't wrong, but assuming everyone has to be like you is wrong.


mgsotacon t1_j0h2f1h wrote

First Episode was in December 13th 1982, I was 3 days old lol.


jakefsf4205 t1_j0hiyzq wrote

It’s funny that she got the job because she was the last person to interview for the gig and the hiring team were exhausted and fine with the job she did. She also was on an episode of The Price is Right in the Bob Barker era but failed to make it out of Contestants’ Row


chogram t1_j0jsate wrote

I remember when they switched from spinning the letters, to touching the screens, and everyone just assumed that she'd retire then. Don't really need somebody to touch the screens, so the rumor was that she'd do it for a bit and quietly move on to other things.

That was 25 years ago.

Fun fact, she's touched screens longer than she turned letters. 1982-1997, and now 1997-2022.


snowtol t1_j0kkqy8 wrote

> What's the difference?

Well, one pays.

> you want to outdo everyone else at it and live off the challenge.

I go to work to get paid so I can pay for the things that require money. Can't say I care much about being challenged.