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t1_j21t6cc wrote

I can't deny any "impact" I'm unaware of. And I only listed 1 show because this article already lists plenty of examples.


t1_j21va9c wrote

> I can't deny any "impact" I'm unaware of.

don't you watch the show, or are you just not linked to the anime fandom like that? i'm not either as im just a casual, but even i know there hasn't been a bigger anime than demon slayer since demon slayer. it's one that really broke out mainstream. even the Japanese prime minister cosigned it.

> And I only listed 1 show because this article already lists plenty of examples.

i mean yea there'll always be plenty of examples in any given year, but my point is i could list even more and better examples for 2019. 😅

bruh i've been watching close to 100, sometimes 100+ shows a year since 2016 - 2017. and believe me... 2019 is a strong fucking year! I forgot to mention Watchmen came out that year. Fuck... The Boys came out that year too! It was a solid year whether you like anime, k-drama, prestige drama or even avant-garde television. solid year.


t1_j21w14q wrote

You sure are starting to list a bunch of shows that are significantly better TV than Demon Slayer and would have made much better examples


t1_j21wks2 wrote

what's your beef with Demon Slayer?? 😂 it's a widely beloved show.

But yea Demon Slayer and the 3 others I said in that first reply were just the first ones I thought of in the moment. I knew there were plenty other options I could've chose (thus why i put "etc").


t1_j21xv1j wrote

I like Demon Slayer just fine but it's hardly quality tv. I like the Fast and Furious franchise too but I'm not expecting them to take home any Oscars