Submitted by [deleted] t3_zwmt8w in television
Bunnywith_Wings t1_j1vlh09 wrote
What are these "female traits" the lead in RoP is missing, exactly?
jethropenistei- t1_j1vuush wrote
What’s RoP?
SanSeb t1_j1vm3gz wrote
Compassion, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth and many more.
tetoffens t1_j1vmph9 wrote
Do you only have conversations with the women who are pictured on your anime pillows or something? Or your own grandma? Holy fucking incel comment. Go talk to some real women. Also, some men. Rambo isn't what real men are like, anyone who isn't toxic expects to see everything you listed in a large percentage of men.
Are you also ignoring that so many of these "woke" films and movies are being written by actual women? And the idealized fetish version you're talking about was perpetuated when men were doing the writing?
night117hawk t1_j1vnyr3 wrote
Op deleted the post but I’m so glad I was here in time to catch them getting roasted this hard
SanSeb t1_j1vr7sh wrote
Wow, what a roast. A bunch of US citizens with blue and purple haired avatars insulting me. How can I cope?
night117hawk t1_j1w86j7 wrote
Bro you mentioned the following as female traits: compassion, warmth, supportiveness, and gentleness.
You’ve clearly never talked to a strong black woman from the southern US or a stern Filipina mother. I question whether you’ve talked to or really gotten to know any women outside of a dated tradcon world view from decades ago.
Further more while I agree the new trilogy of Star Wars was dog shit; it wasn’t because of a “diverse cast”. You could have cast all of the characters with white actors and replaced Rey with a white man and it would have been just as much a steaming pile of shit. The writing for the movie was just dog shit and rather than say “hey just bad writing” you jumped all the way to “it’s cus they had to have the token asian and black guy, fucking woke agenda ruining everything”.
dnkyhunter31 t1_j1vmltf wrote
Sounds terrible. I hate warmth.
PandFThrowaway t1_j1vp5d7 wrote
It gets everywhere.
[deleted] OP t1_j1vmdtn wrote
Teendirtbag t1_j1vmw3y wrote
You think all women have these traits? Or these are specific to women? Either way wtf?
Bunnywith_Wings t1_j1vmwoe wrote
So, she wouldn't make a good mommy? That's your issue?
twodickhenry t1_j1vnr3c wrote
She was incredibly compassionate, so I’m not sure what you meant there. As for “supportiveness”, she did “support” many people, but is that truly a feminine trait to you? Men who are supportive are emasculating themselves?
SanSeb t1_j1vqlb7 wrote
Just have another look at the scene where Galadriel and her crew search for Sauron in the snowy mountains. Horrible traits and character.
Also, it seems like you guys have very extreme views, so if I would tell you now that certain attributes and traits are more natural with males and others more with females you probably would insult me again like others here, so what's the point to further elaborate.
twodickhenry t1_j1vsaap wrote
Where have I shown any extreme views? You also didn’t answer my questions.
What about that scene are you trying to discuss? I don’t understand what it has to do with what I said.
SanSeb t1_j1vsihp wrote
She shows no compassion, leaves behind her crew, ignores their interests, watches as they get slaughtered by the troll,..
twodickhenry t1_j1vwbir wrote
She watches them get slaughtered? She’s the only character who acts, though. She saves one of them and kills it. But… wouldn’t it be more traditionally feminine if she DID stay on the sidelines? Isn’t fighting a masculine trait?
Again I’m not sure what you mean by the compassion comment. She’s repeatedly compassionate throughout the series. In the mountains she is WITH the party, and she is it’s leader. Making a decision and showing agency is what a leader is supposed to do, whether they’re matriarchal or patriarchal.
She shows a good deal of compassion towards the people she she is fighting to save by tackling a threat that she knows still exists. She rides for days on end to save a man she believes to be a rightful king and leader to a suffering people.
Raincat21 t1_j1vpjk7 wrote
So women are not allowed to be assertive, courageous, powerful, etc. Women can only be submissive to men or it’s too woke. Got it.
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