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twodickhenry t1_j1vnhzq wrote


Clarksp2 t1_j1voo7f wrote

How does 1 season of streaming gross billions? If that’s the case, good for them. (Did they sell the rights to other services, can you buy/rent physical copies of it? Or do they just measure the increase in monthly subscribers and attribute it solely to RoP?) But just because it had the biggest budget of any prime original, and the largest marketing allocation to boot, doesn’t mean it’s the biggest success.

Personal opinion : success of movie/television should be measured on its overall return on investment.

Non Amazon example would be Deadpool, budget less than 80m with overall revenue close to or exceeding a billion dollars.

In terms of spending a billion to make 1.2 billion, isn’t a success at just a 20% ROI compared to the 1000% ROI other well scripted, lower budget originals can bring


twodickhenry t1_j1vv5e2 wrote

I was going off other comments when I asked that, but since you didn’t know I dug a little and it has indeed turned a profit, according to the show runners. It’s also the most-watched first-season show amazon has produced.

I don’t think anyone thinks it was great, but my point was that if you’re going by the ROI, it appears it was successful.


Clarksp2 t1_j1wep3y wrote

Lol how has it turned a profit though? I keep seeing this same article shared. If I spent a billion dollars, I’d probably also want my investors to not feel slighted so would ultimately say “massive success, worth every penny” but saying it without showing it are two different things entirely