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VampireHunterAlex t1_j6fpwe2 wrote

Apparently “The King of Queens” was huge in Germany, and thus Kevin James is big there.


smesch83 t1_j6fvil8 wrote

German here: it was about as big as "Scrubs" (...was in the US), but less big than "How I met your Mother" - so just a little more successful or popular than in the US.

"ALF" and "Married with Children" were like that in Germany too, and I think to similar audiences.

so: it's absolutely true. but please don't think we all adore Kevin James, lol.


jyper t1_j6g8hik wrote

But you still love the Hoff right?


Neracca t1_j6k8bea wrote

Is Hasselhoff still a god there?


awh t1_j6g22pq wrote

Kevin James is pretty big everywhere; a lot of his comedy is based around that


berlinbaer t1_j6hbk0v wrote

we only had like 5 tv stations with 3 being private tv stations that would import tv shows from the US rather than showing self produced german stuff. so a lot of these shows that were 'big' in germany were only big because it was the only alternative to watching some german soap or documentary or something.

so it's not that there were 20 shows but we all wanted to watch "King of Queens", it was just the only thing on if you switched on the tv at 19:15


Wight3012 t1_j6g3knm wrote

LOL reminds me of the Lemon Popsicle movies that somehow got really big in Germany


ronearc t1_j6gvxms wrote

I bet Hasselhoff put in a good word for him. Sometimes it's just who you know.