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Anchor689 t1_j6eh9w7 wrote

Yeah, I wish we would stop fining large corporations. Nullify their patents/trademarks or something like that instead. That might be a bit extreme in this case, but when large fines and maybe sending executives to jail are the worst punishments we give large corporations, it's insane that we think they'll learn any kind of lesson.


WhileNotLurking t1_j6fu1u4 wrote

Eh. Mistake happen. A one time mistake like this is perfect for a fine.

Now repeat offenses or blatantly ignoring the law - I'm with you.

Wells Fargo / HSBC makes a business out of breaking the law. Making billions then paying a few hundred thousands in fines.


whoooocaaarreees t1_j6ibtth wrote

Up vote for calling out HSBC and Wells Fargo on systemic shitty and often illegal behavior.


apply_induction t1_j6fbyyt wrote

Play the emergency tone, now your bosses’ bosses’ boss gets solitary? Sounds like a plan!


MissDiem t1_j6fersd wrote

If risk of executives or board members doing any jail or prison time for things was actually on the table, we could fix so many things.


ktElwood t1_j6hdcv0 wrote

They will put the blame on some employee and claim they had not been informed and have no information.


PaxNova t1_j6hyf8d wrote

I doubt they review all footage. It would be the truth here.


MissDiem t1_j6idqze wrote

What I'm saying is if we could create legislation that states company executive and board members go to prison if X happens, you'll find they have miraculous solutions and previously unrevealed projects that guarantee X won't happen.


ktElwood t1_j6ix93a wrote

Yeah but you'll never have that because politicians are heavily influenced by lobbyists, who get hired by executives.

The amount of Senetor's and Rep's children in managing roles of big tech is astonishing...seems like they always should have second thoughts while voting on bills...