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t1_j5z6ed5 wrote

Dude is an analyst. I have yet to understand why they don't have a character for action stuff instead. It's not like amazon introduced him in his own movie.

Sigh. This show is beyond dumb. I just watch The Last of Us and wonder what a Ryan show would be like if it actually followed source material.

"Invisible nuke to radar" - what the actual fuck?

Oh well. At least Slow Horses has another season.


t1_j5z7qhp wrote

Wasn't the whole point of the character that he's also a badass vet who is more than capable of violence when the situation calls for it?

I think the unfortunate change is that instead of him being unwillingly thrust in to the occasional violent situation, he's basically the black ops vanguard leading the charge whenever violence is the solution. And violence is always the solution lol


t1_j5z8tsi wrote

See that’s the thing. Ryan isn’t supposed to even be a badass vet of any form. In fact I’m struggling to think of how many times his character even “touches” a gun in the entire book series. Maybe 3 times? (Red Rabbit, Red October, Patriot Games).


t1_j5z96yz wrote

Am I misremembering? I thought in the OG stories he was also a military veteran. Although IIRC it's Red October where he famously never touches a firearm, he does in other stories.

But again the tone is "more than just a pencil pusher," not "motherfucking terminator"


t1_j5zolri wrote

He is a veteran, but he injured his back in a helicopter crash in training and never actually put his boots on the ground in combat. So he's more than a pencil pusher because he is in fact a Marine, and a young version like Krasinski is playing might still be in shape enough for like, the scene in S1 when he's at the camp that gets attacked. I'd believe him picking up a weapon and returning fire there. Or the opening or (book version) climax of Patriot Games.

He can handle a weapon and take care of himself if the situation calls for it, but that's not his role.


t1_j5z9noz wrote

You may be right, I might be confusing the October movie and book together. And he is still a vet and had a helicopter crash that messed his back up (just different wars due to time).

That bad back he still had issues with until season 1 was over. Guess he found those Jack Bauer level painkillers.

Also what happened to his damn wife!


t1_j5z9wtp wrote

Remember, his back is exactly as bad and Greer's heart is exactly as bad as the plot requires it to be at that exact moment


t1_j5znun3 wrote

And in Patriot Games it's made very clear that he's old and retired and it's only his hero instinct reacting that led him to do anything there. He only survived that because of his surprise rush and because one of the attackers was an 18 year old kid who'd never actually been in a fight before.

I don't think I've read Red Rabbit and I've only seen the movie of Red October, and that a long time ago.


t1_j5zhh9a wrote

> Wasn't the whole point of the character that he's also a badass vet who is more than capable of violence when the situation calls for it?

No, not at all.


t1_j5znh4t wrote

Even the violence he uses in Patriot Games is almost more than he should have been capable of. He's not a badass vet, he was injured badly in a chopper crash in training. I mean he was a Marine, but that's it. Clear and Present Danger is the movie that got Jack Ryan the most correct.


t1_j5zrfst wrote

The Jack Ryan in Hunt for Red October was not bad. Not a lot of action in that movie.


t1_j5z8p0r wrote

I assume most nuclear weapons are larger and require larger aircraft to transport and drop. These would be smaller and considered a stealth missile, which would be carried by low detectibility aircraft.


t1_j632loc wrote

Nukes are down to the size of 500lb bombs these days. Lightest production nukes was like 100lb, for the 155mm howitzer.

They never went smaller due to security and practicality concerns.