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Zannetidis t1_j6ny61k wrote

Not sure if I'm more excited about Berlanti parting ways or Booster Gold/Lanterns. It's definitely a win-win scenario though.


lilob724 t1_j6of6aa wrote

I'm just so glad that DC movies and TV are finally converging into a coherent universe. Berlanti needed to go.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j6oh3hb wrote

Berlanti spearheaded the most consistent DCU projects to date. The movies have been flailing around trying to find a plan, and Berlanti led a 10-year effort on a single network.

Was it all gold? No, but it was far more structured and ultimately, more successful, than any other DC effort since.


lilob724 t1_j6ot0wm wrote

You're definitely right, the blame should fall more on the CW than the people in charge of it. He did the best he could do with what he had.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j6p5smu wrote

He made shows that appealed specifically to the CW market. You can't fault him for that. And as much as I've hated some aspects of that "universe," there was still more good than bad. Hell, some of it, you can lay at Geoff Johns' feet since he pushed for the Flash and moving Arrow away from the more Nolan-inspired take of the first two years.