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bloodyturtle t1_j5hq370 wrote

It was an effective way to fire 95% of the cast who'd otherwise be up for contract renegotiation and save tons of money.


Xemone t1_j5ht407 wrote

You can want something to be over in the sense of wishing it had a satisfying conclusion and leaving it at that instead of """"ending""""" but not really because the characters will still be in other spin-offs. Not everyone wants to reach the end of a long series that they may have fully or even partially enjoyed but then be expected to watch infinite spin-offs to continue following everyone and get the rest of the full story.

They can just not watch them, sure, but if they liked the characters who are going to be in the spin-offs and they wanted them to have a satisfying conclusion, they may have to wait however many years for it now, if they ever get one because TWD's finale was just a platform for them to start their journey on the spin-off, not an actual ending for them.

And even if they don't like the show, they're allowed to voice their opinion on them. They didn't say "Anyone who watches the spin-offs are idiots! What a stupid franchise!" They asked why there are so many spin-offs. It's a valid question.


cadtek t1_j5i16uz wrote

At least I think we'll see even more of the variants, hopefully...


smthngclvr t1_j5imnbr wrote

Why would you hope for it to be over? You have the option not to watch. It requires a modicum of self-discipline.


WeDriftEternal t1_j5iuabs wrote

AMC doesn't really have anything else. They have been the Walking Dead Channel for years


phrenicbeat86 t1_j5jhf5v wrote

No, but I think AMC doesn't have anything else. Hopefully they don't make seasons too long for these new spinoffs. It can maybe work if they just keep them short and release them during peak times. But if every series becomes 16 episodes a season it's going to be difficult to want to keep up, lol.


x6ftundx t1_j5jiees wrote

still pulled in 4-6 million people a week on a network that really only had this show.

so many spinoffs because there isn't a way to end it unless a cure is found and by this time, it's wayyyy to late. I think they are 10-13 years into the future, there is no way to get the cure to everyone and kill all the zombies.


mickeyflinn t1_j5kgc1s wrote

> why are there so many spinoffs?

Because AMC thinks it will bring in viewers.

> Are people still that excited about the show?

AMC sure is hopeing so.

> I was really hoping for it to be over.

Why? If you don't want to watch a show don't watch it.


yodimboi t1_j5kijmz wrote

The spin offs will bring in viewers. A large majority of the people that made it to the end will watch at least some of the spin offs. Unlike other spin offs, these will be featuring characters from the main show, and they won't be random stories set in TWD world like FTWD or World Beyond.


AlpineSummit t1_j5ne87u wrote

I loved the first 4 or 5 seasons. And then the show began to feel like a chore to watch, and I eventually stopped.

There are not many shows like that which I just flat out don’t finish. I wish it stayed high quality, but it began to feel so repetitive with no movement in a greater story.