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t1_j6kew6w wrote

That is pretty much the viewership numbers for anything that is not Billions, Dexter, Your Honor, or Yellowjackets in the last 3 years.

I’ll absolutely miss both American Gigolo and Let The Right One In.


t1_j6l1nhc wrote

Showtime has never really had amazing shows or numbers. They’re definitely not actually competing with HBO over quality programming.

HBO has Sopranos, the Wire, Six Feet Under. Showtime had 7284 seasons of True Blood (edit: true blood was on HBO, making my argument wrong)


t1_j6l2s3k wrote

Nah, True Blood was an HBO show.

Showtime had Dexter, Weeds, Californication, and endless seasons of Shameless, Homeland, and Ray Donovan.


t1_j6l2xk9 wrote

Omg it was. I am dumb. I would posit that those three shows were bad after awhile but I am truly kneecapping my own argument with true blood.


t1_j6lasu0 wrote

Were any of those shows any good? I remember a wrestling podcast I'd listen to and they'd talk about shows they were watching. Always talked about Homeland, Ray Donovan, Newsroom, Boardwalk Empire and dexter.


t1_j6lma3o wrote

Homeland is gripping at times, but also kind of Islamophobic and is really dumb in a lot of seasons. Ray Donovan is okay, but nothing worth seeing. A lot of Showtimes shows start off good, but dip in quality quickly.


t1_j6ltyhr wrote

Homeland was great. Its funny cause the start of each season you would be like "is this show still good?" and then by the end of the season think it was great. Some very good acting throughout (Claire Danes, Mandy Patinkin, F Murray Abraham, Damien Lewis)

Dexter is great in parts. It does get less so as it goes on; you have minor one note characters that start in the background come to the forefront and get more screen time, but not really any better. The main line arcs are pretty good each season.

Newsroom is great if you like Aaron Sorkin's style; fast pace, idealist dialog. If you have watched his stuff and didn't care for ti, it is not for you.

Boardwalk Empire I enjoyed a lot. Semi historical crime-mob drama set in the 1920s. The last season went off the rails as they found out late it was gonna be the end and to wrap things up.

Ray Donovan was ok. What you see at the start is mostly how each season plays out. Nothing great, or extremely interesting, but never really bad either.

I'd recommend them in the order I have listed. Only bump up The Newsroom if you really like Sorkin TV/Movies, or bump to the bottom if you don't.


t1_j6lyi97 wrote

Homeland was good for a few seasons, then it just started going in circles.

Californication was a good show with some fun moments, that was completely ruined by it’s ending after 2 very poor seasons.

Boardwalk Empire was a truly amazing show for 2-3 seasons, then a steep drop in quality.

Weeds was an alright…

I didn’t start this comment thinking there was a pattern, but holy shit. Does this hold true for every Showtime title? Do they just not know when to end shit?

Dexter was a great show for the start of it’s run, only to be ruined by a truly aweful ending after 2 very poor seasons.


t1_j6ox788 wrote

The thing with Dexter is you can make Season 5 you own personal series finale and it would be an absolutely perfect show. Season 5’s ending works perfectly fine as a series finale.


t1_j6mdx7y wrote

Even the first three shows you mentioned went on for way too long. Dexter was the only one out of the three that I stuck around til the end for, and even that was a struggle considering how awful some of the latter half of Dexter was.


t1_j6ne535 wrote

Now that Showtime is dead and gone you do not have to worry about their shows going on too long.


t1_j6kk1kp wrote

We're they anything more than fine? I've only seen trailers and they were pretty meh. And with all the content I'm rather picky on "fine" shows.


t1_j6km65p wrote

I really enjoyed both shows. American Gigolo was more OK than brilliant but I still felt it was a solid show. Let The Right One In was actually pretty good. A bit different from the movie but a fairly good and engaging show with fun twists and turns and characters with plenty of depth to them. It had some Dexter vibes to it. I went into it with low expectations but ended up really loving it. It is such a pity it never found an audience.