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Yossarian1138 t1_j67oqf5 wrote

I don’t think anyone here dislikes him at all. It’s just that his energy isn’t for everyone.

While I appreciate positivity, I also don’t trust someone that likes everything. Nobody likes everyone they meet, everywhere they go, or everything they eat. So I find it hard to be interested in a show where he likes everything because I feel like I don’t learn anything.

That was really the genius of Bourdain. You felt like you were a little wiser or a little more experienced with the world because some stuff was awesome and some stuff sucked, and sometimes the people sucked, but there was always some beauty or redeeming quality to it.

Phil, to me, doesn’t have any of that depth, and it also isn’t particularly funny. It is wholesome and amusing and a good guy on a good show, but kind of milquetoast in the genre to a lot of people.


ryancementhead t1_j68pq2l wrote

At first I didn’t really liked the show, I thought he was overacting. But as I continued I realized he’s just a human golden retriever and he is genuinely that happy and excited. Now it’s my favourite show.