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Prax150 t1_j65t63g wrote

I doubt any mainstream show is made for under a million bucks an episode these days. And Wednesday was basically a guaranteed hit from the beginning, I haven't seen it but I'm sure they spent a lot of money on it. Comparatively, Netflix is definitely getting their money's worth on Seinfeld.


MuteasaButton t1_j66jged wrote

I don’t know if Wednesday was a “guaranteed hit from the beginning”, there’s always a risk element with new shows. I mean, from a month out from their respective premieres, Wednesday and Velma could have been equally good/bad for all we knew.

I agree with you, though, that Seinfeld is definitely justifying Netflix’s investment. There are a limited number of sure things in TV right now, and Seinfeld reruns are one of them.


Prax150 t1_j6ig9d9 wrote

Netflix's algorithms clearly aren't perfect based on the way the handle their originals, but once in a while I think you can tell when they really believe in a show and want to make it work. Wednesday actually had buzz going in and they actually seemed to market it a bit, at least compared to other shows and movies that just drop without a notice on there. The Hollywood marketing machine has really ensured Jenny Ortega became a thing too. I think when something like this happens Netflix knows a show will be a hit.