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stumpcity t1_j42w93s wrote

Cannot fuckin wait.

Between this and Fede Alvarez's upcoming movie (that has absolutely zero to do with any of the previous films other than there's an Alien in it) I feel like fans of this property are going to be eating really well for the first time since... what, 1991?

I know you're not supposed to be getting your hopes up (it's kind of a bad era for that, as it turns out) but goddammit... I'm getting my hopes up here.

fun fact completely beside the point, so I'll put it in spoilers: >!"Xenomorph" isn't the name of the Alien species (it doesn't have a name) since the reason Cameron used the word in the first place was much like how "unobtanium" was used in Avatar: It was just used specifically to replicate emptyheaded corporate speak and you were supposed to think the person using it was a dipshit for using it. it worked in Avatar (worked too well there, really) but for whatever reason hardcore Alien fans legitimately think "xenomorph" sounds better than just calling it an alien, and completely missed the satire!<


ErtGentskee t1_j43a7qt wrote

As cool as an 'Alien' series is, I'm just excited about some Fargo news. Hope it revisits the characters from season 1, especially.


ofimmsl t1_j43a9xd wrote

Hope it's an origin story for the aliens so we can find out why they are so angry all the time


Paul_cz t1_j43cw96 wrote

I liked 3 and Resurrection too, as different as they were. And I also ate very well with the AvP games and Isolation.

But yeah the Ridley nustuff was not good and neither were AvP movies.


stumpcity t1_j43djpk wrote

I very much like Alien 3, but the version of it that made it really work as a conclusion to Ripley's story didn't come out until the DVD era. Not a fan of Resurrection, though.

Isolation is flat-out amazing at making you feel like you're in that world, absolutely. Love that game to death. I don't think the STORY in the game is all that notable, but that's not why the game works anyway, so it just needs to be good enough to get you to the next level/setpiece.


stumpcity t1_j43dyk8 wrote

Covenant is a better movie than Prometheus is. Or at least it's more consistent at being what it's trying to be. Prometheus literally doesn't know what it wants to be and halfway through becomes a half-assed Blade Runner movie instead of an Alien one.

Covenant knows what it wants to be from jump and sticks to that pretty solidly. Prometheus is just a confused, frustrating mess (which makes sense once you watch the making-of documentary on the blu-ray).

I wouldn't say either of them are as good as the Alien 3 "assembly cut," which isn't a GREAT movie by any stretch, but is at least - fundamentally broken as it is, even in its best version - better at being a thematic closer to Ellen Ripley's story than either Prometheus or Covenant are at being chapters in the birth of the Alien.

edit: what in the world about those 3 paragraphs is setting people off. Jesus Christ.


monsieurxander t1_j43fh43 wrote

I'm sure it'll be a fine series on its own, but seems like taking place on Earth would kind of undermine every movie where the whole point is not letting it get to Earth.


Altruistic-Program-1 t1_j43fwkj wrote

Jeezy, I thought this must be about to come out. Seems like I've been hearing about this production for years.


sweatpantswarrior t1_j43gw7y wrote

There's plenty to mine from having xenomorphs on Earth and under the control of Weyland-Yutani or whoever else. There was a great graphic novel trilogy in the 90s or early 2000s that covered this: Outbreak - Nightmare Asylum - The Female War.

All done by Mark Verheiden (before he did BSG) when they wouldn't use his script for Alien 3.


gszr89 t1_j43h45d wrote

I only wait the movie not this series. Xenomorphs on Earth before Ripley and after the first Prometheus, why do we need this...


tehkory t1_j43scbd wrote

You said nice things about Prometheus; people who hate Prometheus hate that.

You said nice things about Covenant; people who hate Covenant hate that.

You said nice things about Alien3; people who hate Alien3 hate that.

Then you edited; people who hate edits about downvotes hate that.


AT_Dande t1_j442gem wrote

The Rome showrunners were told it wouldn't be getting another season, so I'm pretty sure they sandwiched some of their plans for later seasons into Season 2. And hey, for die-hard fans and people even remotely familiar with the actual history, I'd say it still works.

Fargo Season 4 is mostly self-contained apart from a returning character from Season 2. I think the main issue with it wasn't the number of storylines, but rather how tangential some of them were. If someone liked some of the uh, weirder hijinks in the earlier seasons, I don't think they'd say the storylines weren't good. It's just that they weren't as good as the ones in Season 2. But that's a taaaaall order. There were tons of naysayers after Season 3 as well, but I've seen a lot of people reevaluating it over the years. I feel like Season 4 is gonna get the same treatment. It's not as good as Season 2, sure. But it's still good, and arguably better than most of the crap that was on TV back then or even now.


TheRegular-Throwaway t1_j444957 wrote

Wow only three years after they announced. Way to go, FX. What happened to this Damn network. In the mid-late 2000s FX were on their way to becoming an upper echelon network. And then they just threw in the towel.


stumpcity t1_j4454sv wrote

I would watch it, but I also feel like at this point, you can kinda fill in the blanks yourself, which I'd imagine would turn the movie into kind of a box-ticking exercise focused on plot:

  1. David invents the Queen (probably experiments on himself to become some weird hybrid Engineer/Android thing)

  2. Walter catches up with David

  3. Walter tries to stop David from destroying Earth

  4. Ship crashes on LV-426 in a spectacularly weird fashion

  5. Alien.

Now, does the idea of a mad scientist movie starring JUST Michael Fassbender in space sound like something worth watching? Absolutely. And it'd probably give Ridley a lot of time to put a lot of his (close approximation to) philosophizing into the movie (basically the best parts of Covenant, really) so it wouldn't just be plotty plot plot. But I don't know that there's going to be a lot to it beyond that. Or that he wouldn't fuck up the execution even if he DID have a lot more to it beyond that initially (see: Prometheus).


TheRegular-Throwaway t1_j445jht wrote

It’s not really a Hulu “deal”. They are just all owned by the same parent company, Disney, and so a guy at a computer is just able to upload and bury it all on Hulu. What I’m saying is that they are nowhere close to having the same batting average as HBOMax in terms of quality, but they are horrific at marketing. It’s almost like they are keeping it a secret sometimes. I was just complaining about this earlier but I didn’t even know that the damn Sex Pistols tv show was out until like a month after it aired. When Hbomax is ready to drop new Game of Thrones, everyone in the WORLD knows about it.


phrenicbeat86 t1_j44bioq wrote

I didn't mind it, I think a good amount of the episodes were finished prior to the pandemic so we can't really blame that.

Although I do think it was next to impossible to do anything that could conceivably compare to the first 3 seasons of this show. We'll see what happens with S5, but I feel like they might want to end it after that just for the sole fact that the bar was set so high with the first several seasons its just hard to duplicate or even come close to reaching that bar.


Asiriya t1_j44ea63 wrote

I don’t see how Covenant knows what it wants to be. It goes from philosophising in the opening establishing the same tone as Prometheus to a really dumb slasher, interlaced with moments of Prometheus-like intrigue where it can’t help but fill in the blanks between the films (and that stuff being far more interesting than the slasher the film actually is). Then it’s never sure if it wants to be an alien film or an android film - I don’t think it’s nearly as deft as the original was at juggling both.

I know the Prometheus script had a dozen hands on it but what happened during production, I’ve never seen the BTS you mentioned.


TheUncannyBroker t1_j44ij27 wrote

One of the leads of this show is a 10 year old in the body of an androgynous warrior lady. This performance can make or break the show, Danai Gurira is the frontrunner for the role last I heard.


TheUncannyBroker t1_j44jbyl wrote

Oh man I can tell you so much about Season 5, ive been watching the pre-production of that series like a hawk.

Here is something: Jon Hamm plays Roy Tillman, the corrupt sheriff of Stark County North Dakota, who has formed a militia and turned his county into a lawless autonomous zone. Roy has built a political persona for himself and his campaign slogan is "A Hard Man For Hard Times".


TheUncannyBroker t1_j44khhg wrote

Its set in 2019. The premise starts out very similar to the movie, a man hires 2 hitmen to kidnap his (ex)wife. One hitman is a doofus named Donald Ireland (played by Devon Bostick), the other one is a norwegian psychopath named Ole Munch who speaks mainly in riddles and describes himself as a nihilist (played by Sam Spruell).


jedre t1_j44pfxs wrote

I look forward to the blatant and heavy handed overuse of the soundtrack.

(Edit: I know it’s a jerk thing to say, but every Hawley product has several, several scenes with an extended, loud and clear music-only or music-high-in-the-mix scene, usually to lazily show the viewer how cool the protagonist or how badass the antagonist is. Once you notice it it’s all you’ll notice.)


goldendreamseeker t1_j44pyze wrote

This will be shooting around the same time as the new movie, Alien: Romulus. Though honestly I’m more excited for this.


stormatombd t1_j44u3tz wrote

So can we get male hero for this show now



ThisFreakinGuyHere t1_j45089x wrote

I watched the first couple seasons again recently and I've gotta say they don't hold up as well as I hoped. The seams are starting to show. The dude seems like a bit of a hack who did a serviceable job with those first two seasons then made a couple seasons that IMO weren't that good. Not gonna mark my calendar for s05.


Jason2648 t1_j453vcg wrote

did you decide he wasnt a good actor before or after the whole academy awards thing,because its funny how nobody brings up will smith's holier then thou attitude he had before that incident

i will agree with thrillhouse though that the saw movie he was in sucked


happybarfday t1_j45e1d2 wrote

Wayyy before. He's fine in light drama / comedy roles when he just sorta plays himself, but any time he has to play a more serious or solemn character in like a thriller or realistic drama, he ends up sounding really forced and awkward...


happybarfday t1_j45e76p wrote

Yeah true, but from what I can remember the connections are a very small part of the plot and don't really affect things in the actual show much - you have to kind of be looking for it to show up. You could watch each whole season independently without even realizing those characters are connected and you wouldn't feel like you missed anything.


IncapableKakistocrat t1_j45f7u8 wrote

Yeah, Rome had a five season plan with season 2 ending with Brutus’ death, 3 and 4 focusing on the stuff with Egypt, and 5 focusing on the rise of Jesus. Ultimately they squished seasons 3 and 4 into season 2 which is why it rushes through everything.


Analog_Jack t1_j45gbpw wrote

The balls it must take to take this on knowing how fans of the franchise will destroy anyone who does it wrong. God's speed Noah. Don't fuck up


Sarkastik_Madman t1_j45gd1q wrote

I had the displeasure of going to the world premiere. So disappointed. Hawley was there to introduce it and it was clear he knew it was dogshit. He really didn't want to be there - and seemed to almost have contempt for the audience


DemonGroover t1_j45guy5 wrote

Can they please retcon those awful prequels?


Radulno t1_j45i27a wrote

Speaking of FX, when the fuck does their Shogun series comes out?

It has been years since they talked of it.


SQUID_FUCKER t1_j45p4hv wrote

I always get downvoted for saying this but the med bay scene in Covenant, everything from the ship landing with the search party looking for Shaw up to David showing up with the flare, is absolute best thing we've gotten from of the Alien universe since Aliens.

The sense of dread, Jed Kurzel's incredible otherworldly, haunting score. It's a masterclass in ramping up the tension, the backburster, the visceral and brutal violence, just looking at those 15-20 minutes in a vaccum, it is absolute perfection.


xrnzaaasPL t1_j45qe6l wrote

Alien show that's not really about the alien, but about people - pass.


IrrelevantLeprechaun t1_j45qn3g wrote

I frankly hate the concept that the aliens AND the alien queen are all a simple invention by a human-made android. It completely cheapens the mystique of the Alien itself by turning it into yet another "folly of man" story.


5370616e69617264 t1_j460xz4 wrote

Xeno = Alien/Strange, Morph = Genetic variant of an animal.

It makes sense to use that word, instead of the generic "Aliens", specially after the "Arcturians" line or when the franchise is linked with franchises like Predator (which are aliens too). And also if we consider than the aliens adapt to the animal they come from...


iforgotmymittens t1_j468vk2 wrote

Hope it doesn’t get cancelled after two seasons and leave all kinds of plot points unresolved!

The door that finally opens


Mattyzooks t1_j46cpad wrote

Keith Carradine was the main cop's father in season 1. In season 2, the main law enforcement character is the younger version of that character played by Patrick Wilson. And another character ends up being a minor head gangster from season 1. Several characters from season 1 return at the very end in a brief flashforward. Season 3's main connection was bringing back one of the characters from season 1. And season 4 includes an origin story for an antagonist in season 2.
Adding to that, the first season connects to the movie as well via the case of money.
The connections never really matter to the plot but do somewhat make the world all feel a bit more connected.


Mattyzooks t1_j46ddif wrote

Honestly, this might be the perfect time. It's a fanbase that has already seen extremely low lows. I think it really only has to not be a mess to have people enjoying it. Loving it is a different story.


Coolman_Rosso t1_j46h3g9 wrote

I thought the whole ghost thing was out of place (which is odd when I loved the UFO in Season 2) and the whole thing with Satchel being Mike was too on the nose.

Still I love Salvatore Esposito and I'm glad he got to be in a Hollywood production.


stumpcity t1_j46lh99 wrote

>Xeno = Alien/Strange, Morph = Genetic variant of an animal.

I didn't say people were confused by what it meant. I said they misunderstood why Gorman was using it, or why Cameron put it in his mouth.

It's not a name for the species. It's a name to specify what a fuckin nitwit Company Man Gorman is.

And then the Fandom started talking like him


King_Tamino t1_j46n48u wrote

Not a hardcore fan but .. it does really sound better. Alien can meaning anything from xenomorph, independence day aliens to E.T. or maybe Paddington.

However Xeno already has this dark vibes swinging with it. While most people obviously (hopefully?) know Xeno just means "foreigner“ so people should hopefully recognize that Xenomorph is just slang / combo to describe a foreign thing that well .. morphs, drastically changes it’s form/mutates


King_Tamino t1_j46no46 wrote

Well it’s hard to integrate a 12 year old long term. Newts role in 2 was great but what should they do? Copy & paste? Risk of making her an even more badass character which might result in the same criticism that star trek TNG recieved? A kid smarter than everyone, solving every problem etc


LatterTarget7 t1_j46onx4 wrote

I also want a conclusion just to see how it ends. Cause I’m not sure how you can make the jump from the eggs and fully formed baby aliens to the eggs in the original with the chest bursters. It’ll have to be a pretty long movie to fill in the evolution


zornyan t1_j47389p wrote

I enjoyed them all, I mean I can appreciate the newer ones weren’t as good, maybe I’m a bit too forgiving since I absolutely love the world and alien story, I grew up watching the films, reading comics and playing the games (avp was amazing on pc) and just really enjoy any content that helps fill in the history/lore and has some cool as xenonorphs in it!


ConstantaByTheSea t1_j473jzx wrote

Agreed, I love the Prometheus and Covenant movies, and Scott does amazing work building up that world. I want to know more about the engineers and see David's story concluded. The aliens imho are not really that interesting to see over and over again. I get it, they're scary monsters, ooo, as if it hasn't been done to death a million times. I want to see people take risks and the stage-play vibes of these two films works great!


ErtGentskee t1_j478ql4 wrote

Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't want it to be all about the first season folks, just an update or a cameo because it is my favorite. If it's the final season, I think going full-circle would be a good move.


CALCIUM_CANNONS t1_j47a111 wrote

Some of the books have the aliens on Earth, I think. Might not be remembering this exactly but it's something about harvesting alien honey as a cure for something. Technology has advanced enough that we have suits that completely withstand their acid, we can neuter them with pheromones etc


Analog_Jack t1_j47lzza wrote

Yeah I would agree but maybe for different reasons. I think Ridley Scotts contributions have carried the franchise. James Cameron made an awesome action movie, but didn't add to the world that much. So I'm hoping this results in more world building like we saw in Prometheus and covenant


Impossible-Charity-4 t1_j47o19o wrote

I agree. It was a huge departure even tonally and I feel that Chris Rock was miscast. I remember wondering how much of the production was hindered by Covid at the time. It’s unfortunate because I liked the premise, but the execution was just not up to par with the first three seasons (of which I feel #2 was the strongest). It gave me reservations for sure on Hawley’s handling of the Alien series.


AlwaysBi t1_j47x7j9 wrote

Looking forward to this and the new film but I can’t lie there’s a part of me that’s gutted we won’t get to see the completion of the prequel films. I personally enjoyed covenant and I would’ve at least liked for them to finish that series


VeteranSergeant t1_j483b39 wrote

> Not a fan of Resurrection, though.

Resurrection is just not a good movie. It's too tonally jarring, and took a lot of talented people and put them in a place where they weren't working to their strengths. The took a talented French arthouse film director and tried to have him make a boilerplate sci-fi film. And then they took a comedic writer and tried to have him write a serious science fiction script.

So what you have is basically an Alien film that is bizarre in both its aesthetic and its plot, trying too hard to be clever and funny while still trying to remain horrific. Cast with a bunch of fairly good actors who all seem to think they are in different movies.

Alien 3 is a flawed film from a great visionary director like David Fincher, and as much as Fox screwed with him and the production, sending him into shooting with a film where the sets were already half finished, but the script was still being changed, you can see David Fincher's directorial vision stamped all across it.

Resurrection has this weird mishmash of Jean Pierre Jeunet (Amelie, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen) trying to direct a film written by Joss Whedon (at the time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and rewrites for Speed, Toy Story and Waterworld), as a sequel to a franchise that was dark and horrific body/creature horror set in a bleak corporate future. Whedon's script not only abandoned the bleak corporate future (there's a deleted scene joke about Weyland Yutani, the company from the first three films, having been bought out by Walmart), Jeunet seemed to struggle with the "dark and horrific" part. About the only part of the film that seemed "on brand" is the fairly great scene where she comes across the other Ripley clones. It's the one part of the film where there are no attempts to cram in a joke, a visual gag, or be anything other than horrific, and Jeunet's flair for the bizarre actually helped the film rather than hurt it.

The main reason some Alien fans hate Alien 3 is they never got over Noot and Hix dying in the opening scene. Otherwise, the Assembly Cut (later remastered as the "Special Edition") is a fantastic character piece about sacrifice and redemption. That original ending where she just falls into the molten lead and the Alien isn't born is incredibly powerful, ruined completely in the theatrical release with a chestbursting scene that removes the sacrifice element. The score by Eliot Goldenthal is top notch too, probably the best of the franchise.


VeteranSergeant t1_j484lrk wrote

Mostly just timing. Originally they didn't think they could get Sigourney Weaver back. She was too famous by then and hadn't been interested in making Aliens until they gave her a fat paycheck. Fox assumed she was done with the franchise, which is why early versions of Alien 3 (including the first treatments by Neuromancer author William Gibson) either didn't feature Ripley at all, or in a tiny cameo.

But, eventually Weaver relented and agreed to be in the film, but by then, Michael Biehn (Hicks) was booked solid for 2 years, including in the timeframe where they wanted film Alien 3 with Weaver. Hicks was the central character in the William Gibson Alien III (and does his own voice alongside Lance Henriksen in the fairly-good audio drama adaptation released a few years back). But his character wasn't considered essential to Fox, so they went with a script that didn't utilize Hicks, which was essentially a mashup of ideas from previous iterations, mostly Vincent Ward's version, only moved from a weird wooden planet (yeah, who knows) to a prison, and Ward's monks turned into a religious cult of prisoners. I'm assuming they just decided it was too hard to get from Aliens to an Alien 3 set on a prison planet without just killing off Newt and Hicks.


VeteranSergeant t1_j486bzg wrote

After Season 4 of Fargo (the first I didn't finish), I'm a little worried.

This show has the capability to be great, but it has a lot of conceptual red flags going around. The fact that it seems to be surrounding this transhuman "lost sister" plot makes me worry. Don't get me wrong, I love transhumanist science fiction. But I also don't want to see the Alien get sidelined in its own show.


Flashman420 t1_j48box0 wrote

Covenant is for real ones only and in like 5-10 years we're gonna see people turn around on it like they did with Prometheus. All the initial hate is from fanboys who don't know what they want from an Alien movie, so people who aren't as emotionally attached will start appreciating it for its unique qualities.


stumpcity t1_j48ybal wrote

LOL what?

what... about anything you're reading makes you think I'm excited?

That's a you thing, my guy. Don't know what to tell you.

Edit: lol, fuckin fandom. Evergreen insecurity


T-MexVampirePunter t1_j49cq9v wrote

Yeah. It was one of the first shows I got excited about and then saw it collapse. Just embarrassing how little of a spark, when it deserved so much more. Reminded me of when Poochie had to “go back to his home world”.


Sekh765 t1_j49pr01 wrote

Yea not sure why OP is trying to act like "Xenomorph" is some strange hardcore fan only name that should be changed. It's an awesome name and it clearly denotes which movie monster you are talking about. It's not "satire", it's a good name. Imagine trying to talk about your favorite movie monsters and being like "Oh I like the Alien!" yea which alien. "You know! The Alien! From... The space... movie.."

The Thing fans already have this issue.


TimeTraveler3056 t1_j4xj8eq wrote

ALIENS is my favorite movie. Noah Hawley is one of my favorite authors. And I love Fargo. I cannot freakin wait for this!!