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DoodleDew t1_j4d0e11 wrote

You’re over thinking it. It’s because she’s a big name and face that people know. No one knows the other two guys


Albertsongman t1_j4d0gwz wrote

She chose to do it. … She’s the highest profile person listed. … People are eager to do the easy finger point.


testingtor t1_j4d0hqa wrote

Shes the face of it, fairly or unfairly that means she gets the credit and blame from most people.


HotpieTargaryen t1_j4d0kxy wrote

You know the answer to this question. And why so many people that have not watched a single episode are talking about how horrible Velma is.


BananaSquid721 t1_j4d0pu3 wrote

It’s also receiving an unfair amount of backlash. It’s bad, but there is a lot of criticism around the characters that isn’t deserved… yet. A lot of hate is going to shaggy not being like shaggy at all but the show may be explaining how he gets the name shaggy and other back story elements


DoodleDew t1_j4d0z4x wrote

Also I think a lot people are complaining because they like to complain and didn’t watch it and writing articles on it gets clicks.


SpiderGhost01 t1_j4d1cvr wrote

Not only is she executive producer, but her name is attached to the branding. She's doing the interviews, HBO is promoting her with the show, she's actually voicing the main character, etc.

Come on.


CreepyAssociation173 t1_j4d1ese wrote

She's technically executive producer of it besides just voicing Velma. So she has some say so on what happens in the show.


BoringAccount4Work t1_j4d1h4r wrote

Same reason Kaley Cuoco got the hate for HQ when people were expecting it to be bad, she's the star. The star is the face of the show even when it's animated, so she gets brunt of it


patienceisfun2018 t1_j4d2ela wrote

It's bad, and shockingly bad, for shocking's sake. It's like a bizarre right-wing woke nightmare come to life by Hollywood liberals.


SpiderGhost01 t1_j4d2gup wrote

They've had success with her before, and, again, she's putting her name on the product. It's fair that she get the criticism when it comes to the overall production of the show.

I don't think she's getting unfair criticism. If anything, this show should immediately be cancelled by HBO for being the woke garbage that it is.


DoodleDew t1_j4d2kw7 wrote

She’s been promoting heavily before it premiered and the show is named after her character.

Also, “ I've never seen an executive producer prioritized over the actual show creator.”

^ you must be young or new to paying attention to this because this happens all the time


testingtor t1_j4d2p78 wrote

> How are the actual writers supposed to grow their own names if people just fixate on the biggest name in the credits?

Because people in the industry actually know what theyre doing and thats how they get bigger jobs.


quangtran t1_j4d2t56 wrote

That doesn't really excuse people being ignorant and acting as if this is another creative writing failure on her part. It makes 90 percent of the talking points seem even more ridiculous.


KYWizard t1_j4d37s4 wrote

Here is Mindy and Charlie talking about the show, and Mindy is giving Charlie all the credit for the characters and writing and Charlie accepting that. I think she was hired to voice an indian diverse female Velma because people now think voice actors need to match the ethnicity of whomever they are voicing. She doesn't deserve the hate for this shitty show but she is the biggest name attached to it so she is getting it.


testingtor t1_j4d3nxi wrote

He does promote it some but hes a weird case because it creates an association with Always Sunny, that probably wasnt the primary comparison they wanted to invite. He also just might not want to since hes busy.


cronedog t1_j4d3toa wrote

Most people don't understand anything about the creative process and think the actors are the most responsible, because they only know the actors. People ask questions to the actors as if they were the writer or director, not knowing that actors often film multiple takes and have much of their roles cut. They won't even know what's in the final show until they watch it.


JohnnyAK907 t1_j4d46pl wrote

>My hunch is HBO pushed the diversity changes and strategically chose a woman of color as the face of the project (instead of the white male creator) so that they could be shielded from any critiques.

Yeah... *glances at RT/IMDB/Metacritic score* that isn't working out real well for them, just like it hasn't for everything else lately from RoP to Witcher Blood Origin to Willow. Maybe it's time to rethink that strategy.

And to answer your question, 1) people really don't like Mindy, and 2) that Velma comes across as a shameless self insert for Mindy makes it easy to ignore the valid points you made regarding who is to blame for the low quality of the show itself.


e-glrl t1_j4d4cdo wrote

"from the creators of..." usually means "we got one guy who worked on..."

The Terminator series used James Cameron to promote Dark Fate, even though he was just a producer who didn't have much to do with the project

The Mortal Engines used Peter Jackson's name to try and bring in LotR fans, even though he just put up some money behind it.

Star Trek: Picard leans heavily on Patrick Stewart's star power, even though he did not write or direct, and his role is as more of a supporting character within the show. He is the producer and best known actor though, so rather than use Alex Kurtzman (who is not well-liked by fans, even though he is the brains behind the operation) the show uses Patrick Stewart to promote itself.

I recall His Dark Materials doing some producer shenanigans as well, though it has been quite a long time since I thought about His Dark Materials.


mr_britten t1_j4d4nbf wrote

Honestly, I laugh out loud every time I see someone complaining about how it’s not for kids. No shit it’s not for kids, I heard basically nothing about this show ahead of time other than the fact it was NOT meant for kids. Also people complaining about this Scooby-Doo remake… it’s not a Scooby-doo remake, if it was it would be called Scooby-Doo. Hate it for what it is, not for what it isn’t.


NotmejusaBEe t1_j4d54sz wrote

HBO Max before they were bought were mad lads and wanted shows people talk about and here that is. Good or bad


quangtran t1_j4d57g1 wrote

I meant in relation to her Mindy's involvement. All this talk about her past shows (The Sex Lives of College Girls) and penchant for white guys and her supposed conservativism all mean nothing is she has no say in the script.


theyusedthelamppost t1_j4d78sa wrote

that's the price of fame

Why is the meme that "Bush did 9/11" instead of "Karl Rove did 9/11"?

I'm sure she's experienced plenty of benefits from being famous, gotta take the hit when something doesn't go well too


BillFireCrotchWalton t1_j4d7f3x wrote

I'm not qwhite sure.

She has put out some legitimately good stuff, but whenever she is brought up on reddit, everyone just trips over each other to proudly proclaim how much they hate her and her work. Looks, Velma probably sucks (I haven't seen it yet), but disproportionate amount of hate it's getting on here is ridiculous.


maciver6969 t1_j4d87gu wrote

OR we have another case of having an established backstory, established characters, established formula from a show from the 60's that never really died out that was turned completely in the opposite direction from the franchise we all love.

Liberally blend in shit writing, shit characters, and fucking stupid as fucking fuck premise and you have this hot mess. Turn Fred the classic leader of the group into a narcissistic coward. Shaggy still have no clue WTF they are doing to him. Velma into a character we have a hard time liking, let alone cheering for. Daphine into the hot mean girl with no reason to be in the show... Then lose the one element that was in EVERY other show, Scooby.

Sure, it cant possibly be because it just fucking sucks. No Mr Tinfoil hat here thinks it is some sinister plot, instead of a pile of shit.


RusevReigns t1_j4d8p1w wrote

It's easy to wrongly assume Mindy is creator because it's modelled after her style, Velma is like an animated Mindy Lahari.


Pabsxv t1_j4d94i5 wrote

Would the reverse be happening if they show was good/successful? Absolutely.

If the show was good you would be constantly hearing how she’s so talented and funny and a genius writer etc….


Elons_a_distraction t1_j4d9cgx wrote

I….I actually kind of liked Velma.

…the first two episodes I had time to see anyway.,


maciver6969 t1_j4d9wj9 wrote

Yes, some are obligated to promote, but at the level she was hyping it was above normal promotion. There was shit on hbo with it, shit on youtube, her interviews, her "love" for the writing and more.

It is hard to look at her own words and see how anyone thought this was going to do anything besides crash and burn. Especially since they took a show we ALL know and changed damn near everything that we loved about the characters and make them into hot garbage with a shit sundae.

She literally said she loved the writing and how the characters have changed. And it was painful, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. The whole thing has been cringe so far, writing was so bad, characters are so bad, and she LOVED it. That is why she is getting the backlash.

99% of the backlash has been about the writing, acting and characters unlike when the asshole attack due to sex or sexual orientation. Nope it is fair to say she pissed directly into a hurricane on this one. MAYBE they can save it with a season 2 that shows Velma in a coma with the shit in season 1 a nightmare or something and bring in someone who at least WATCHED the original Scooby Doo shows...


TheSeventhAnimorph t1_j4da2kk wrote

> Wow just looked at imdb. 1.9/10 at the moment.

I mean, a score that low always means it's been vote-brigaded, so you can't tell what an actual "real" score would have been. I don't think it's even possible for something to organically score that low.


TheSeventhAnimorph t1_j4dat09 wrote

At least you can actually think for yourself. I'd be willing to bet most people spreading negativity about it haven't even seen it, or at very least went into it expecting to hate it and were intentionally looking out for all the worst aspects they could.


kultcher t1_j4dm672 wrote

Honestly, I don't have to watch the show or read the reviews to see exactly what's going on. The show probably is bad, but is 100% getting dog-piled (and more likely brigaded) because it's "too woke."

It's especially funny to me for a series like Scooby Doo. If you don't like it fine, there's literally like 50 years of almost continuous episodes and series of varying qualities and tones. And let's be real, the original show isn't exactly mindblowing, it's just fun nostalgia. I just can't imagine caring that much about it.


Songblade7 t1_j4dmfsw wrote

I just want to say that "It's a cartoon but seems like it's not for kids." is a weird stance since animation aimed towards adults has been a thing for a very long time. Maybe even longer if you look outside of American animation as anime has had that since at least the 1990s. I know you probably didn't mean anything by it though, but just saying.

That being said, taking a previously long established children's series and then turning into an adult aimed one IS rather weird and maybe tonally inconsistent to all the previous iterations, but also maybe not the first time that's happened.


sambamamerican t1_j4dqbwl wrote

It’s clearly the “Mindy Kaling Velma show”, even if she wasn’t the writer it’s her brand of humor.


BigPoppaPuff t1_j4dqs9x wrote

Well if she didn't want to be associated with it or stand behind it, then she shouldn't have put her name on the thing and have her Production Company's name on the thing or given media interviews promoting it.


[deleted] OP t1_j4ds0vw wrote

Because she put her name on the show and she’s doing promotion? It’s fair to criticise her.


Lidjungle t1_j4dv3oc wrote

Seriously... I have been bobmbarded by ads for "Mindy Kaling as Velma" all day long. Like HBO thinks her name is the biggest selling point of the whole show. I have not seen a single ad all day where the ad didn't have her name in all caps.

Wonder why she's taking so much heat for this?


ingloriousbaxter3 t1_j4dw0wo wrote

The show can be bad, and a huge portion of the pushback can be racist. They can both exist at the same time.

You never see this kind of white hot vitriol toward worse shows like Brickleberry, Paradise PD, The Prince or any of the other myriad shitty adult animated shows.


Lidjungle t1_j4dwae7 wrote

I just felt like the humor fell flat and really had a meanspirited core. It wanted to champion diversity while making some of the laziest "Lol, butch lesbian cops" jokes ever. And it really has nothing more to say than "LOL. Lesbians. Funny, right??" There's no satire, no mirror to society. The only redeeming social commentary to be had is how badly the other sides case is made with this rather stupid show.

To be fair, I've seen worse pieces of junk get 4 seasons on Netflix. Yeah, Paradise PD, I'm looking at you.

Like I knew the lines I was supposed to laugh at... But the humor was just juvenile, poorly delivered, often times confusing... Is Daphne supposed to be Asian and being played by a white (cartoon) actress? Like there was a thing about that after the cringey in every way shower scene, and I just didn't get it. The whole thing was just so clunky and wooden.


chimchooree t1_j4dwz56 wrote

I'd suggest that the criticism I've seen toward Velma is in proportion to the amount of promotion that was behind the show. It's been promoted ad nauseum for weeks now, so of course it had a big target on its back. As for the other three shows you mentioned, I have personally never seen anyone talk—positively or negatively—about two, and I can recall having seen exactly one person talk about Brickleberry. And to be honest, I'm not sure that wasn't Big Mouth.


Lidjungle t1_j4dz2mz wrote

Oh, it was full of social commentary. I didn't mean to give the impression that the show with the two lesbian cops wasn't trying to make a point - it's just that they did a very poor job with it.

Paradise PD is Juvenile - but it's also not trying to be anything but. They aren't tongue-in-cheek meta analyzing the shower scene and the plight of asian american representation with pretentions of depth.

I wouldn't even have to mention social commentary in the same breath as a cartoon - but Velma very much was making an effort at it. They just failed miserably. It was mean spirited and OLD. Things that were edgy takes in 1997.


Harryhood15 t1_j4e9vd7 wrote

This is crazy. I only know of the show because of her!


khanfusion t1_j4eluhg wrote

The criticism of the show itself is completely out of whack, too. Like, there were parts I thought were garbage, but overall both episodes were above average, and had funny stuff in them. The people losing their shit and making the most noise about how "bad" it is seem to have a chip on their shoulder for *some* reason.


khanfusion t1_j4enzzg wrote

Thank you. If people are saying this is "the worst show" then I want to know what they've seen or what they like, because those shows you mentioned are some of the first ones that come to mind when I think "worst show."


khanfusion t1_j4eo7p6 wrote

I laughed quite a few times, but I cringed quite a few times too. It's uneven for sure, but holy shit it's at least above average. Truly terrible stuff has come before and I didn't see anyone make daily posts about how bad that stuff was.


khanfusion t1_j4eonl7 wrote

So therefore it's never the racists' fault? Come on, like it's really that hard to believe that the extreme pushback on this show isn't motivated by a lot more than simply people not finding it funny.


khanfusion t1_j4ep8q9 wrote

I saw a huge mix of good and bad writing throughout. When it hit for me they were very good jokes, but there were times when the jokes were just stale or fell flat, and shouldn't have been in there. The first four or so minutes of the first episode were hard to watch, honestly. But it got better and I laughed out loud like 3 or 4 times in there.


khanfusion t1_j4eq4bs wrote

It's blood in the water for the anti-woke types. There are/were big expectations for this show, so when it sucks pretty hard for the first 4 minutes of the first episode it somehow becomes a huge target for criticism. And there should be some criticism, because parts of the writing are atrocious. However, there's great stuff too, which people would know if they actually watched it. Which they didn't.


KYWizard t1_j4eqqfp wrote

Didn't watch the clip did you? Did you see Charlie saying "Thanks Mindy, but you had a lot to do with the story and characters as well"?

Nope. She gave him all the credit and he took all the credit.


Lidjungle t1_j4eqqip wrote

I was kinda starting to relax into the dad banter when they did the thing about her mom leaving because she hated them? So… I was pretty turned off by that point. Like… maybe retconning Shaggy into a straight edge was cute, but they went a lame direction with it. Her showing up in thot wear because she didn’t kill her mom and the ensuing scene? Cringe. So, if it had some redeeming bits, it may have been after it had exhausted its goodwill for me.

On a positive note, I learned about Harley Quinn from the discussion around Velma, and I’m really enjoying it.


khanfusion t1_j4equi3 wrote

No, Norville is an anti-Shaggy character, to the point where a side plot point is that he's constantly trying to distance himself from marijuana and keeps failing accidentally. Which I thought was very funny.

As for the hate, people are just making up excuses. A guy in here is using the Scooby Doo canon as a shield for the hate, like anyone believes that shit for a second.


KYWizard t1_j4er9a5 wrote

If they paid me hundreds of thousands of dollars to do some voicework on a show...I would endorse that show, whether or not Cardiokills on reddit subjectively viewed me as an asshole for doing it would not factor in.


Lidjungle t1_j4er9gw wrote

And now we have proof that Oswald didn’t act alone too!

TIL that when a white man doesn’t give credit to a woman of color it’s proof positive that he really did do it all by himself. Thanks man.

That’s just silly. She knew what dog she was laying down with.


Bonezone420 t1_j4ethzw wrote

Because she's a woman in the public sphere, that means everything is her fault.


cynic74 t1_j4f02by wrote

Mindy is the Executive Producer and voices Velma. If you don't think she had a part in writing or rewriting any of the scripts you've got to be high. Actors who are EP's and are the lead don't just show up and read the lines, they are heavily invested in the project and there is no way she didn't have any input at all in the writing of the show.


avatarstate t1_j4f3u9a wrote

Norville could still end up turning into the pot loving character we know and love. My biggest problem with his character is he doesn’t have the voice. Shaggy has a specific way of speaking that’s so iconic; they should’ve at least incorporated that in somehow.


The-Dudemeister t1_j4fb0ef wrote

Haven’t seen the show but just look at the creators IMDb page.


frooglybear t1_j4fi9t8 wrote

I'm not sure why you are being downvoted. When she signed the contract the project was likely still new. They probably had the diversity stuff out in the open, but most of the writing and animation would have been unknown to Mindy at the time of signing.

Despite the poor writing she is sticking with it. Maybe she doesn't have a good way out of the contract. It does seem like she's become the scapegoat imo.


Chataboutgames t1_j4fvvq0 wrote

Reddit just collectively decided she’s the person to hate right now despite her most recent two shows being fairly popular around here


ParticularBranch4789 t1_j4r9zfp wrote

She proudly took on the lead protagonist knowing how the show was going to be portrayed , so she is at fault just as much as Charlie , that’s like saying why is this person being arrested they didn’t assault this child no but they stood and watched it happen and did nothing, just because you don’t directly created a problem , by doing nothing to prevent it and allowing it to happen you’re directly to blame- not to mention Mindy has made it perfectly clear she’s happy with how this series is being written so she’s defending it despite the fact that it’s absolute crap.


Gdub3369 t1_j4tjwu3 wrote

The fact that people now hate her makes me happy because she has ALWAYS been cringe to me. One of my least hated celebrities ever. But it's really not her fault the entire production turned out horrible. She's only a spoke in the wheel on this production. But maybe because other people are finally getting smart and realizing she's talentless??? I sure hope so!


OffensivePlaythrus t1_j59e200 wrote

She's executive producer. Velma is a self insert. Even looks like her. She always plays the same character, Mindy Kaling.


Captain_Chiwu t1_j5orxfo wrote

She's credited as a writer and is a producer of the show. She definitely put her own writing points in the script and design of the show


distophic t1_j66a4l5 wrote

I'd say it's bizarre that anyone thinks velma is funny or good in any way except animation but this is reddit.