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IAmTheClayman t1_j4jca1o wrote

So we really shouldn’t be engaging with this argument, because the “Godlessness” already implies the OP has drawn a very pearl-clutching conclusion, but for the sake of argument I’m gonna wade in.

Rick and Morty is a project made by many people. There are two major showrunners between Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. They head up a writers room that changes from episode to episode, but generally consists of about a half dozen people each episode. Different directors come in to work on episodes, with some repeats but lots of one-and-dones. And then there’s the voice actors, who appear to also contribute to last minute dialogue choices.

While Justin’s voice is obviously a major part of the show given his role, it’s just a part. He’s not secretly slipping in messaging that at least a dozen other people in the production pipeline have missed. Everyone involved has signed off on what is being made. What’s more, most plots are the brainchild of Harmon rather than Roiland by the duo’s own admission, and in recent seasons they’ve handed more of the reigns over to their senior writers.

Is Justin Roiland not a great guy? If the allegations are true, yeah he’s definitely got issues to work out and I’ll have lost a significant amount of respect for him as a person. But Dan Harmon also has a lot of baggage between his history of alcoholism and unwarranted sexual advances, but he is supposedly much better now and has made amends with those he harmed.

But overanalyzing the show in light of this news is just silly. If you don’t want to like Justin Roiland the alleged domestic violence would be reason enough, don’t go reaching for more reasons when you’ve got justification right there