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PPQue6 t1_j4dak9f wrote

Yep, I've been watching him since his politically incorrect days, and I still watch now. There's a few things about him that annoy me, but he's usually right.


hour_of_the_rat t1_j4evigu wrote

Agree with everything you said. No comedian can satisfy every particular audience member all the time--nor should they try, or it is even possible.

Colbert was brilliant on the TCR, skewering conservatives while pretending to be a conservative, even getting invited to the Whitehouse Correspondents' Dinner to roast Bush in 2006. But now? His monologues are decent, but usually not anywhere as good as his stuff from 15 years ago.

Trevor's best work were his editorials on race, but I skipped almost every celebrity interview where the guest was just oozing "I'm so happy to be me".

Anybody who watches Maher, or any other comedian who does political satire is going to find things to disagree with. As you said, he is generally right ("But I'm Not Wrong") on most issues, but it's fine to disagree with each other, but so many comments here, and elsewhere, want lockstep agreement.

The hate he gets from people is really astounding. It's like they want him to check every single one of their own particular 100 boxes, or he is the worst ever, but most attacks against him are ad hominem ("He's just a cranky old man"), and not specific criticisms of his views--which I have, certainly--but just goes to show that most people hate him without even knowing what he says. It's the whole, "I didn't read the article, but let me tell you what the author gets wrong".


PPQue6 t1_j4f380x wrote

Exactly. I think people forget that you can disagree occasionally and still like someone.