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lightsongtheold t1_j6pcuw4 wrote

Good to see them giving this show a proper wrap up.

As for a looming writers strike? Looks like I’ll have to fire up a rewatch of DS9 to fill the void!


ArsBrevis t1_j6pdr5q wrote

Am I reading the article correctly that it was only renewed just to have something to air?


lightsongtheold t1_j6pewch wrote

Pretty much. They are expecting a writers strike around the summer which will hurt broadcast far more than streaming. At least in the short term. They are just renewing stuff that would have got cancelled like La Brea as they can get the scrips wrote now before the strike happens.


MulciberTenebras t1_j6pczyq wrote

I've busy rewatching that now! Have been ever since the 30th anniversary of the show's premiere.