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kjhwkejhkhdsfkjhsdkf t1_j4q3gwh wrote

People have often made a similar statement how awesome a Sleeping Dogs movie would have been, but in reality, no, it wouldn't. The game is likewise a pastiche of major HK triad movies and themes, it would be extremely derivative. They're clever and fresh when you're not aware of them, but if you've watched a lot of movies from a given genre of film, not so much.


SilverSuferNorr t1_j4so1vp wrote

Same with the TLOU. It's nothing that we haven't already seen even before the games. But that doesn't means it's a bad thing.


TooZeroLeft OP t1_j4sqgnq wrote

Not to tell that RDR actually does some unique stuff in the Western genre. Cowboys and outlaws in snowy mountains, tropical Caribbean islands, Southern swamps and big cities or using cars isn't a common sight in Western AFAIK. RDRII's story barely even take place in the actual deserts of the West