Submitted by TooZeroLeft t3_10e2con in television

The show has received critical acclaim from critics and audiences, would you like if Rockstar tried their hand on making a show for both RDRs as well?

This way it could be cool if the shows came out in chronological order, since the entire story has already been done (much like TLOU and TLOU II). They would just need to have Dan Houser and the other writers who worked on the games helping with the show, as well as Woody Jackson and Bill Elm composing the soundtrack.

Since the game's stories combined would be absolutely gargantuan, even bigger than TLOU I and II combined, I think more than 2 seasons would be the way to go, and for them to be separated by chapters, not games.

If that were the case, then Season 1 could be Colter, Horseshoe Overlook and Clemens Point, leading to the season finale being the battle at Braithwaite Manor. Then Season 2 would follow Arthur's downfall, with the season being Shady Belle, Guarma and Beaver Hollow.

Season 2 then could start being the Epilogue, following John taking over as the main character after Arthur's death, starting with Pronghorn Ranch, then Beecher's Hope and ending with the last episode being "American Venom".

This leads up to Season 3, which would be separated between New Austin, Nuevo Paraíso and West Elizabeth.

This could either lead up to a final Season 4, or Season 3 could be longer since the first game had a much shorter story and have one more additional set of episodes, being the finale at Beecher's Hope.

What do you think? What ideas would you add? How do you think seasons could be?



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HumanOrAlien t1_j4olo20 wrote

Are people at Rockstar up for an adaptation? I've read that they denied multiple chances at turning GTA into a show or movie. Maybe it's the same for RDR.


WordsAreSomething t1_j4omswo wrote

I don't really care about where shows come from, I just want shows I enjoy.

If they made this and it's good then sure, more western shows would be cool.


CommunistCowboy1939 t1_j4ooe5n wrote

An original story set in the rdr world? Sure. A 1:1 adaptation of the games? Fuck off.


tinoynk t1_j4opiwv wrote

The problem with a Red Dead adaptation is that the plots are just pastiches of like, every big western movie ever. They'd really have to steer into an over-the-topness to avoid just seeming like an endless string of cliches, but that isn't really the game's vibe.


UrsunMaximus517 t1_j4opk5f wrote

It would literally be a western though with mean-humor? TLOU has supernatural horror edge though.


meho7 t1_j4orpfz wrote

Or maybe just maybe watch some of the old western movies? Most of the stuff from the game is basically references from popular westerns of the past. Try some of the gritty Spaghetti western or if you want some comedy the Trinity trilogy with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.


babajabajaba t1_j4oyayu wrote

Not sure how Red Dead's story, while awesome (one of my faves) would prove upon all the amazing western movies that already exist.

I think they should create a show based on Bully.


kingdazy t1_j4oyldl wrote

Yeah, as much as I loved playing the games, I don't think they'd make very good TV, as is. Nothing much original in the narrative or characters.

I see people suggest a GTA show too, and for the same reasons, no thanks.


mamafrisk t1_j4p0srh wrote

That's what Westworld season 1 felt like to me


KremlinHoosegaffer t1_j4p88xi wrote

Doable. They'd just need to change the story a bit. Take out the big western cinematic set pieces and bring in some original ideas. Red Dead is better as a game though.


travio t1_j4p8g3y wrote

The film and television industry loves to follow trends. If The Last of Us remains a hit, there will be more video game adaptations. Not sure if a western is the best genre, though.


urgasmic t1_j4p9j5s wrote

i want more stuff like arcane personally. something new. i don't have much interest in only these cinematic games also being shows/movies.


UmeshgaarB t1_j4pewyg wrote

This is it. The Last of Us the game for me was an interactive movie. So the idea of it being televised wasn't something I was super hype about. But I stand corrected with how good the first episode was.

But do what they did with Arcane. Take the characters from the game and give them stories, flesh them out, make us understand how they came to be in the place they are in the game. Arcane stands as the best video game adaptation of all time, but it's not really a adaptation, it has just taken the world and characters and made it it's own thing. Which is what I wish for every other adaptation to do.


kjhwkejhkhdsfkjhsdkf t1_j4q3gwh wrote

People have often made a similar statement how awesome a Sleeping Dogs movie would have been, but in reality, no, it wouldn't. The game is likewise a pastiche of major HK triad movies and themes, it would be extremely derivative. They're clever and fresh when you're not aware of them, but if you've watched a lot of movies from a given genre of film, not so much.


Timbishop123 t1_j4q9bn7 wrote

Red dead 2 has a pretty clunky story that has to twist established lore to fit. Although that probably wouldn't matter in an adaptation.


OkayAtBowling t1_j4qv91t wrote

It could certainly make a good show if it was done well. However the Red Dead Redemption games would be much harder to adapt than The Last of Us. The story is much longer and more meandering than TLoU, which is pretty tight as games go, both thematically and narratively.


howdybertus t1_j4qvctm wrote

I agree with you but still feel with a great cast, score and action pieces that would be enough to carry the show even if the story is simple and done before.

There are plenty of emotional scenes where the actors can showcase their talent. As well as many cool action set pieces that in an ideal world would be amazing to see live.

Agree it might not be the best adaptation material but I would be first in line to watch it not gonna lie.


SilverSuferNorr t1_j4snlah wrote

Red Dead was already made over 50 years ago before.

Essentially Clint Eastwood cowboy movies are the "go to". Not to mention Italian western and Japanese westerns.

And if you seen Hell On Wheels... yes that's basically Red Dead.


kingdazy t1_j4sovbr wrote

You're not wrong.

I mean, on the most surface level, it's exactly that genre. But that would be like saying Game of Thrones is just a show about dragons and swords. Shows and video games surrounding those genres are definitely not new.

What made the game, and hopefully this series, different is the approach, not the setting.

It's a story about relationships and choices, ones where moral black and white doesn't exist. Where your perspective can make you the good or bad guy. Where the choices a person makes doesn't easily define them as such, where you are forced to see things from different perspectives. (esp TLoU2)

Most TV forcefeeds you this on a spoon. These are the bad guys! They do bad things! These are the good guys! Everything they do is right! While TLoU makes it obvious that things are not so cut and dry. I really hope the show captures that aspect of the games.


TooZeroLeft OP t1_j4sqgnq wrote

Not to tell that RDR actually does some unique stuff in the Western genre. Cowboys and outlaws in snowy mountains, tropical Caribbean islands, Southern swamps and big cities or using cars isn't a common sight in Western AFAIK. RDRII's story barely even take place in the actual deserts of the West