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meowskywalker t1_j5pl1b1 wrote

It’s a fun show but after two years of “oh finally a good Superhero show from CW not like all the stupid shitty Arrowverse shows!” to watch it and find exactly the same shit you’d expect from Arrow or Flash was a little surprising. Did all these people who hate Flash and Arrow but love Superman and Lois actually watch Flash and Arrow, or did they just let the internet tell them they hated it?


orangemaroon25 t1_j5pon2l wrote

Arrow was great until Flash started, and Flash was good until they made Legends. It was like with each new show starting all the writers jumped ship and all the creative efforts were focused on the new one. I never watched Batwoman or Supergirl but Arrow and Flash became trash by then once there were 5 shows in the universe to pay attention to.