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Roook36 t1_j5pcyix wrote

Guess Jon Cryer and Bosch weren't available


envision83 t1_j5pd68y wrote

Michael Rosenbaum was great in Smallville and would have been great for this series too.


venm081199 t1_j5pfaom wrote

Given the WB shake-ups, I hope that the production creates a season finale that can work as a series finale.


xrnzaaasPL t1_j5pfcns wrote

Something tells me there's a conflict there and that's why he's not being cast, just like they passed on him when CW was doing a huge crossover with Tom Welling & Erica Durance involved (among others).


SVALTACT t1_j5pfoq5 wrote

Was season 2 any good? I heard good buzz around season 1 but nothing about 2.


Salarian_American t1_j5pfr8q wrote

Holy shit it's the guy that played Bob the Zombie in that one episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer


realblush t1_j5ph0vq wrote

Wasn't Cryer the Lex in that universe?


Norn-Iron t1_j5phjbf wrote

This show is supposed to be a different universe to the Supergirl version, that’s why they’ve 2 sons, they aren’t infants etc. it doesn’t explain a few things but yep, not the same suoerman.


stumpcity t1_j5phmw4 wrote

I don’t think they ever considered Rosenbaum, it’s probably not so much a conflict as it is just not a consideration. IIRC Cryer said he was the first option but there were conflicts with another show he was already contracted to.

So far as the Crisis crossover I believe Rosenbaum didn’t get looped in because he basically had a quote that production just wouldn’t meet. They did reach out but he wanted more money than they were willing to spend. Which is fine! Rosenbaum asked for his worth and when they said nah, he said fine. It’s probably nothing personal at all


stumpcity t1_j5piso7 wrote

S2 was a step down but still good. It definitely felt a little more scattered and seat-of-the-pants than S1, probably for all the obvious reasons (budget issues, pandemic issues, having an anti-vaxxer fucking up the production) but the core of the show was still really solid, and the characterization was still on point.


youdontknowme6 t1_j5pkjx1 wrote

Michael Cudlitz is probably the nicest celebrity I have ever met.

I went to get something signed by him and his booth had no line. He was just chillin in front of his own booth standing there by himself.

He has a full 5 minute conversation with me and was just a genuine down to earth dude.

I have met a lot of celebrities at conventions. My general rule is "don't meet your heroes" but man this guy breaks the mold.


meowskywalker t1_j5pl1b1 wrote

It’s a fun show but after two years of “oh finally a good Superhero show from CW not like all the stupid shitty Arrowverse shows!” to watch it and find exactly the same shit you’d expect from Arrow or Flash was a little surprising. Did all these people who hate Flash and Arrow but love Superman and Lois actually watch Flash and Arrow, or did they just let the internet tell them they hated it?


Im-Mr-Bulldopz t1_j5pmrva wrote

What happened to Jon Cryer? Was he not already established as Lex with this Superman? And I'm pretty sure it's the same universe because Diggle from Arrow appears in S1.


monty_kurns t1_j5pncp2 wrote

One time a friend and I were standing around at a con away from the celebrities but not quite in with the vendors when Michael Cudlitz walks by. My friend just said, "hey, what's up?" and he stopped and just started chatting with us for a few minutes. We just asked how he was enjoying the con and what he was up to in our city, but didn't talk about his work. I think he appreciated that and was just able to have a normal conversation in the middle of the con.

I've met quite a few people at cons and for the most part the celebrities have been pretty good with only one or two negative experiences. But Cudlitz was definitely one of the nicest experiences.


quaranTV t1_j5pnhzg wrote

I low-key assumed this was cancelled after the CW was gutted due to the WarnerMedia Discovery meger/Gunn and Safran rebooting all DC content. Glad to hear we’ll at least get one more season. Hopefully they write it as a series finale in case it gets cancelled.


capnflacid t1_j5pnn60 wrote

Been a huge fan of Cudlitz since Southland. He's a really great actor. I hope they give him good material to work with. I enjoyed season 1 of Superman and Lois but season 2 was a huge step down.


beautifulmind90 t1_j5po967 wrote

I want to start watching this, but do I need to have seen all the other CW DC shows as well? Because I don’t want to have to start watching like 3 other shows just to fully understand what’s happening in this show.


srstone71 t1_j5poa1p wrote

Wait, yeah… isn’t Jon Cryer the Lex in this universe?

I admittedly haven’t seen a ton of DC television and I didn’t watch any of the big Crises crossover a few years ago that may or may not have explained it, but I know that Jon Cryer was the Lex in Supergirl and that Tyler Hoechlin was Superman on the show.


orangemaroon25 t1_j5pon2l wrote

Arrow was great until Flash started, and Flash was good until they made Legends. It was like with each new show starting all the writers jumped ship and all the creative efforts were focused on the new one. I never watched Batwoman or Supergirl but Arrow and Flash became trash by then once there were 5 shows in the universe to pay attention to.


frostycanuck89 t1_j5pp2da wrote

Wild. Probably for the best if the show is gonna be successful, since the Arrowverse is basically done. I gotta say I already prefer this guy as Lex without seeing anything lol. Jon Cryer was an... Interesting choice.


Kaito_3 t1_j5pped3 wrote

I thought it was fine to pretty good at times just not as great as season one. The “villain” that was introduced pretty early on was one of the better parts of the season, as was his storyline. The overarching villain wasn’t that great.

I’d say some of the strengths and reason why I liked season one were still there, that being the great portrayal of Superman/Clark by Tyler Hoechlin. As well as Lois, John Henry, Jordan, Tal-Rho, and then Natalie was a pretty good addition to the show also. The relationship drama was not good and I hope season 3 doesn’t have much of it. I’d say overall the season is worth watching for sure.


linkman0596 t1_j5pr31r wrote

He already talked about why he turned down being in crisis. Apparently they called him and asked for an almost immediate answer despite not having a script or any idea of what they actually would with him if he agreed, and he got the call when he was at the hospital visiting a relative potentially on their death bed.


DMPunk t1_j5pr51a wrote

The Superman show is on a different Earth from the Supergirl show. I'm not entirely sure why they did that, and why they waited until the end of season 2 to make that clarification, but it is a different universe


Almighty_Push91 t1_j5prjeo wrote

Good, between Eisenberg and Cryer, I'm tired of the skinny dweeb Lex. I want someone intimidating physically and mentally.


numb3rb0y t1_j5ps6q8 wrote

Well, it wasn't a clarification, it was a retcon. Like 2 episodes earlier they had John Diggle guest dealing with an ongoing issue on the other shows.

The producer said they did it because with the final Flash season, the Arrowerverse is dead and they didn't want to be anchored to it.


Evolone100 t1_j5pu2jy wrote

I miss Rosenbaum. He was a great TV Luthor.


refpuz t1_j5pu5ii wrote

There's no "end" to Superman as he represents the never ending battle against evil and oppression. The only true "end" would be to adapt All-Star Superman as that can be interpreted as the end to Superman and Lex Luthor's conflict if there was to be one.


neoblackdragon t1_j5pus0r wrote

Mostly likely?

The Flash was the last show standing and it ends this season.

Make sense not to depend on a long continuity, especially with how Supergirl ended.

Even Stargirl ended before it could attempt a crossover(reusing Jay Garrick).

If the show continues, i wouldn't be surprised if it goes to streaming.


I_Set_3_Alarms t1_j5pux9l wrote

The new top brass didn’t cancel this show yet? They’re even casting new characters? I’m honestly shocked


elister t1_j5pxx7s wrote

I'm as excited about this, as I am about seeing another Batman movie.


Virgolyx t1_j5pz1a0 wrote

Everyone’s forgetting he played Abraham in TWD and idk how to feel about it


Juuto t1_j5pz1gx wrote

It was any good for sure. Not the best though, definitely not the best, but that season was hell to film with numerous delays and COVID shut downs. The finale acknowledges a lot of the fuck ups throughout the season especially when it comes to how characters were written.


Remarkable-Ad-2476 t1_j5pzr6q wrote

Yeah the overarching villain really didn’t do it for me. I’m also very tired of the whole “same actor but different character” trope that CW has done to death already to save on costs of hiring other actors.


SomeKrazyGuyUKno_v2 t1_j5q0kx2 wrote

How the hell are they going to explain that a Lex Luthor that looks like Jon Cryer is the same as one who looks like Michael Cudlitz? 😂


mnyc86 t1_j5q0qj3 wrote

Lex Luthor’s weakness is baseball bats


actuarally t1_j5q10rb wrote

Wait, what? Have I completely blocked out my memories of the final season? I LOVED Southland, but admittedly got tired of NBC (and eventually TNT) jerking us around with whether or not there would be a next season. By the time Cooper's "did he die?" scene aired, I was exhausted and checked out.


ope__sorry t1_j5q29bj wrote

What is this ends up being some sort of Justice Lords timeline but instead of incineration, Superman grabs a bat and beats his brains out.


kbig22432 t1_j5q34em wrote

I know he’ll always be Bull, but I can’t help but see him as the Redneck from Sex Drive.

“Oh, sorry ma’am… where the fucks Brandi.”


stumpcity t1_j5q397z wrote

Even in Season 1 it was mostly divorced from the rest of the Arrowverse. The S2 confirmation was essentially exactly that: A confirmation. Up to that point it seemed pretty standalone in everything but name anyway.


sonyablader t1_j5q5kds wrote

I always thought he would be a good Hyperion


[deleted] t1_j5q6ke5 wrote

I like Cudlitz. He was great in Band of Brothers as Bull Randleman. I was excited when he joined the cast of The Walking Dead, but he was completely underutilized in favor of Daryl.

Hopefully he gets a chance to really shine as Luthor. I'm actually surprised its taken the show this long to introduce Luthor.


[deleted] t1_j5q7hs6 wrote

I think Rosenbaum said in an interview that they offered him a role in the Crisis crossover, but he only had a short time to accept it and the writers didn't even know how they were going to use him. So he decided to pass.


capnflacid t1_j5q8vvk wrote

Yeah if I remember right, Ben bent some rules (i think they stole a video tape or gave false testimony) to help his partner get custody of his son. The partner was feeling guilty and was going to come clean. Ben didn't like that/didn't want to get in trouble. He had his girlfriends brother break into said partners house to steal evidence. Brother ends up killing the nanny. Ben then has to cover that up and lie to his partner about it. Partner finds out in the last episode and they fight each other. That's all I remember.

Cooper getting shot was the last season unfortunately.


Odin043 t1_j5qath7 wrote

Great actor, anyone remember him in the show Life, with Damian Lewis?

He was only in three episodes but his character had a real impact on me.


ranhalt t1_j5qb5p6 wrote

You say "same universe" as Diggle even though Diggle is Arrowverse Earth-1 and Supergirl/Superman were from Earth-38 up until Crisis, which unfortunately due to the pandemic, resulted in not much crossover. After the events of Crisis, Superman (now living on Earth Prime) is on the phone with Lois and is surprised at Lois mentioning the twins instead of the one baby they just had. On top of that, S&L has them as teens and clearly not 15 years in the future, so it's not post-crisis Earth-Prime that merged at least Earth-1 and Earth-38, while still clearly leaving the realities of Titans, Doom Patrol, and S&L separate.


ranhalt t1_j5qbjly wrote

Same way they explain that Adrian Pasdar was Morgan Edge in Earth-38 and Adam Rayner was Tal-Rho adopting the name Morgan Edge in Earth-TUD25. S&L is separate from anything connected to the Arrowverse and the Tyler Hoechlin Superman we see in Arrowverse Earth-38/Earth Prime is completely separate from Superman Earth-TUD25.


ranhalt t1_j5qbrpt wrote

I don't want to be an apologist for Arrowverse failings, but people who are confused why there would be a different actor in Superman & Lois and not an actor/incarnation we previously saw have never watched any of these shows.


DoomOne t1_j5qd50b wrote

Fun fact: John Cryer stated that his performance as Lex Luthor in Supergirl was an apology for the shit job he did as Lex Luthor's nephew Lenny in "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace".

He wanted to redeem himself and play a proper villain.


Nail_Biterr t1_j5qd9iq wrote

I 100% recognize this guy, but also 10% don't know his name or what he's from.

Must be The Walking Dead, because his IMDB page is full of '1 Episode' credits.


m00nh34d t1_j5qelzq wrote

Something really odd I find with Superman & Lois is the 2 boys Lois and Clark have, the makeup they wear make it look like they're wearing makeup, like you would when putting makeup on a lady going out for the evening. The lips are just a bit too bright, eyeliner just a bit to dark, cheeks a bit too blush. It seems odd to me as it's only really apparent on the 2 Kent boys, the rest of the cast look fine.


mangongo t1_j5qgw82 wrote

Same, I just started watching the last season because my boy Oliver Queen is coming back for one episode in the final season.

Have to admit, the Ride the Lightning scene was pretty great though, even if it was a bit underwhelming.


Prax150 t1_j5qib06 wrote

Cryer was low key a fantastic Lex Luthor but I guess they don't want to associate the show to the Arrowverse? Like the Arrowverse has a Clark Kent that looks like Tyler Hoechlin but I guess that's a different Clark Kent than the one from Superman & Lois?


akujiki87 t1_j5qlpg6 wrote

I havnt watched it since the Bloodwork season. Which I think was the last Arrow crossover? I dont know if I even finished it after Arrow ended. Id like to see Olivers return episode but idk If I can sit through the other stuff.


MattSR30 t1_j5qmj96 wrote


I have a few movie/TV quotes I randomly blurt out without any context or warning, and that's one of them. Another is the way Joe says 'I gotta get up' after his legs, another is how Doc Roe says 'you don't need these, I do' about some scissors, and another is how Babe says 'it's not, it's not okay' after Julian gets hit.

Come to think of it, most of them seem to be from Band of Brothers. I should rewatch Band of Brothers...


TuaTurnsdaballova t1_j5qn0kp wrote

I randomly watched one of his podcasts while browsing YouTube and he is like the opposite of Lex Luther lol. He interviews his fellow WB/CW level actors about their emotional trauma and shit. Very unexpected lol.


Ambitious-Comb-8847 t1_j5qsxgk wrote

Pre-Crisis they just recently had Baby Jon and were engaged not married. At the end of Crisis they seem to be married and apparently now have two boys.

At the end of S & L S2 it went out of it's way to establish it's not Arrowverse. Officially the fact that Clark, Lois, Lucy Lane and Diggle are the same actors is due to different Earth dopplegangers. It's a retcon but what they're going with. So Arrowverse Clark and Lois haven't officially been seen since the end of Crisis.


youdontknowme6 t1_j5qupev wrote

My negative experience has to be Lou Ferrigno. I genuinely was a fan growing up hearing stories from my older brother. Seeing him in a hulk film made me want to meet him more.

$80 for an autograph and he couldn't be bother to look at me. Just said "oh one of these" signed my item, tossed it back at me on to the table and says "next!"

Wish I never met the dude.


Beatle_Matt t1_j5qw6up wrote

Still a better choice than Jesse Eisenberg


RealJohnGillman t1_j5qwix4 wrote

u/Bripinoy u/Roook36 He was in Supergirl, of which Superman & Lois was originally intended as a spin-off of, with the same Superman and Lois Lane actors from that series, but it was ultimately decided to instead have it be a reboot, unconnected to Supergirl or the Arrowverse. Meaning they can recast. Some other Arrowverse actors reprise their roles in the series as different versions of the characters.


DaoFerret t1_j5r0el1 wrote

At least it ended well.

The was enough closure that it stung a lot less than all the cliffhangers shows usually get canceled with nowadays.

Kudos to the show runners for doing that (and still providing space for more if it wasn’t cancelled).


ItsADeparture t1_j5r3ul9 wrote

The funny part is that the SM&L producer even said "this version of Diggle is different and we show this by giving him longer hair and a beard."

He showed up on The Flash a few weeks earlier with the same exact hair and beard.


N0r3m0rse t1_j5r7ccv wrote

Damn they got James Hetfield from walking dead


dinosaurkiller t1_j5r7ldo wrote

I don’t know him and I can’t really defend him but I do know a lot of deaf people and they are just different. They tend to be blunt and direct in ways that the rest of us don’t understand. It may just be that.


youdontknowme6 t1_j5r7tit wrote

I get that. I have a deaf uncle and I know what it's like to speak to someone with a hearing impairment. I spoke clearly and carefully making sure he could see me (but he never looked). I get what you are saying but it just wasn't the vibe I was getting.


Richiieee t1_j5re8fw wrote

I would really love to see Cryer as Lex Luthor in more projects. Hopefully DC Studios under James Gunn and Peter Safran keeps him on contract.

I also wonder if this is foreshadowing S3 as the end. Lex Luthor is pivotal to Superman's story, and to now get him on, I wonder if they're planning for the end.


Squidguy83 t1_j5rf2zq wrote

They cast Abe from the Walking Dead/the guy who plays John DiMaggio in real life! Thats rad, he was my favorite character.


ace_of_spade_789 t1_j5rp3an wrote

I've been to several cons over the years and Carey elwes takes the cake for me because he's the only one who asked for me and my friends names when getting pictures.

Michael rooker also seems like he just has a lot of fun at these events. Most of the celebrities I see at these things seem like they are having fun but stan Lee ended up being the only one that just seemed burned out and if he wasn't then his "handlers" sure made sure it seemed like was only there for the payday because we were told not to talk to him, don't make eye contact and stand three feet away from him.


Kinenai t1_j5rtkpf wrote

Cooper? A villain? Never!


[deleted] t1_j5rtq6g wrote

I was expecting, Jeff Bezos honestly, he's a natural, he wouldn't even need to act out a character!


Latter-Ad6308 t1_j5s0eg4 wrote

Shame they’re not bringing Jon Cryer back, I really liked his take, but I understand them wanting to seperate the show from what came before. Cryer was a great Luthor, but I’m sure Cudlitz will be too.


slylock215 t1_j5s807n wrote

Luthor, for all the hate and time you spend on Superman do you know what he thinks about you in his private moments?


He does not think about you at all.


Don't remember which comic this is from (and I'm sure I'm butchering it) but gat damn.


AF2005 t1_j5sbf89 wrote

That’s an interesting choice. He is usually solid in everything, I look forward to seeing what he does with it.


malkumecks t1_j5sna4d wrote

Billy Zane always seemed to be perfect for this role


FlaccidGhostLoad t1_j5sniyy wrote

Rosenbaum is beloved as Lex.

Rosenbaum is also really good friends with James Gunn. Who is now in charge of the DCEU and apparently, rumor has it, directing the next Superman movie.

I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that he brings his friend in to play the character again.


FlaccidGhostLoad t1_j5snobf wrote

I'm calling it. He's going to be as good a Luthor as Vince D'Onofrio is as Kingpin.


IniMiney t1_j5spwss wrote

It took me some serious suspension of disbelief to get used to Jon Cryer doing it, this is more legit


toughtacos t1_j5t6480 wrote

Which one? 😄 Rosenbaum isn’t terrible, but I never feel like he does any research on the guests he doesn’t know intimately from before, beforehand, and makes a lot of assumptions and the guests often end up correcting him. Maybe that doesn’t make him a bad host, but I think it makes for awkward moments. I like him as a person and actor, just not so much as a podcast host.

Fridman on the other hand is just a clout chaser who loves so surround himself with successful people and thrives on being able to say sentences starting or ending with, “my friend Elon/Rogan/Peterson/etc” 😁


tinaoe t1_j5t87hf wrote

Nope they removed it pretty completely from the rest of the CW shows. There's a Diggle cameo, but that's about it and the show tells you all you need to know. Have fun with it, it's a great show!


Josquius t1_j5t88kb wrote

I honestly thought they'd cancelled this show? Good to hear its still going.


beetsrules t1_j5taupd wrote

Oh thank god! I saw the picture and thought it was James Corden


AnalBlaster42069 t1_j5tdvz2 wrote

He's one of those actors I don't recognize as famous, because I have a friend that looks so much like him. So much so that if I saw him, I'd probably be like "oh hey Gary, what's up?" and then be disappointed it wasn't Gary 😄


BKDX t1_j5tu5bm wrote

"Whatever Happened To The Man of Tommorrow?" would work better, with some deviations (secret identity not leaked, no supporting cast deaths, etc).


RealJohnGillman t1_j5u24w3 wrote

That was retconned in the second season of Superman & Lois, to say that the Diggle first seen in the first season was a different Diggle than the Arrowverse one. Who still has not given up his own Green Lantern ring box.


JohnnyAK907 t1_j5usc7c wrote

While I like Cudlitz, this is a weird choice.