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1000Fatkidz OP t1_j6ezccw wrote


[deleted] t1_j6f00st wrote

Great writing with a lot of different plot twists, they're actually correct with their tech, and it's just a good show overall.

I was hooked from the first scene and spent a week binge watching the entire series during the first lockdown.


1000Fatkidz OP t1_j6f06ty wrote

Like what I’m hearing. I feel like it’s a similar vibe to The Leftovers. Accurate?


makovince t1_j6fbg2x wrote

No, they're both fantastic shows but I wouldn't say they fit in the same category


An_Dr01d t1_j6fh9ni wrote

Well, they're both similar in the sense that they're both fundamentally about the protagonist's mental trauma, both have unreliable narrators as a result of this psychological trauma, and both are about how one comes to resolve that trauma to finally find peace.

The main difference is that Mr Robot has a lot more action/thriller elements to its plot.


sergiocamposnt t1_j6frv82 wrote

They're both crazy shows that focus a lot on psychological stuff, but Mr Robot is more like a thriller, The Leftovers is a heavy drama.


[deleted] t1_j6fxeq6 wrote

It's a lot less novelistic than The Leftovers and is more in the vein of an espionage thriller genre-wise. It isn't as concerned with religion proper as The Leftovers is, but more with people trying to play God and generally failing.


CEO_OF_THE_WORLd t1_j6lqp39 wrote

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for asking a question lol but while different they are 2 of my favorite 3 or 4 shows ever


[deleted] t1_j6fwxoo wrote

It's a show that seems to be about a very narrow topic at the beginning, but progresses to be about almost EVERYTHING. Even characters that are introduced as flat stereotypes are rounded out into complex humans trying to do the best they can, and the show explores big questions about the various crises of the modern age and what we as individuals can really do about them, if anything.

It's one of the rare shows where each episode builds on all the ones before to become even more thought-provoking.


Flat896 t1_j6g7wzd wrote

Some of the best cinematography I've come across in a TV show. Even ignoring the great characters, acting, music, and story, it brings me joy just seeing the amount of creativity and passion put into the camera framing and movements.


FreyrFreyja t1_j6f09o6 wrote

Don't ask or read more about it. It fits with your favorites but knowing less is better for the full ride.


stankbox t1_j6mcmyn wrote

Very suspenseful and it felt like each episode had a distinct climax which kept my attention