Submitted by 1000Fatkidz t3_10ojfn6 in television

Okay so I’ve started the show before and admittedly wasn’t paying a great deal of attention(about 5 years ago). I thought it was okay but not super invested which probably has to do with me not paying full attention. I really like shows with great writing, good acting, and character development rather than just straight plot movement. I’m cool with a slow burn. What I don’t like is a ton of Flashbacks and OTT visuals, etc.

I am currently watching Severance and love it which is why I’m considering Mr.Robot again. Some favorite shows are(in no particular order) -Le Bureau de Legendes -The Amercians -Breaking Bad -Red Oaks -Sopranos/The Wire



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StacheBandicoot t1_j6ez2eg wrote

You should definitely watch at least the first season. In a way it’s a complete story that really pays off and isn’t that much of a time commitment and you can decide from there if you want more.


[deleted] t1_j6f00st wrote

Great writing with a lot of different plot twists, they're actually correct with their tech, and it's just a good show overall.

I was hooked from the first scene and spent a week binge watching the entire series during the first lockdown.


jogoso2014 t1_j6f085u wrote

It’s a great show.

It’s not one of my best shows ever but it is definitely one of the best looking shows.


Mnemosense t1_j6f0lkq wrote

Mr Robot is one of the few mystery shows that answers every single mystery and satisfyingly so. Watch it.


OneGoodRib t1_j6f10x5 wrote

These questions are so stupid. "Hey guys this show is widely regarded as one of the best tv shows of all time. Is it good?"


TheMicMic t1_j6f1cia wrote

It's remarkable and totally underrated. The ending is good, too.


Radiobandit t1_j6f1nsx wrote

I agree with the OP. Season 1 was a thrill to watch. Personally seasons 2 and 3 get progressively worse, I'd call them boring and rudderless. Season 4, the final season has a lot of payoffs but I honestly don't know if it's worth it getting to that point slogging through the rest of the story.

That being said all the characters feel very human. They're not simply plot elements, even the side characters. Everyone reacts according to their own beliefs and characteristics. There are consequences, intrigue and hidden agendas behind every action. At times the intrigue goes a little too deep as you can tell the writers got a little over their heads at times.

It's really hard to say much about the series as it's kind of chock full of spoilers, though. Even making comparisons to other media feels a bit too leading. You really need to go into this show with blinders on. Just watching the first 15 minutes should give you a good feel for the vibe of the rest of the season though.


Ragefan66 t1_j6f2dpx wrote

IMO, it was alright. Way overhyped & pretty meh. Some parts of Season 2 are just cringey, such as the money burning in public and some other parts. Other parts are really great though.


thedjdoorn t1_j6f2ksu wrote

Severance and Mr. Robot are both among my favorite shows ever made, I would recommend anyone who's a fan of one of those to watch the other.

The thing about nobody in this thread elaborating on what makes this show great is that it's like dissecting a frog: you understand it better but it kills it in the process. Comparing the show to its influences absolutely ruins the plot. I'll lift the veil a teeny tiny bit, but only in spoiler tags.

>!To me, the story unfolding itself in highly unexpected ways, something something unreliable narrator, and the exquisite cinematography really pull you in!<


thefilmer t1_j6f2qb9 wrote

yes. it is one of the few shows that rewards you handsomely because the whole thing was planned out from start to finish. season 4 has payoff after payoff that was set up YEARS in advance. tbh it's everything TV should be


BurroCrata t1_j6f309q wrote

Ugh, I want to watch this to the end but I’ve already tried twice (once as it aired and again right around when it was finishing) and life just got in the way.

I feel like if I watch season 1 again it will be too familiar.


LKMagnificentBastard t1_j6f3hi6 wrote

Based on your favorite shows and your preferences I would say yes. My only caveat would be if someone might be triggered by raw elements like the depiction of mental illness, violence, trauma or if they’re looking for something that has lighthearted elements to reconsider it.

Edit for clarification: this was the case for me, love the show but when I binged it I found myself to be more anxious because I got an insight on the things I mentioned above even though I can typically handle darker elements.


RunDNA t1_j6f3jz7 wrote

I normally like shows that Reddit likes and Reddit loves the show, but I hated it. It was so edgelord cringe that I had to stop watching.


Radiobandit t1_j6f3q40 wrote

Yeah I said in another comment seasons 2 & 3 really detracted from the series overall. If I could I'd condense the series into 2 seasons. There's a good story tucked away, it just gets dragged out way too long.


Smiling_Maelstrom t1_j6f496r wrote

season 1 is fantastic

the rest completely miss the mark tho


moondog548 t1_j6f5ztp wrote

Not until you've finished your chores!


mtb443 t1_j6f6c2u wrote

I LOVE Severance. Cannot stand Mr. Robot.

Personally i hate shows that go all-in on the unreliable narrator. Ret-conning events because the narrator lied does not mean you are being clever, it just means i shouldn’t trust anything i see, in that case why tf should i care.

I like using a puzzle analogy. A good mystery gives you puzzle pieces but doesn’t tell you what the picture looks like. You can tell which obvious pieces go together but not exactly what it means, as the story goes on the picture becomes more clear and you get an earned “ah-ha”. A bad mystery gives you pieces and the picture but when you start putting it together it flips the board and says “hah got you! You’re so confused right now!” Then you just sit there staring at a giant mess until they just explain what the puzzle was all along.


burnabybambinos t1_j6f7vp6 wrote

Familiarize yourself with Linux, and give it a season

Once you see White Rose storylines, , give up.


devperez t1_j6f86ch wrote

I couldn't stand it. It's initially interesting, but got boring fast.


D3Construct t1_j6f8zju wrote

It's good but it gets a little too up its own ass at some point. You can definitely tell when the awards started pouring in and the writers got a little too ambitious for their own good.


OmniManDidNothngWrng t1_j6fa2vg wrote

Was one of my favorite shows when it was on the air, but I don't think it quite stuck the landing with it's final season. Most people complain about the 2nd season not really having a straightforward plot which didn't bother me at all. But regardless of whether it was that or the death of tv it had really bad ratings for the rest of the series and there were two actors that were probably not included in the last season for issues that happened off set that I haven't seen any coverage of even a comment from Sam Esmail or Rami Malek about.


ReformedPC t1_j6fa90l wrote

It's one of my favorite shows of all time. If you love Severence, there's no way you won't like it.


TheRealJakeMckoy t1_j6falge wrote

Season 1 was probably the best series I ever saw- season 2 lost me


lookatmecats t1_j6faqiu wrote

Would definitely recommend. The first season can be a bit cringey in a few parts, specifically the first and last episode. It's a great show overall, season 3 is my favorite season of television. It's also one of the best directed shows I've seen


Ozlin t1_j6fdzdz wrote

Not OP but I'll give you a break down of my thoughts on what makes it good:

  1. Narrative format. Elliot "breaks the fourth wall" by speaking to the audience in voice overs, which results in some interesting dynamics and plays an important part in both the plot and his character development. It's probably one of the most effective uses in voice over narrative in TV since Wonder Years.

  2. Direction. The direction of the show is just unique and also very effective. The camera shots, framing, angles, are all used to help influence our views, feelings towards characters, and understanding of what's happening. After season 1 there are some very well done scenes that make use of long shots and revealing of scenes as things unfold on and off camera.

  3. Characters. Like Sopranos, these characters are treated very much like real people. They get into crazy situations and it effects them. We see how it effects them over time. They change, their relationships and dynamics to one another change, and all of this effects their choices and the larger plot. It's a psychological show, with a psychologist as an occasional character (like Sopranos), so it takes into consideration how the psyches of people work. And there are some fascinating characters, some who aren't even main characters, and they all have complicated depth.

  4. Plot and story. Mr. Robot is a show that moves forward while still returning to past effects. The plot develops with each season, though season 2 is a little more character focused, and it kind of just keeps unfolding. But, essentially, the plot and story is all really about Elliot and Mr. Robot, which is why 1, 2, and 3 of my list here are handled so carefully. It needs those elements to work well for its story to be good. And so there's an attention to all of it that helps it become a well crafted story.

Overall, it's good TV because it's aware of its medium and craft and how to use those effectively. This also makes it a bit too "pretentious" for some, because it very much is trying to make an art out of it, it's aware of what it's doing. That's not for everyone. But I think if you enjoy character driven stories it's still good even if it feels a little too meta or pretentious at times.

It does use similar fantasy scenarios as Sopranos, where it delves into the mind of the protagonist like we do with Tony, but it really pushes on that farther and takes it up several notches. That can be too much for people when it happens, but it's not every episode either.

Anyway, that's what I think makes it good. It's firing on all cylinders and fits the genres I like. But your own tastes may differ.


ForgivenessIsNice t1_j6fedlk wrote

>level 1Mnemosense · 1 hr. agoMr Robot is one of the few mystery shows that answers every single mystery

I don't think it's necessarily a good thing for all questions to be answered. It's best that some questions be left unanswered. See The Leftovers.


FullyStacked92 t1_j6fevs6 wrote

Started watching it. Guessed a big reveal about 2 episodes in. Checked to confirm if I was right and I was so I called it there.


DicklesTheClown t1_j6ff55i wrote

I've tried three times to get into it, I watch the first few episodes and tap out. The main character is just so unrelatable, unlikable, and uninteresting to me.... and I like Rami Malek. FTR I loved Severance too.


An_Dr01d t1_j6ffk0x wrote

I think it was an amazing show.

However, while the show grabs your attention with its initial vigilante hacker plot, the story is fundamentally about the MC making peace with his mental trauma (which is incidentally why people tend to find season 2-3 weaker, since the vigilante hacker stuff takes a bit of a backseat), so if you enjoy great character development, an unreliable narrator (due to mental trauma) that makes you question what's real and what isn't, shrouded with a gripping vigilante hacker story line, then I do recommend this show.

Also, I'm a big fan of all the shows you mentioned (happy to see Le Bureau des Légendes get some love), and also a big fan of this one, so take that as you will.

I think the struggle with a lot of people is that while the show starts off as a vigilante hacker story, it starts to focus more on the psychology of the main character, which some people enjoyed less.

The final season is fantastic and the show has probably one of the most satisfying endings I've ever seen.


The_Meemeli t1_j6ffkuh wrote

>I really like shows with great writing, good acting, and character development

You'll get those.

>What I don’t like is a ton of Flashbacks and OTT visuals, etc.

It has some flashbacks, but they're not a large focus from what I recall.

As for over the top visuals, any examples of what you would consider as such?


Lucky-Manager-3866 t1_j6fgcb0 wrote

Great show; the cinematography is second to none. I am debating a rewatch.


An_Dr01d t1_j6fh9ni wrote

Well, they're both similar in the sense that they're both fundamentally about the protagonist's mental trauma, both have unreliable narrators as a result of this psychological trauma, and both are about how one comes to resolve that trauma to finally find peace.

The main difference is that Mr Robot has a lot more action/thriller elements to its plot.


Sweaty_Recipe_8772 t1_j6fi71g wrote

It's not the fastest show, but it's one of my favorites. The mystery, the intensity, the characters. I personally never got bored with it. It's such a weird show but not in a bad way. I was curious to see what Elliott did next. I will say season 2 is way weaker though. Wouldn't say bad, just a bit annoying at times.


MVPScheer123r8 t1_j6fmic3 wrote

"I keep hearing it's one of the best shows ever yet here I am still stupidly asking this question."



MVPScheer123r8 t1_j6fnx64 wrote

Maybe I'm misremembering here, but I'm pretty sure it only seriously retcons one thing and that one thing is possibly the greatest twist in the history of television. Mainly because it's something we all should have seen coming and was right in front of our noses the entire time, but nobody actually figured it out. That's the mark of an excellent twist.


MVPScheer123r8 t1_j6fojj4 wrote

First off, no you haven't. At least not from people who actually care about good television.

Secondly, you could just as easily have searched this on google and found other reddit posts where people have asked the exact same thing about this show and gotten your answers from there. Which it seems like you've already done if you've kept hearing it's one of the best. Because people around the water cooler are definitely not talking about it anymore considering it ended like 4 years ago. So I'm not sure why you felt you needed to ask the same damn question yourself on your own post where it sounds like you already had your answer from the masses.


Locutus747 t1_j6fopkb wrote

People like different things though. I absolutely love some of your preference and don’t like others. Only way to know whether you’ll like the show is to check it out. There’s a chance you will like it but only you would know for sure.


xX_Andr3w_Xx t1_j6fouut wrote

Just watch it. Everything leads up to an amazing finale.


1000Fatkidz OP t1_j6fpave wrote

Still don’t get the point in your comment considering I added the context of MY current favorite shows. This should imply to the reader that I would like that factored into their reply of whether I should watch the show or not. No worries tho lol


alphajonreductase t1_j6fr5v8 wrote

I personally loved it. Best shot show in all of television (particularly seasons 3 and 4), takes a lot of risks that have huge payoffs, emotionally satisfying, tense, and the literal best last 5 seconds of any show I've watched. If you like severance there's a very good chance you'll get into Mr robot. It sucks it didn't get the recognition I think it deserves outside of reddit.


[deleted] t1_j6fwxoo wrote

It's a show that seems to be about a very narrow topic at the beginning, but progresses to be about almost EVERYTHING. Even characters that are introduced as flat stereotypes are rounded out into complex humans trying to do the best they can, and the show explores big questions about the various crises of the modern age and what we as individuals can really do about them, if anything.

It's one of the rare shows where each episode builds on all the ones before to become even more thought-provoking.


[deleted] t1_j6fxeq6 wrote

It's a lot less novelistic than The Leftovers and is more in the vein of an espionage thriller genre-wise. It isn't as concerned with religion proper as The Leftovers is, but more with people trying to play God and generally failing.


OrangeSundays19 t1_j6fzjcn wrote

I enjoyed the ride and it was certainly pretty unique. It gets a little too convoluted which hinders the storytelling and not all the twists land as hard as they could. I don't know if it ever is as purely fun as that first episode but it gets pretty close. But worth the watch for sure.


haverchuck22 t1_j6fzsh0 wrote

You prefer shows with good writing, good acting and character development.....?




youngbaklava t1_j6g0lfi wrote

One of the best/satisfying finales in my opinion, whole series is a trip.


Amsheel t1_j6g1bib wrote

I recommend starting from the beginning. First season lets you familiarise with the world, the characters and ends in an optimistic place. Season 2 is when I feel the show stops holding your hand and trusts you enough to go darker and weirder.


Locke_Moghan t1_j6g4i9p wrote

A special bonus: As a computer programmer, I appreciate how well-researched and crafted all of the hacking scenes are. Just about every other show with Hollywood hacking makes me cringe. It makes real hacking tense and exciting while still being realistic. The r/itsaunixsystem sub tries and fails to find anything at fault with the show.

There's an early S1 example where he's trying to figure out some guy's password, and tries a dictionary attack (running through a bunch of common passwords). It actually doesn't work, and realizes he should hunt for personal data on his Facebook account to get there. If it was some Hollywood show, he'd get the password in ten seconds and it would have some goofy GUI interface to tell him he "Hacked the Gibson" or some shit. The art of the craft is weaved into the story rather well.

The router S2 episode also comes to mind, but I won't say anything else because of spoilers.


SchittyDroid t1_j6g61jq wrote

If you like Kubrick, then for sure. Esmail loves artistic long shots (in a good way) with heavy and well written dialogue.

I honestly regard it as one of my top three shows of all time. The other two being Dark and The Wire.


Flat896 t1_j6g7wzd wrote

Some of the best cinematography I've come across in a TV show. Even ignoring the great characters, acting, music, and story, it brings me joy just seeing the amount of creativity and passion put into the camera framing and movements.


Flat896 t1_j6g8b65 wrote

I know the show is pretty old now but I would consider deleting this comment. A "should I watch ____" thread isn't exactly one that people go into expecting spoilers.


JimmySquidGuy t1_j6gg2e7 wrote

My all time favorite show, I made the mistake of dropping it at the beginning of season 2 after thinking it wasn't nearly exciting as season 1. Only came back to it years later when I heard people saying that season 4 was even better than season 1, which I had a hard time believing. Seasons 2 and 3 can be slow at time but they are all necessary to build up to season 4, if you can make it there you won't regret it. Every episode of season 4 is a banger, I consider the best single season of any TV show.

The Leftovers is probably my second favorite show and while I wouldn't consider the two show similar, they definitely explore some common themes regarding human connection/loneliness.


Logical_Copy_8465 t1_j6ghced wrote

A counterpoint to the popular opinion. I liked the first scene, after that I lost interest pretty rapidly. I forced myself to finish the first season and even started season 2 but it's not a show you can watch while on your phone but because I wasn't engaged I was never giving it my full attention. Its simultaneously confusing with whats actually happening while the season 1 twist is very obvious.


Worried-Good-6593 t1_j6gm0iw wrote

I fucking love Mr robot. Go in completely blind. It's better than sopranos breaking bad and the wire imo.


TrustyBagOfPlaylists t1_j6gp6d3 wrote

I mean it’s good. I kinda get the feeling it’s what the boondocks saints was to my generation.

I think everyone would enjoy it more if they didn’t try to contextualize it with their personal plights. But 🤷‍♂️


Camus____ t1_j6gpmx2 wrote

Yes 100%. It is a zeitgeist show. In 20 years, someone will ask what was 2017 like. Just watch Mr Robot. It’s not the plot points or anything like that. It is the style and the tone. Some of the best television ever made.


remmidinks t1_j6guyjk wrote

Great show. Hated the ending personally. Some people loved the ending. Worth a watch.


rjop377 t1_j6gviyk wrote

Something real quick I'll add to this conversation. I love Mr. Robot for many reasons, most already listed in this thread. But a certain character that suffers from panic attacks is the only character I've come across the represents them in a way that feels accurate to my own experiences and I freaking love this show for that.


PeterNippelstein t1_j6gy83a wrote

It pulls you in harder than just about any show I've watched. It keeps you on the edge of your seat for almost the entire series, kind of like breaking bad but much more engaging and fast paced. And it doesn't even have a massive buildup, it hooks you from the first scene and will keep you guessing the whole time.


zachtheperson t1_j6gyi9r wrote

Mr. Robot is great, just be warned it's not happy in the slightest, as in "we'll give you a puppy dog, shoot it in front of you, and then immediately move on like it never happened to rob you of the grieving process," type not happy. Not to mention all characters are fundamentally lonely and/or desperate to their core which doesn't make things any better. As a work of art and as a story the show is amazing, but just make sure you're in a good space before watching it.

I made the mistake of watching it right when the pandemic started. I was like "Wow, the school I work is closed down, now I have time to catch up on all the shows I've been wanting to watch," and it really didn't do much good for my emotional state during that time.


FrankRizzo65 t1_j6gzaq7 wrote

Season one was good. But it went off the rails after that.


Beard341 t1_j6h019f wrote

As everyone said, fantastic show. But, in particular, 407 Proxy Authentication Required in season four is one of the greatest television episodes of all-time, IMO, with a huge payoff. The writing, the performances, everything was perfect.


Ozlin t1_j6h05s0 wrote

Yes! I loved that aspect as well. I'm not super well versed in coding or hacking, but hearing that they actually listened to hacking consultants and incorporated a lot of real world stuff into the show was really cool. The interviews with Esmail when he talks about how they really actually cared about getting it as right as they could were always cool to read and listen to. He seems genuinely interested in the culture and work of it. It shows their dedication to character too, hacking is important to Elliot, so getting it right really mattered.


snoopwire t1_j6h41ar wrote

I thought it was pretty bad. I tried to sit through it because I was bored and sick at home or during lockdown or something. I finally gave up halfway through S2.


AlbertaNorth1 t1_j6h6d7d wrote

It’s the best show I’ve ever watched. Season 2 can be a bit of a slog but thats because it’s putting the pieces in place for season 3/4 which absolutely nail it out of the park. If you decide you just can’t make it through then that’s fine but you should still check out season 4 episode 7. Perfect filmmaking.


AlbertaNorth1 t1_j6h6k54 wrote

If you like hacking, unreliable narrators, thrillers, twists with payoff and breathtaking cinematography then yes you should watch it. The show doesn’t hold your hand though you do have to pay attention to it.


OrphanScript t1_j6hbzkm wrote

The season 2 twist? Apparently everybody figured that out over on the subreddit. I wasn't there at the time but it was pretty funny going back and reading. Id have never guessed it myself but it is excruciatingly obvious in hindsight.


Skoberget t1_j6hfxos wrote

If you can stand the main character (which I personally have a really hard time doing) it's worth a watch


BaseballFuryThurman t1_j6hj3ro wrote

It's fine if you like tedious monologues about how people are sheep for drinking Coca Cola


Hexcraft-nyc t1_j6hkyoo wrote

This is what I'm saying. How is spending all this time thinking about consuming media or shitting on media you haven't watched productive? Is your life just not meaningful on its own? Watch the thing and move on. Or don't watch the thing and move on.


LowIce4709 t1_j6hljdc wrote

It's not bad, but not even close to being one of the 'best shows ever'.


Cyrano_Nose t1_j6hrko3 wrote

Did you just seriously try to be that needlessly mean and insult someone for "having an unmeaningful life" because they asked a question you don't approve of?

There's a lot of meaningful and worthwhile back-and-forth in many of the conversations in this thread. As someone that hasn't watched the series, I found it to be helpful and I'm glad much of it took place.


I_need_time_to_think t1_j6htog6 wrote

I loved Mr Robot (and agree that it answered most of the questions perfectly) but I still don't understand the whole point of his character was to be honest. It felt like the writers had no idea what to do with him from the get go.


duckwantbread t1_j6hx1mo wrote

Most of it anyway, Angela >!was killed off because her actress wanted out of the show, this has been confirmed both by her actress and Sam Esmail. Whilst a reason has never been formally given (some rumours claimed she had a messy breakup with Rami Malek but that could be rubbish) it's notable that she hasn't acted in anything since, so she possibly was just fed up with acting in general.!<


Royal-Lego t1_j6i1x0u wrote

If you take your time with the show, there's so many rabbit holes and easter eggs in subreddit discussions. Just search by season and episode like S1E01 or S01E01.

There are no spoilers, but the one I think about all the time is that the creator rendered an image as a sound at the beginning of a really intense episode. The image was the "Hang in There Baby" cat image. A fan's boyfriend was an audio engineer and immediately recognized what the sound was, and processed the audio back into an image.

"There was a strange squiggly noise at the beginning of this episode. My boyfriend is an audio engineer and knew right away that it was the sound of an image being rendered as audio. He grabbed the audio and processed it and found the "Hang in there baby" cat. But what does it mean?"


HearTheEkko t1_j6ijdii wrote

Definitely. The story can get really confusing sometimes with all the subplots, but the atmosphere, acting, twists and the big reveal at the end are absolutely phenomenal.


Socksmaster t1_j6inmqa wrote

I tried but it was so slow and boring as shit.


uknownada t1_j6ituq2 wrote

Why are you seeking Reddit's opinion? If you're interested, give it another chance!


Aldryc t1_j6iu2hf wrote

I really don't know how people were satisfied with how White Rose and The Dark Army plot resolved. After spending so much time on White Rose outmaneuvering every other major player in the show, it was insanely disappointing to have her arc and the mysteries surrounding her plan to be answered with essentially that she's just crazy.

Elliot's personal trauma and how his mental health felt like it had been planned from the start, and was a very satisfying wrap up. E-Corp, White Rose and a lot of the mysteries felt like they never had a plan behind them.


UrgentCold t1_j6j3opx wrote

yes, but the depressing outlook is contagious.


TriscuitCracker t1_j6j4ofz wrote

Absolutely. It’s one of the greatest shows ever done. S2 is generally regarded as the weakest but press on.


ozmega t1_j6jacet wrote

tbf, reddit gigapraises the leftovers and to me it is not that good at all.

at a lot of times it made me go "really? this is so stupid" like when i was watching season 7-8 of TWD

im fully prepared for the downvotes.


MarkMech t1_j6jazzf wrote

I tried to watch it twice, once alone and once with my gf (she was also trying a rewatch). We both enjoyed season 1 and couldn't remember why we stopped watching independently of each other. The season 2 happened... We had to keep pausing because it was killing our spirits.. Eventually we quit. I'm sorry, but if I need to slog though hours of boredom just to enjoy the later parts of your show, it's not a good show. I won't be attempting a third rewatch to finish


nikicampos t1_j6jg4lg wrote

That’s my first thought, like, just start the show, watch a few episodes and then you’ll decide if the show is for you, I could understand this question regarding video games cause you have to buy them, but movies or TV show, it’s just silly


CTPeachhead t1_j6l0eb2 wrote

I binged a season or two of it. But it just got too weird for me so I dropped it.


ERSTF t1_j6l0tca wrote

I was disappointed by The Leftovers. Some questions do need answers like how did Kevin get powers and what did it mean? With a show that finishes with a big question mark about the sudden departure, why bother introducing an extra layer of supernatural things and not explaining that. I am ok with no explanation about the sudden departure but to me not explaining supernatural Kevin felt like a cop out. Like Lindelof hadn't decided whether or not he wanted to give an answer about the sudden departure and gave Kevin superpowers, then decided for an open ended mystery, but it leaves Kevin's arc twisting in the wind. It's a good show that is frustrating because of its shortcommings


ERSTF t1_j6l1iff wrote

Sam Esmail knows what he's doing. This show has it all: killer cinematography, a superb soundtrack and score, delicious acting from amazing actors, a plot that hooks you from the start, memorable characters, innovative visual storytelling, a satisfying ending and incredible social commentary. Mr. Robot knew what it wanted to do and ran away with it. There is some growing pains on season 2 because season 1 was the buzziest show of the season, but the show is very good. One of my favorites.


AjvarAndVodka t1_j6ltvkt wrote

Yes dude! I had a completely similar experience. I watched the first few episodes back when the show was fresh and it kinda didn’t grab me. Also a lack of attention probably.

Then last year I gave it another try and wow. It is one of my TOP series of all time. It’s amazing.


37Schmeckles t1_j6m1vqu wrote

Mr Robot overall was a good show with moments of absolute brilliance and a slow start. It was worth watching, though personally I think its a little overrated. Particularly on this sub.


josephus1811 t1_j6mnjkd wrote

If you want to watch the performance that made a virtual unknown one of the most lauded actors in the world then yeh


Paul_cz t1_j6mtu3l wrote

Second season is a bit weaker but overall it is a great ride with some episodes being the best stuff made on TV.


What_u_say t1_j6ntzkf wrote

It's a great show in my opinion due to the complexity of the characters and strong overall writing. As long as you don't long up the plot you'll definitely won't see some of the plot twist. Also by and large pretty accurate depiction of hacking and hacking methods. I would also mention that it's not a feel good show ie you'll feel the stress the characters go through.