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t1_j6p1z68 wrote

Cunk is an amazing character. I hate the interview segments though, so much sympathetic embarrassment for me. Her performance is hilarious and the voice over bits and documentary parody are dead on, but goddamn I cringe into a ball watching her talk to actual experts. I know they are aware it's a joke and no one is being mocked or actually embarrassed, but it just makes me so tense to see.

Edit: Even through the immense discomfort "So King Arthur came a lot, didn't he?," absolutely floored me laughing.


OP t1_j6p2awe wrote

I don’t actually think they’re aware, a few go along with it but she’s not that well known and I bet the BBC just arranged the interviews saying it was for a documentary.

And yeah I’ve had 2-3 times where I just felt plain bad for the interviewee (when she’s being kinda rude to them) but I felt they worked well otherwise.