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berlinbaer t1_j6m7fp8 wrote

> very clever

i really like the show, but if you want 'clever' or twists this isn't really the show for you. i know they show the murder at the beginning so it's not really much of a mystery but even the way she solves stuff usually involves a ton of luck and a ton of coincidences. once you realise it's that kind of show it's a fun ride, but if you are expecting holmes like observation and deduction skills, this show is not for you.


astrocanyounaut t1_j6nbss2 wrote

Its not a mystery who did it, but how she's going to figure it out or catch them in a lie. I saw somewhere else its not a "whodunnit", but a "howcatchem". I like seeing how she integrates herself with the victim and perpetrators, and that we also know things are a lie when she does. I still think that's clever.


Prax150 t1_j6n6xak wrote

"clever" doesn't necessarily need to mean that the show has twists. Also that sounds like a weird way to watch a show, twists often don't make for a good story. Quite frankly rejecting that very notion is what makes the show clever to me


smalltalkbigwalk t1_j6mfkjk wrote

> but even the way she solves stuff usually involves a ton of luck and a ton of coincidences.

Oh, so she's just recycling the same character she played in "Russian Doll". First season was charming, second season was completely flanderized. That tells me all I need to know about this series. Thanks for the breakdown!
