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Dirtytarget t1_j5hoy84 wrote

Do you not understand story telling or is this rage bait?


Bushgjl OP t1_j5hp76j wrote

It's not storytellings thats the issue.

They horrifically beat a guy during interrogation, made a joke, and then that just gets dropped from the show. It is like even the writers forget they are actually police.


bloodyturtle t1_j5hpm9n wrote

police do that shit all the time dog


Bushgjl OP t1_j5hq68x wrote

Yeah but I'm not gonna watch an HBO series sympathizing with Derek Chauvin, am I?

If you want to make a police show where the3 police are that shitty and have them as main characters, it needs to be an almost lawless setting like Deadwood or Justified.


DougieJackpots t1_j5hrjhl wrote

For the most part bunk and mcnutty are “real police”… there are much bigger assholes in the show. They’re chasing monsters

Edit: also there are a lot of shows with shitty awful characters that are wildly entertaining


Bushgjl OP t1_j5hsdvp wrote

I found the characters to be too wooden so that their bad attributes were the only things that stood out.

There was no heart to them.
