redavid t1_j6fgfrx wrote
oh look, yet another example of someone never actually being canceled
Richard_Sauce t1_j6fua9a wrote
She got kicked off her show, that's at least semi-canceled. I don't give a shit, by the way, good riddance.
It's mostly just another case of a boomer/gen-x comedian feeling aggrieved that they can't say whatever they want without consequences.
NotTroy t1_j6irehp wrote
Again, she tweeted out a blatantly racist attack against a black woman. She wasn't cancelled, she was fired by ABC. This is not a new phenomenon of "woke" culture. This is how business works, especially with hugely public figures.
HPmoni t1_j6jhu0c wrote
Apparently she didn't know she was part black.
But she's been an ass for 40 years. Bill Cosby rapes. There's levels of bad.
19southmainco t1_j6ipi5b wrote
the show named after her booted her off, killed her character by accidental overdose, then renamed the show to continue on without her. she is the definition of cancelled
bhind45 t1_j6glpia wrote
In a way, she's one of the few people to actually get canceled, her show.
PhilAtiatto t1_j6io4qy wrote
Right they killed her off on her own and it’s honestly better without her forced humor
Kaiser_Allen t1_j6g94z9 wrote
Getting canceled doesn’t mean it’s forever. Five years is a long-ass time to not be able to work. If that’s not punishment, I don’t know what is. A lot of you seem to think cancellation is a one-and-done. It’s not, as long as you’re living. Anyone can change.
redavid t1_j6g9ouk wrote
has she changed?
and she was/is making plenty of money from that show still, and i doubt she'd have had any trouble finding work earlier if she wanted it
Lidjungle t1_j6nlnsv wrote
Person who gets paid millions just to talk says something that makes people not hear what she wants to say. "Cancelled" This discussion comes up as we discuss her new comedy special being advertised during the NFL championship game. Because cancel culture isn't just one and done.
I mean, I guess I got cancelled at birth! I'm still waiting for someone to give me 26 Million to do a Netflix special where I insult trans people. I mean, 50 years is a long-ass time to not have a Netflix special. How dare they deprive me of my livelihood like this!!!! Just the woke mob run amok I tells ya.
LandingStripPubes t1_j6gwj59 wrote
She did lose her entire career. A career absolutely filled with controversy.
Nodonutsforbaxter44 t1_j6fi3wv wrote
Did you forget the part where she was killed off her own show?
GreatLakesLiving28 t1_j6fk94r wrote
Why was she killed off her own show?
Lenny77 t1_j6fmnb0 wrote
Cause she tweeted some racist stuff. Pretty simple.
GreatLakesLiving28 t1_j6fmrua wrote
Exactly. These conservative morons don’t understand actions have consequences. They’re all constantly offended morons
ruiner8850 t1_j6g3p8a wrote
They also preach about how the free market should decide things without government influence, but whenever a company decides to do something because of the free market that they don't like they complain about it. They want companies to have unlimited "free speech" for things they agree with, but don't think companies who disagree with them deserve the same. In the case of social media companies Republicans actually want the government to step in and force these companies to allow theirs bigotry and lies. They want to do that all while making social media companies responsible for what their users post.
EvenBetterCool t1_j6fmqhs wrote
And she was never heard from again, right?
MulciberTenebras t1_j6fo4b8 wrote
Elya Yelnats: "If Only, IF ONLY!"
SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j6fps2d wrote
Do you think being cancelled means getting thrown into a gulag and never being heard from again?
She was killed off from a sitcom she brought back, named after her, and she had to give up any future earnings from it so that other people could keep their jobs.
edit: forgot this board is very pro-cancel culture and likes to pretend it doesn't exist
26_skinny_Cartman t1_j6fsi85 wrote
Yes that is what being canceled should mean. Never being heard from again. If you want to use it to replace terms like fired, terminated, let go, or whatever job dismissal term that's on you. It's just become a term that means some rich person had consequences to their actions like when a normal person gets fired.
SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j6ftrii wrote
>Yes that is what being canceled should mean.
No one thinks that's what being cancelled means. That just seems like some draconian definition so you can say no one has been cancelled.
26_skinny_Cartman t1_j6fucx3 wrote
Then just say they were fucking fired. Tom wasn't canceled by McDonald's for making derogatory comments. He was fired. Larry wasn't canceled from his accounting job for having sex with his subordinate, he was fired. Why do rich people get canceled and poor people get fired? Roseanne was FIRED from her job for being a racist, she wasn't canceled.
SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j6g0fzx wrote
> Then just say they were fucking fired.
They were fired because they were cancelled. What about that are you not getting?
>Roseanne was FIRED from her job for being a racist, she wasn't canceled.
She was fired because she got the outraged mob after her.
26_skinny_Cartman t1_j6g1arr wrote
So we just created the term canceled so people can blame others for the repercussions of their actions. Got it.
SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j6g2i3r wrote
>So we just created the term canceled so people can blame others for the repercussions of their actions. Got it.
No, we created it as a term for when a witch hunting mob arises and does whatever they can to ruin someone's career/life because they said something you didn't agree with.
You're being very disingenuous. Calling customers cunts to their faces is a fire-able offense. Telling a joke to your own circle on your own private time is not. Unless frothing lunatics catches wind of it.
[deleted] t1_j6g2zmv wrote
Fthewigg t1_j6j6nij wrote
Funny. When religious groups used to successfully boycott things they found sacrilegious or amoral, I don’t remember the word cancelled ever being used.
Same thing with The Red Scare. That’s how a country that supposedly has separation of church and state has “In God we trust” as our official national motto.
logicalnoise t1_j6fjpeo wrote
And yet her career persists.
gearvruser t1_j6fyyxb wrote
Racism was clearly stopped in its tracks though.
Never to be spoken of again.
Meme_Pope t1_j6flc9j wrote
I love when the defense of cancel culture is “we tried to cancel you, but were unsuccessful”
logicalnoise t1_j6fmh7b wrote
No one has actually been cancelled
Nuciferous1 t1_j6g06c6 wrote
Do you think she should have been able to keep her show?
logicalnoise t1_j6g0grt wrote
I mean she wasn't running it, the actress who plays Darlene does. It was her decision.
Nuciferous1 t1_j6g0sr1 wrote
Asking it a different way I guess, what makes you say she wasn’t canceled? What do you think canceled would have looked like in her case?
[deleted] t1_j6fngdd wrote
[deleted] t1_j6fjm2s wrote
Nodonutsforbaxter44 t1_j6fl5oi wrote
"We tried to cancel her but she got another job years later, canceling isnt real".....right
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