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-SneakySnake- t1_j63vx83 wrote

I've never been a big Doctor Who person but I've always liked the Daleks, there's something fun and quaint about a race of alien assholes who just want to kill everybody who's not them. No shades of grey, no sympathetic qualities but just the right amount of cheese and camp. I'd check out a show with them as the focus.


Notarussianbot2020 t1_j63ze2r wrote

Only if it's a buddy cop show where two daleks solve crimes and exterminate


tin_dog t1_j641jj3 wrote

Odd couple, please. A Dalek and a Cyberman.


TheIllusiveGuy t1_j663tp5 wrote

For emotionless killing machines, their snark is amazing.

Cybermen: Daleks be warned, you have declared war upon the Cybermen.

Daleks: This is not war, this is pest control!

Cybermen: We have five million cybermen. How many are you?

Daleks: Four.

Cybermen: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?

Daleks: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You are superior in only one respect!

Cybermen: What is that?

Daleks: You are better at dying!


LupinThe8th t1_j642wbm wrote

If the 13th Doctor's era gave us anything, it's a Dalek and a Cyberman having a brief moment of empathy by exchanging a "What. The. Shit." glance when the Master was dancing to Ra Ra Rasputin.


olgil75 t1_j642inf wrote

I can just picture them now screaming, "INVESTIGATE! INVESTIGATE!"