Recent comments in /f/television
thelizardcouncil t1_jegj569 wrote
Reply to THE NANNY never ceases to be funny. It's campy and silly and Fran Drescher was a highlight. by Lisieu_Lustre
Can’t watch this show without thinking about the stalker incident.
chrisagiddings OP t1_jegj1dt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in FBI on Paramount+ or CBS app by chrisagiddings
I show a new episode this week, even though IMDB does say the 14th.
spinereader81 t1_jegixae wrote
Reply to Horrible TV Moms? by LJ_909
Doc Martin's mom. Absolutely heartless.
Latter_Feeling2656 t1_jegiphq wrote
Reply to comment by Yarsian in THE NANNY never ceases to be funny. It's campy and silly and Fran Drescher was a highlight. by Lisieu_Lustre
It plays over-the-air on Cozi TV, a couple episodes every night.
TechnicalInternet515 t1_jegi7ip wrote
Reply to THE NANNY never ceases to be funny. It's campy and silly and Fran Drescher was a highlight. by Lisieu_Lustre
I enjoyed the show sometimes. The voice and laugh she really turned it up for that show (she does sound and laugh like that too sometimes but she really turned it up for the TV show.) The show also really dealt with issues like bullying and stuff like that, it was a bit ahead of it's time.
[deleted] t1_jegi67o wrote
Reply to FBI on Paramount+ or CBS app by chrisagiddings
NotmejusaBEe t1_jegi30v wrote
Reply to comment by homelander_30 in When is Gen V(Amazon’s The Boys spin-off) supposed to release? by [deleted]
Share this fortune tellers name so I can follow them also
[deleted] t1_jeghvt8 wrote
Reply to FBI on Paramount+ or CBS app by chrisagiddings
stoygeist t1_jeghubd wrote
Reply to comment by bros402 in What is your opinion on the Quantum Leap reboot? by Bruinsrock11
This one is seriously long. I appologize in advance. I started this last night and finished it today after writing and re-writing. This the best I came up with:
I just rewatched the Martinez parts of the season and this is what I put together. I apologize in advance because e it is really long. (Note: I started this last night and It was so big, I emailed it to myself to edit and post.)
Martinez initially thought Ben was following him in their first meeting. So, he wasn't looking to stop Ben at all at that point.
He was willing to work for Magic and do any mission asked, no questions asked. When Magic visited him in 2022, which is before he leapt.
On the battleship, he told Ben that he would win. Win what? Be the first to get to Ben’s target destination?
When Janis came back in to the picture during the mental hospital episode, she said Ben had 3 chances to stop Martinez before Martinez kills Addison. The hospital was the last chance. If he couldn't stop Martinez, then Ben was to sacrifice himself to stop Martinez. In this case it was to prevent the girl from getting saved which would prevent both from leaping and they both would be stuck in the past.
When Ben is stabbed, Martinez said his orders were to stop Ben before they crossed again. That implies that someone is working with Martinez. The funny thing about that is we don't see the helper, which is strange because Martinez can see Addison. So is it because we're not meant to see who is helping or is it because there is no one and Martinez leapt just before the meltdown and was told to stop Ben by the third meeting or else Martinez will fail his mission? Then again 1st episode Ben who leapt was told about Martinez because he told Janis that he had 3 chances to stop Martinez. But Martinez wasn't surprised to see Ben and knew about Ben so how can that be?
I got the pacifist part wrong before. He was calling Ben a pacifist. Which ties into when Martinez was talking to Addison, he said he was there to do what Ben couldn't. I'm assuming his mission is this. But he could also of meant he was there to save the girl because Ben couldn't. Probably purposely written to be vague by the show’s writers to cause more mystery and confusion.
One thing to note is that in the hospital, he told Ben that Ben sabotaged his initial plan to save the girl. Does that affect anything? Is that the only sabotage that Ben needed to do? While the girl is saved, he technically did sabotage Martinez. Playing devil’s advocate, Ziggy predicted that Martinez had a 10% chance of saving the girl on his own. Maybe Ben had to get there to sabotage Martinez’s plan because it failed initially and the girl was lost.
Ian said around episode 5 that Ben was using Quantum gravity to jump further and further. And that maybe Ben wasn't trying to get to the past. He's trying to get to the future. Why would he do that or how would he know he needed to get there?
Ok so let’s go wild and start trying to work everything out.
Ben is now supposedly in the future. We don't know if it is the very distant future or the near future. We assume it's distant because Ian appears to be much older. He’s waited for Ben for a long time. We also assume this is Ian in the future. But we really don’t know yet. It could be Ian leaping into someone in the future. If he figured out Ben was leaping to the future then he could also figured out how to meet him there too. Ben would see him as Ian if he was Ian himself or if Ian was a leaper. Also, if Ian was a hologram.
We assume the meltdown is because of Ben because the writing so far is making it seem that way. It can be the result of anything really because we don't know the date he’s at. He might not even be the future. If it is a nuclear winter, the radiation fall out could be messing with ben’s quantum signature and that’s why they couldn’t find him. Remember, Martinez never said that he had to stop Ben from ending the world. He just said he had to stop Ben before they crossed paths again.
So how did we get to this point? If the meltdown is the future and it’s the result of the project then what I the order of events.
My guess, original timeline is Addison was the original leaper and she dies. Her death causes some disaster to happen because she died, or her death doesn’t stop it from happening. Now the military steps in and takes over and sends Martinez. His mission could be finishing Addison’s mission or helping Addison. He could have failed or succeeded, either way the world is worse off so Ian has to go back and warn Ben. Doesn’t explain why He wasn’t surprised about Ben leaping. The only way I can see for this to fit is that Martinez leaps after Ian did. I’m thinking that Maybe Ian knows Martinez was going to leap (for finish Addison’s/help Addison reason? Completely new reason?) and figured out that if Martinez succeeds then disaster will strike.
Ian leaps and warns Ben before Martinez can. Of course, that wouldn’t go unnoticed so now Martinez knows he needs to get there first. Which the idea of getting there first is stupid because time travel can be to seemingly specific point so one just needs a spot just before the other. But this is TV. As he progresses, his handler thinks that Ben is no threat at first then realizes that Ben needs removed/stopped during the Mental hospital episode. That could be why Martinez waits till then to try and kill Ben. Something happens and we end up at meltdown. Maybe Martinez succeeds and destruction ensues. Maybe he fails and the world is worse off. Maybe the meltdown is deliberate destruction of Ziggy which is nuclear powered and causes a nuclear winter. Could even be Ziggy fighting back to not be shutdown permanently? If Ziggy’s the mole does that mean he’s alive and wants to stay alive? Does ben “arrive too late” and has to leap again to fix that? The bigger question is when leaps into the meltdown aftermath, is he walking out of the imaging chamber? If he leapt into someone who was in the chamber, who was it? Also how did Ian see it was Ben if he wasn’t also a leaper. He had no reason to think it was Ben at all. Not yet at least. And did anyone notice that both Ben and Ian are wearing Imaging chamber outfits under their “coats”? If I’m right about the outfits then Ben didn’t leap into the future, he leapt home.
Humor me and let’s assume I’m right. Ben leapt home. Maybe this was his destination all along and he was too late. Or maybe whatever Martinez did, caused the meltdown. Now what? Do Ben and Ian work together using the old 1st generation Ziggy/accelerator/chamber to send Ian back in time to tell Ben to leap using different info? If so, then maybe Ian didn’t leap before Martinez and Martinez leaps in the relative future to the start of the series. While doing his mission, Martinez and probable handler come across Ben and they use Ziggy to figure out that Ben is out to stop him for an unknown reason. Maybe in that timeline where Ben had not leaped, it was Ben who opposed Martinez’s mission and Martinez assumes Ben’s there to stop him and leapt somehow which is why he wasn’t surprised. They can’t stop him because they needed Ben for Quantum leap to function like u/bros402 said. It weirdly fits now.
Of course, there is one more possibility. What if the final destination was set to be the plane in the last episode? And they needed that leap to get ben to return home after the meltdown? It was the only way to ensure Ben lived to survive the disaster because in the original timeline ben dies in the meltdown. He knew all along that if he didn’t stop Martinez at the third point in time then he would have to go to the future to hopefully be able to build another system so he could go back and try to stop Martinez again. If he had stopped Martinez in the 3rd meeting, then he would have been able to leap back home. But he didn’t’ so he has to sacrifice himself as the last ditch effort by going into the future and hoping there was a way for him to go back and fix things. That was the only way to ensure Ben survives but there was no guarantee he would survive the future, or be able to go back in time again or anything really. That means maybe Ian was the one to leap at the last second before meltdown to go back and do the warning. When he comes back it is also post disaster as well.
It's all highly complicated and probably all full of shit, but the last theory works better than everything else. All the stuff up to the 3rd meeting fits. Ian is the last minute leaper in this case. Ben and Addison die in the original line. Martinez caused the meltdown. Ian goes back to warn Ben to get him to stop Martinez or else they meet in the distant future to try again.
punchinglines OP t1_jeghr6p wrote
Reply to comment by aethiestinafoxhole in Trevor Noah becomes first comedian in nearly 60 years to win Erasmus Prize by punchinglines
Like him or not, he's objectively a comedian, and a very successful one at that.
He is currently in the midst of a massive international comedy tour, stopping in 28 cities in the US, and already with 5x sold-out shows in Berlin, 2x sold-out shows in Paris and 2x sold-out shows in London
His comedy memoir, Born a Crime, has been a NYT best-seller for 176 weeks (for context, Obama's book maxed out at 23 weeks)
He has sold out comedy shows the Madison Square Garden in NYC, O2 Arena in London, Chase Center in California, Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam.
His comedy audiobook is one of Audible's Top 100 Best-Selling Audiobooks ever, with 206k ratings (for context, Atomic Habits by James Clear is at 115k)
He's had three Netflix comedy specials - his most recent (excl. the one released a few months ago) was nominated for a Grammy.
He has hosted the Grammy's, the most prestigious music event in the world, for three years in a row
ReservoirDog316 t1_jeghiv6 wrote
Reply to comment by ILoveRegenHealth in ‘Star Wars’ Series ‘Skeleton Crew’ Enlists Director David Lowery - The series wrapped production in recent months, however news of who directed is just now coming out, with more expected to be revealed later by Neo2199
Yeah that’s exactly what I was talking about.
Latter_Feeling2656 t1_jeghi19 wrote
Reply to How do you feel about the trope of the secondary love interests of the main characters getting together? by forbiddenmemeories
The dating-a-duplicate thing goes back at least to Perfect Strangers about four years earlier, where the Balki and Mary Anne characters break up and then show up with doubles of each other.
spinereader81 t1_jeghhh7 wrote
Reply to What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
I want to live in Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls! Such a cute little town.
ReservoirDog316 t1_jeghdch wrote
Reply to comment by CubistMUC in ‘Star Wars’ Series ‘Skeleton Crew’ Enlists Director David Lowery - The series wrapped production in recent months, however news of who directed is just now coming out, with more expected to be revealed later by Neo2199
Racism and death threats are the reactions we’re talking about in case you weren’t clear.
Difficult_Feed9924 t1_jegh7l1 wrote
Reply to comment by Varvara-Sidorovna in The Big Door Prize review – Chris O’Dowd’s comic timing is immaculate in this beautifully light sci-fi by PetyrDayne
I loved that show, the depiction of late Victorian England, the costumes, the music, the story itself. The book was really good too, explained the wife’s “madness.” I felt so bad for the women in the story except maybe for Mrs. Castaway.
ReservoirDog316 t1_jeggytz wrote
Reply to comment by Radulno in ‘Star Wars’ Series ‘Skeleton Crew’ Enlists Director David Lowery - The series wrapped production in recent months, however news of who directed is just now coming out, with more expected to be revealed later by Neo2199
Of course. But you’re still on a set handling a Star Wars piece of media but without any of the tidal wave of drama drowning you.
Plus, I’m sure the money ain’t bad when it’s a bunch of indie directors.
[deleted] t1_jeggen7 wrote
contaygious t1_jegg6rk wrote
Reply to What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
Milf island...
JohnCavil01 t1_jegg3pz wrote
Reply to comment by Sawses in What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
I’ve played the video games of that world. They’re not so great.
EDIT: oh wait wrong thread haha. Ignore that.
But yeah - I mean the whole conceit of the show is that they are sentient and to a certain extent even if they weren’t it still is very nasty reflection of human nature on display.
amnesiac2323 t1_jegfygz wrote
Don't tell me what to do
homelander_30 t1_jegfw4t wrote
I heard it will release in September. Invincible Season 2 is coming on July 7 and will end in August so Gen V will premiere in September- October.
"I heard" refers to a leaker on Twitter I follow who leaks stuff about Marvel, DC or Star Wars and they're known to be pretty accurate do I trust them.
traceitalian t1_jegfqr9 wrote
Reply to comment by Doc_coletti in Marvel's Former EIC Joe Quesada Signs First-Look Deal With Amazon by dow366
That story line was when I stopped buying comics, I just couldn't get over how insultingly stupid the retcon was. Not the fact it happened just how little thought went into it.
I just wait for collected stuff or digital now, I have no interest in getting invested in runs.
Difficult_Feed9924 t1_jegfo15 wrote
Reply to comment by edub1783 in The Big Door Prize review – Chris O’Dowd’s comic timing is immaculate in this beautifully light sci-fi by PetyrDayne
Hell, I loved that PSA he did for testicular cancer!
momto2grownmen t1_jegfl6v wrote
Reply to THE NANNY never ceases to be funny. It's campy and silly and Fran Drescher was a highlight. by Lisieu_Lustre
It's such a cute show where the comedy still holds up for me.
Smocke55 t1_jegj849 wrote
Reply to Amazon Prime's "SWARM" is a horrible show, don't watch it by ibnganja
isn’t this supposed to take place in the same universe as atlanta? it’s set in a surreal heightened reality, it’s not supposed to be realistic.