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Hopefo t1_jegpme6 wrote

I think the shows does a good job of balancing Fran’s sexuality as a lever for comedy and a thing that empowers her. The fashion and costuming has a lot of thought put into it which makes Fran feel so much more like a real person pulling these outfits from her closet. She’s not afraid to dress a bit sexier, while also maintaining a personal professional style. She’s not just some dumb Jersey bimbo, she is witty she’s clever she’s in total control of herself but doesn’t take life too serious, and the writers are able to take jabs when appropriate.

I wish we could see more characters nowadays like this. It feels like any sort of female character like that either has to be brainless bimbo the main character can feel better than, or total give no fucks flawless bad bitch femme fatale.


DisturbedNocturne t1_jegoapt wrote

I think Survivor had to pivot at some point and, if it didn't, it probably wouldn't have lasted as long as it has. There's only so many times you can watch someone starving, struggling to find food, unable to build a decent shelter, and having to weather the elements before it becomes old hat. The personality conflicts with the new casts and the game elements that serve to drive them help to keep it fresh.


hiptones t1_jegoa6n wrote

The other day, a clip popped up in my youtube feed. It's Fran and CC at the sushi restaurant where Fran loads up her first bite with a ton of wasabi. Her reactions after eating it and the fact that CC continues the conversation as if nothing is wrong is a pure Lucille Ball bit. It is done so well. Fantastic timing and the audience reaction. Then when she starts using her natural voice as the punchline? Classic.


annaamontanaa t1_jego863 wrote

I’m watching it for the first time right now, I just made it to season 5. Honestly, in my opinion, if you aren’t into it by the first 3 episodes, it’s probably not your type of show. I am loving it, but I was hooked from the first episode. I will say stick it out for the character development if you care enough because so far it’s been magnificent