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HookDragger t1_j8zo1ck wrote

Her best friend has already seen and rated it for your new GF


obviouslynotmymain18 OP t1_j8zof7p wrote

Bruh she hasn’t she just comment about how it’s uncut


reevelainen t1_j916nu7 wrote

Unmutilated penis is the norm all over the world. She's being a creep.


HookDragger t1_j8zozjx wrote

Lol okay, keep believing that.

But I’d you send a dick pic to a partner, requested or not… their best friend has seen it and commented.



pankakke_ t1_j912zij wrote

Some circles of people regardless of sex will share nudes with their friends without consent, sure, but outside of highschool/college years I think that drops down exponentially as many come to understand that’s fucked up. Im sure they talk, but sharing photos is it’s own beast, not everyone is that person.