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t1_ja5uumt wrote

The biggest lesson here is to never cheat on your partner. Doesn't matter if it is romantic partner or work partner or whatever. Don't cheat on your partner. Not for any reason. You do not have the right to do that simply for your own convenience. What you did was not just a mistake, it was unethical.

You are young, but not too young to start thinking about things like ethics, morals, and principals. Start building your own code to live by. A good place to start is "Do to others as you would have them do to you." Having a code of ethics can help us not do stupid, selfish things that hurt others and ourselves.


t1_ja5zfhf wrote

I mean, I think it was more nuanced than that. I was always against cheating. I just feel I was manipulated and in turn, like if it was gender swapped people would say that, and I made a horrible decision because I was being weak-willed and naive that I am never going to do again. I can see the red flags in retrospect. Both in myself and my ex. And I plan to grow from that. That doesn't mean we as people don't think about ethics and morals when we mess up, though. That's the whole thing with guilt and growth. I don't think you're ever too young for those lessons.


t1_ja6034n wrote

Nuance means nothing when you cheat on a partner. Don’t justify it, learn from it.


t1_ja60bje wrote

I didn't justify it. I acknowledged i have morals and ethics. Nuance means a lot in every situation, actually. That's literally how growth works. Thinking about every nuance so you don't do it again.