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kevin_k t1_ja52ef4 wrote

Never reward the gamble of the parents (or anyone) who don't want to pay for seats together and are counting on guilting someone out of their seat.


goshdammitfromimgur t1_ja6fxn6 wrote

If you book together by default you should sit together. Airlines splitting is the problem.

Sometimes they do it in breach of their own unaccompanied children policy. Anything for a buck, fuck them.


Kurbitsims t1_ja6sb30 wrote

I booked a vacation for me and my family a couple of weeks ago and it wasn’t even possible to book seats on the flight.


kevin_k t1_ja800au wrote

> If you book together by default you should sit together.

Agreed, if it's available. And you should be informed whether it is or not at booking time.