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ForTheHordeKT t1_ja53a0i wrote

Yeah, hell nah. The only crossover swap I'd even consider would be a window to aisle or the other way around. The window gives you the view and wall surface to lean against. If anyone is getting up to go to the bathroom then it isn't your problem unless it's you. But the drawback is you have the slowest bathroom exit of all. And if any of the others choose to remain seated rather than stand up and step out into the aisle with you then you get the awkward decision of whether you'd rather wipe your ass across their faces or drag your dick across their noses.

The aisle seat has the extra leg room and bathroom convenience. But it also means the flight attendant is going to be constantly leaning over you for the other two next to you or else you're basically the gatemaster for passing over everything the other two receive. If you have real needy passengers next to you, that can get annoying. You're also definitely going to have to worry about either standing up or remaining seated in the fetal position (but leaning far back into the guy behind you and drawing your legs up lol) as either of the other two squeeze by you.

There's nothing great at all about that goddamn middle seat. You're wedged in between two other fuckers, sitting rigidly ramrod straight. You have no relief in leaning up against the wall, or at least being able to relax up and let your feet drift a ways into the aisle. Etiquette demands that the two fuckers next to you let you have the arm rests at least. It's the one single consolation the middle guy gets. But let's be honest. We all know if you're the middle guy, you're going to have to vie savagely and assert your dominance for both of those arm rests. The rage at being stuck as the god damned middle guy should be sufficient at driving you to stake your rightful arm rest claim. You must give in to the dark side of the force, and show no mercy. For you shall receive no pity, you have nothing anyone wants. Unless someone is desperate enough to be offering you a better seat. There's no way in hell I'd trade into a middle seat unless I was already so damned to begin with. But if I was being offered to trade out of one, I'd be a fucking idiot not to.