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tennyson77 t1_ja7e8d1 wrote

I had one seat stolen from me by a couple that wanted to sit together. Thing is, I paid for that seat, and they didn’t even ask. If they had asked nicely I probably would have considered if, but I thought they were jerks for just taking it and telling me to move. I told myself next time I wouldn’t move no matter what. If someone wants to sit together then they can pay to be together. It’s not my issue that you didn’t want to pay to be next to your partner or your kid.


megajamie t1_ja815z9 wrote

A few years ago I got to my seat to find someone in it and they had the aisle seat on the other side.

Probably honest mistake I thought when they said and they were already settled so I got settled in theirs.

Plugged my phone into the usb and it wasn't working and noticed hers has been in the usb the whole time, probably noticed before take off and then swapped so she could charge.

Not the end of the world, but was banking on the full charge I'd get from the flight.


sethbr t1_jabqlob wrote

That's when you call the FA and get a bunch of free miles (or drinks) for the USB not working.