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coldbrew18 t1_j7w1l0i wrote

It’s cruel to force some cats to stay inside.


WraithHades t1_j7w4f8p wrote

If you can fence it in with a catio or a cat proofed fence then I'm all for letting the cats outside. Free roaming cats are devastating to the local environment and ecosystem. Plus they are likely to get run over or munched by a loose dog or coyote. I have my cats leash and harness trained which was a butt load of work but I can take them anywhere and not worry about them getting into trouble. It's more cruel to not give a fuck about what your cat is messing up outside the boundary of your walls.


IAmNotAScientistBut t1_j7wct2e wrote

It's cruel to let them outside. Humans feed cats, therefore cats do not actually need food to survive. However cats are little assholes, and they like to kill things

Domestic cats being supported by humans have wiped out billions of birds and mammals each year and are on track to continue to do so until they wipe out entire populations and eventually species.

In nature the cats would die off due to lack of food, but we feed them and keep their numbers artificially inflated.


JessVaping t1_j7whmvs wrote

Are you kidding me? Not about the destruction and murdering part. Domestic cats won't die out. They are one of the most successful per hunt mammals there is. They won't die out if people stop feeding them. They'll kill even more so they can also eat.