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t1_j90p4wg wrote

Did something dumb, wanted to keep it private, Girlfriend preassured him into sharing it with someone he didn't want to. He has every right to be mad. Just because you do something stupid, doesn't mean you lose all rights to being upset when being preassured. She messed up and it wasn't her right to push to share it.


OP t1_j90twrq wrote



t1_j92ilhu wrote

If I could offer a suggestion, go apologize to him if you can, and ask him if you can reach out to his friend together, and insist its very private and he didn't want it shared, and regrets doing so. Im sure if the friends a good guy, he'll understand, and that might help patch things up. Otherwise, just try to be there. I think his reaction is a bit extreme, but he has his reasons, so don't try to diminish them too much. End of the day, you'll just have to wait and see what he says and does. Mistakes happen, and i hope he forgives you.


OP t1_j92m3sh wrote



t1_j95385k wrote

Then unfortunately i think you're out of luck and just have to wait until he decides fully. Sometimes we make mistakes and things don't just get fixed. If he does break up with you, learn from it so that you don't make such a mistake next time, and move forward.