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_Kokiru_ t1_j9arwsy wrote

Pepper spray doesn’t do anything, a gun gets people off of you, of course you don’t fire unless it escalates and your life is at risk. It’s merely there as a deterrent. Imagine the situation at any other time, and perhaps a different location. He could have been dead man.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9av8c2 wrote

Pepper spray doesn't do anything? Really? Maybe if they're on cocaine! I promise unarmed car thieves don't have the fight in them. You don't take out a gun unless you're willing to use it, and so many things could go wrong once you show you're willing to kill them. The best case scenario for everyone is that they stop breaking into the car and go to jail. Non-lethal is the way to go.


_Kokiru_ t1_j9b0imv wrote

A gun is non-lethal. You aim it and tell them verbally to get away, or on the ground, etc etc. if you aren’t willing to kill when necessary, than you don’t value your life at all, nor the lives of others. This man would be dead in any other situation, but with a gun? At least you can shoot towards em and run, it’s a deterrent, and a weapon, not just a deterrent.

(Also “maybe in on cocaine” you don’t know if any of these guys were past military members, officers, etc etc, who have trained to be able to still preform with your “deterrent”. Don’t place your life in the enemies hands, take it and guard it yourself in situations like these.)


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9b1f5e wrote

" if you aren’t willing to kill when necessary, than you don’t value your life at all, nor the lives of others. "

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying that a gun needlessly escalates a situation. What happens if they charge you thinking they're going to die? It was a freaking parking lot with people in it, it's not like it was a back alley where he'd never have been discovered. Even if you DO shoot them, congrats, they didn't have to die and they'd have never been thinking life or death without that gun there in the first place.

My argument is simply that having something like pepper spray will create better outcomes in this particular situation than a gun.


_Kokiru_ t1_j9b1x8u wrote

Or it would tick off the bear, especially since there are two of them to worry about. These guys were already angry and unreasonable, no criminal is going to rob a car for their life, and these folks don’t seem high, you and I both know he wouldn’t have been beaten up if he had drawn a weapon. I put those words in your mouth, because that’s what your actions in regards to the situation state. Weapons only escalate an already escalated situation. Ie a shoot out. In such a case you run away if given the chance.

(You do also know that shooting someone doesn’t kill them right? That’s why you train with your gun, so you know when to take a life, and when to protect one even if they don’t see it as that.)


[deleted] t1_j9b86pk wrote



_Kokiru_ t1_j9bxlky wrote

So it isn’t life threatening to be getting your ass handed to you in a 2v1? Brilliant, never be a part of the jury please.