alan_alien t1_jeb252s wrote
Depends how far you are willing to go to get his number back. Each method below does get increasingly stalker'ish. So it's really up to you.
A phone professional could probably recover the text, unless your phone memory is maxed out and has been overwritten. A quick Google search on how to recover deleted texts on Android revealed a method involving a recycle bin built into the android text application. When deleting files, they are seldom permanently deleted, they are instead marked to be overwritten if your device needs the storage space.
If you have any pictures of his face, you can do a reverse Google image search and possibly find his Facebook or linked in profile or something... Or simply search for him on Facebook
If you know his name and town he lives in, or better yet, his favourite activities. You could phone a couple establishments near him and leave a message.
If you know where he works then could try that too. But don't straight up tell the receptionist your story, just ask if you can speak to Mr X. This is technically social engineering so choose your words wisely.
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