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MoonTearChild OP t1_jcw9urn wrote

Mental health hospital, I think its more for regulation than actual threat but I'd rather not find out the hard way lmao


Wooden-Helicopter- t1_jcwifsi wrote

Cans can be used for self harm.


LoginPuppy t1_jcxsqfh wrote

So can plastic bottles. Plastic can be sharp and stuff too


RissoldeChocolate t1_jcy26a2 wrote

You can also eat pillow filling until you die, at some point you have to accept reality.


AnEpicTaleOfNope t1_jcybh30 wrote

In a mental hospital, I'm sure they just have to be seen to be doing their best. Cans can have very sharp edges, so it's much easier to do damage with those, and perhaps wise to remove then as opposed to other more blunt objects.


azewonder t1_jcypima wrote

You’d be amazed at the amount of things you can hurt yourself with if you put your mind to it. Won’t go into stories, but I’ve had psych nurses ask me how in the hell I did that.

There’s only one thing I could never figure out - at one place, they wouldn’t let me have cheap flip flops for showering. Of course they didn’t answer when I asked what I could possibly do with them lol

Fortunately at a much better place now!


LoginPuppy t1_jczbiqd wrote

I remember some kid who hurt himself with a pencil, my school back then had like these pencils that you could lend if you didn't have one and they were really sharp because that teacher liked it to be organised or some shit. He stabbed himself in the hand saying some shit like he has super strong skin. Spoiler alert: he didnt.


RexIsAMiiCostume t1_jczj2ms wrote

I was in the psych ward and they had to cut the metal nose piece out of our masks because one girl (who I met) had previously used one to cut herself. Fucken EVERYTHING is a potential weapon.


ennovyelechim t1_jcy7xw5 wrote

I used to work in a company that supplied a few mental health hospitals, and it was an eye opener just how many things had to be taken into consideration to keep their patients safe. It's not easy, and I can see why that can's can be dangerous as they can be very sharp if you tear them into strips. It made me feel lucky that it wasn't my burden. I did one hospital some long necked, cemented smoke bins because one patient ate the butt's and was really ill, then the replacement were long necked but not weighted which wasn't an issue until someone got hit on the head with one. So we got the Weighted ones sent out. They did the trick, but there was always something, and no matter what contingencies you put in place, a patient in a manic state can be dangerous to themselves with anything that comes to hand. It's nobodies fault, and all you can do is to make everything as safe as possible before incidents happen.


MoonTearChild OP t1_jcz6g6w wrote

Oh yeah, anything and everything can be used to endanger themselves and eachother, it would be fascinating if it wasn't terrifying sometimes haha. Also I do look after a patient that has a bad habit of eating the butts of cigs too so that seems a bit more common than I previously assumed


ThadisJones t1_jcy2xyz wrote

I was at a party in college where a girl put a full 2 liter soda bottle into a pillowcase and swung it into some boy's face. He dropped instantly and then I don't know what happened because I decided to leave before the police showed up.


u399566 t1_jcycf49 wrote

Tell everyone you tried improving your new office with a touch of Baker Miller pink...