I’m planning to sneak in tonight to get her. They keep their door u locked and she sleeps on my bed. They won’t know I’ve been there. I’m going to let my friend know soon. Only once My cat and I are safe.
Bruh if he threatened to stab you with a knife after telling him you'll be late on rent, you do NOT want to get caught by him sneaking around the appartment.
You were right to get out of there, but I think you can let up on the secrecy. That guy isn't going to chase you down, and even if he actually wanted to he obviously lacks the ambition to find you. Please find a way to save that cat.
YOU have to learn to take over responsibility. All I read here is that it was not your fault, it is a bad situation, a lot of excuses. If you rent or buy something, make sure you can afford it.
Landlords are no LORDS. They are usually simple people that invest the little money they have into appartments. They also have to pay their credits to the bank. They cannot go to the bank and say "Well, I am so sorry, but the person renting my appartment had problems with her boyfriend..."
You really get other people into trouble because of your payment mentality. And that they are then angry is also understandable.
Sorry for not putting enough context into my post. I’m very new to this. It is my fault. That’s why I posted here. It is my fault that I couldn’t pay but when he threatened to kill me and shows no signs of fooling around, I ran.
You are absolutely right! This is such a no go! Somebody threatening you is not acceptable at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you may know this from yourself ... if you are under pressure, some people tend to find very offensive words, to express their anger. What shall he tell the bank, if he cannot pay the credit payments? He may also see his own family in danger.
Outrageous-Stay6075 t1_jcrd7ip wrote
Holy hopping horseshit that's fucked up. Definitely tell his son what happened; I too am worried about your cat.