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TheUselessOne87 t1_jcvdsbs wrote

kitty is with us lol. i think it's survivable I'll go open the windows now.

edit: been a couple hours. kitty smells like nutmeg now.


WildCard90 t1_jcw0bxv wrote

Kitty smells like nutmeg meow*


ThetaDee t1_jcx4efv wrote

What do you think I'm a cat jumping from tree to tree all nimbly pimply like?


TheIncendiaryDevice t1_jcx9iks wrote

Nimbly bimbly from tree to tree good sir


TheIncendiaryDevice t1_jcx9jss wrote

But do you see them eating mice!?


QuartzSkull t1_jd1kjlg wrote

This thread turned into Super Troopers and I absolutely love it


TallishBobcat t1_jcwoqul wrote

My cat's name is Nutmeg. So itd be appropriate for her. 🐈


Alas-Earwigs t1_jcwwk3z wrote

Haha, my cat is also a Nutmeg. We also have a Saffron. Together they are the Spice Girls.


jilliecatt t1_jcy3fwo wrote

I have a Potato and a Spud. They're the Tubers.


secondtaunting t1_jcxbktu wrote

Is nutmeg on the cat? Because it can be deadly. Wouldn’t want kitty getting sick from grooming himself.


TheUselessOne87 t1_jcxgs3c wrote

she hadn't gotten to the actual nutmeg yet. i think it's just the leftover spice mix in the air that had a nutmeg smell, also my nutmeg isn't in powder form, i always crush some nutmeg nuts as i need. kitty is doing great