Submitted by monkshood_bezoar t3_1241i3v in tifu
monkshood_bezoar OP t1_jdxcbrs wrote
Reply to comment by McWalking_Episode in TIFU by drinking black tea by monkshood_bezoar
Sounds like you must be a fast metabolizer. Here’s to getting through the rest of the day!
WholeSilent8317 t1_jdxhphw wrote
it's also partially tolerance! if you need a ton of energy drinks/caffeine to get through the day, try cutting a small bit at a time. i know it's hard, but then it will be easier to stay awake when you really need it
copper2copper t1_jdy9hsj wrote
I read that as "pain tolerance" for a second and got really concerned/confused.
theknightone t1_jdyc0bn wrote
Try being an inattentive adhd person and weaning yourself off caffeine. It is a true test of pain tolerance lol
Kierkaguardian t1_jdzs0s2 wrote
Literally me, lol. On top of that, I'm prone to migraines when I'm taking a caffeine hiatus to lower my tolerance if I don't remember to drink enough water. You can imagine how that goes with ADHD lol.
[deleted] t1_je04z4w wrote
epicenter69 t1_je07i48 wrote
Pain tolerance would be fitting also. Caffeine-withdrawal headaches suck.
QUHistoryHarlot t1_jdyik6o wrote
Caffeine can also make ADHD people sleepy but that’s cause our brains are different. I am one of the (un?)lucky ones that caffeine doesn’t affect me at all.
ZoraksGirlfriend t1_jdz3etq wrote
Is this why I always feel like napping after I have coffee? I have ADHD and I’ve never heard of this.
QUHistoryHarlot t1_jdzlqsx wrote
Yep, it sure is. I’ve heard caffeine naps are the best naps in the world so I’m a little jealous but I also enjoy not getting tired after I have tea or a coke.
eternal8phoenix t1_je1csoj wrote
Caffeine is baby adderall.
Seriously- small children with ADHD have LESS behaviour issues and better attention span after a sweet coffee than 'sober'.
Both are stimulants that get the ADHD brain to get its ass in gear and focus on something, in less than scientific terms.
Not the source I remember reading byt has some info.
Oohshiny77 t1_je2mztx wrote
Agreed! I worked a 12 hour backshift, got home and drank a Monster then crawled into bed and slept for 6 hours. Caffeine doesn’t affect me either.
Wireeeee t1_jdxi4i1 wrote
It makes you lucky tbh! It means even with little amount of caffeine you get a big benefit
monkshood_bezoar OP t1_jdxj7ur wrote
It certainly is useful when I have to be at work for over 24 hours!
McWalking_Episode t1_jdxcro9 wrote
Cheers mate
my_meat_is_grass_fed t1_jdxy2ur wrote
And TIL Bai has caffeine. Explains a lot.
ZoraksGirlfriend t1_jdz3c7r wrote
Hmm. Caffeine has never had too much of an effect on me. I’ll drink a cup of coffee and be ready for a nap 30 minutes later. I can even have caffeine at night and it won’t affect my ability to fall asleep. I’ve never heard of this slow/fast metabolized thing, but it makes sense.
more_beans_mrtaggart t1_jdz718b wrote
I had that come up in my genetic test. Slow caffeine metabolism, and I’m a British tea drinker. I love extra strong tea.
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